Chapter 31 Boiler Swing

  • Pet Editor
  • A mischievous tiger
  • 2109 words
  • 2019-04-10 20:02:15

It seems that he has taken advantage of it. Liu Yu laughed twice, "Don't be angry with Chief Lin, I don't understand."

Old Lin grunted, "Go to the Ministry of Health for an inspection."


At the Ministry of Health, there was still a strong smell of disinfectant. After the final inspection of the five rhubarb, Liu Yu's task was finally completed.


Just as they were about to leave, a male doctor from the Ministry of Health suddenly stopped him.

"What's the matter?"

Liu Yu looked back and asked curiously. Old Lin, who was beside him, cast his eyes and sat down in a seat.

The male doctor asked excitedly, "Can you ask me how you cured rabies?"


Old Lin's hand trembled. The teapot he was about to hold fell to the ground with a bang.

"What did you say?" he shouted, pointing to the doctor.

The male doctor was stunned. He took out two test sheets from the table beside him and handed them to Old Lin. "Chief, you'd better see them for yourself."

Old Lin took it over and looked at the two test sheets carefully!

It's really rabies!

"Liu Yu!" Old Lin shivered and put the test sheet on the table, calling Liu Yu's name.

Rabies is a zoonotic disease. Once people or animals suffer from rabies, the mortality rate is as high as 100%. There is no possibility of treatment.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yu can treat rabies!

Liu Yu swallowed his saliva. Oh, no! How could he forget it after a long time!

How to explain it?

Liu Yu's hands are full of sweat, or... or... throw the pot on the head of the Ministry of Health?!

Well, it's feasible!

"Cough, it's such a head of Lin. I think the Ministry of Health may have made a mistake. This German shepherd's disease is not a rabid dog," Liu Yu explained.

"It's impossible. The doctor from the provincial veterinary station came to check it in person. You can admit it. It's a great honor!" The male doctor shook his head and said.

"How can it be impossible? When the horse still stumbles, let alone people?" Liu Yu was even more righteous when he heard that people from the provincial veterinary station came to check. After all, people are far away. What I say here, they will not jump out to contradict me.

Lin Laoruo nodded thoughtfully to treat rabies, which was really impossible. He believed a lot about Liu Yu's misdiagnosis.

"This......" The male doctor wanted to argue again.

Old Lin got up, waved his hand and said, "Are we all done? If nothing happens, we should send the dogs back to the kennel."

Liu Yu also breathed a sigh of relief and hurried to leave behind Old Lin.

"Chief, when the task is completed, I will go back first!"

Old Lin nodded, "Go back and help me train them, especially Pan Bin. I don't know how arrogant he was when he was transferred."

Liu Yu touched his nose awkwardly. The two days of training have already hit him.

After Old Lin left, Liu Yu didn't go to find Zhang Lei and them, but slipped out quietly and made a phone call.

"Hello?" A lazy voice rang from the phone.

Liu Yu looked at the sun that was almost overhead and said helplessly, "Sister Nan, it's me, Liu Yu. I'm free today. Do you want to go to your place now?"

"Are you coming?!" When Liu Nan heard that Liu Yu was coming, he immediately became more energetic. "My sister is in Jiangwu Community, so when you get to the door, call her, and she will go out to pick you up."

what the fuck?!

Jiangwu Community?! Isn't it, such a coincidence?

Liu Yu smiled awkwardly and said, "Sister Nan, you'd better tell me your house number directly. I'll find you."

Liu Nan was stunned for a moment, and soon understood what was going on. "You... do you have an access card?"

Liu Yu said with a wry smile, "I said yesterday that I am a pet trainer. My current customer service is in Jiangwu Community."

"Well, my sister is in Block B-5. If you come, just press the doorbell."

Liu Yu hung up the phone, stopped a taxi that happened to pass by, and hurried to Jiangwu Community.

Before long, the car stopped slowly at the entrance of the community. Liu Yu got off the car. The guard on duty at the entrance of the community was the old guard.

"I didn't see you recently," said the security brother as he opened the door. "I thought something was wrong with you."

Liu Yu was sweating for a while. What could happen to me? Even if he was bitten by his intimacy, he dared not bite.

After a brief chat with the security brother, Liu Yu hurried to Area B.

Jiangwu Community is divided into four districts, A, B, C and D, which correspond to a kind of rich poor level.

Of course, Menglao's residence is naturally Area A.

After finding Block B-5, Liu Yu looked at the second floor villa in front of him and rang the doorbell.

"Sister Nan, open the door. I'm Liu Yu."


Liu Nan stepped on his slippers and put on his pajamas, and hurriedly ran to open the door. "Come in, stop writing outside."

Looking at Liu Nan, who still had a mask on his face, Liu Yu wanted to say whether he was coming at the wrong time. He would come back at the right time next time, but he was dragged in by Liu Nan before he opened his mouth.

The gate was closed, and Liu Yu followed Liu Nan to sit on the chair in the villa courtyard.

Although this villa has only a small courtyard, without the garden of old dreams, it is also very good. Two vines are planted beside the wall, and the iron net woven on the whole courtyard is dyed with a thick layer of green.

"Sister Nan likes grapes?" Liu Yu asked curiously.

"I don't like it." Liu Nan shook his head.

Liu Yu was stunned for a moment. Since he didn't like it, why did he plant it?

Liu Nan seemed to see his doubts and got up from the dense branches above his head and took out a small green snake about 20cm long.

what the fuck?!

Liu Yu was shocked. If Liu Nan hadn't taken the initiative to take it out, he wouldn't have noticed that there were snakes in the big leaves above his head?!

"It's called Xiaoqing. It's a green snake. It's not toxic. It's very docile and won't take the initiative to attack." Afraid Liu Yu was unclear, Liu Nan specifically explained.

No poison is good

Although Liu Yu has kept a cool pet for a day or two, to be honest, he still has some aversion to this kind of pet.

"It's called Xiaoqing, isn't it?" Liu Yu tried to communicate with Xiaoqing, but found that the latter did not respond at all.

It seems that this emerald green snake has low intelligence.

"Why don't you try to touch it?" Liu Nan handed Xiao Qing on her wrist to Liu Yu.


Liu Yu bravely took it over. At the same time, he entered Xiaoqing's name into the pet editor and opened the message.

Name: Xiao Qing

Age: 4 months

Body type: small

Gender: male

Variety: Green Snake

Hunger value: 5/10

Strength: 2

Wisdom: 1

Agility: 1

Constitution: 2

(The average value of adult Green Snake is 3)

Hobbies: mice, eggs, frogs

Skill: None

Character: mild

Status: None

Favorability: 10

No wonder it's impossible to communicate. It's too low in intelligence.