Chapter 18 The Dog

  • Pet Editor
  • A mischievous tiger
  • 2042 words
  • 2019-03-27 17:47:29

After the whole process, Liu Yu also roughly understood.

It's too childish to use whistling to give orders to military dogs. Liu Yu thought of it like this.

"Seven minutes and 28 seconds." Li Weiguo, who is in charge of recording, paused his stopwatch and shouted to Pan Bin.

"Yes, yes, there is progress." Pan Bin squatted down with a smile and rubbed sunspot's head to show encouragement.

Feeling the joy conveyed by Pan Bin, sunspot cried out twice excitedly, wagging his tail around him.

Liu Yu nodded. Although he didn't know what this time represented, he could still see some envy in the eyes of others.

However, Liu Yu thought that sunspot could be faster.

He could feel that when sunspot took off at some corners or went down into the hole, he was obviously hesitant about his actions, and might still be in a state of half knowing and half ignorant about the instructions Pan Bin conveyed.

"Liu's guidance is basically such a process. The training without traction obstacles can not only train the physical strength and speed of the military dogs, but also reflect the degree of tacit understanding between the trainers and the military dogs."

Liu Yu nodded and patted Xiao Cui on the head. "Do you want to come again?"

"Come as soon as you come. Who is afraid of who?"

Xiaocui can't wait. As a Tibetan mastiff among dogs, how can he watch other dogs take the lead in front of him?

"Then remember to listen to my password and don't run around by yourself," Liu Yu reminded.

"I know, let's start now." Xiaocui said impatiently.

"Good. Wei Guo, help me time!"

Li Weiguo is stunned for a moment. He sees Liu Yu taking Xiaocui to the training ground and hurries to clear the stopwatch record.

Zhang Lei, who has been silent, is also staring at Liu Yu, who is confident. I thought, what has happened in the past two years? How could it have changed so much?!

"Instructor Liu is not going to whistle?" Zhuang Qiang asked unexpectedly as he watched Liu Yu walk straight into the training ground, nudging Shen Sicong with his elbow.

Shen Sicong pushed his glasses and said, "Instructor Liu is different from us. He came in halfway. If you don't count the last time, this is the first time he has participated in our training since he came here. He should not understand this. Maybe he has his own way."

Zhuang Qiang nodded thoughtfully, as if for such a reason. But dogs are different from people. They can't understand words. How can they remember instructions without whistling.

Is there any special method that Director Liu can't do?

Others share the same idea.

When Xiaocui stood on the runway, Liu Yuchao nodded to Li Weiguo and shouted, "Run!"

At the moment when Liu Yu shouted "Run", Xiaocui moved like a ferocious animal released from a cage. She gave out an excited roar and moved her vigorous limbs. Under the intense movement, her hair all over her body was like a burning flame, and galloped off on the running track of the training ground.

At the same time, Li Weiguo pressed the stopwatch to start timing.

All eyes focused on the fireball that was burning on the runway.

"It's coming!"

With Xiaocui's speed getting faster and faster, the first hurdle also appeared in everyone's view.

"Reclining slot, why didn't Liu give instructions?"

Soldiers regard obeying orders as their bounden duty, and so do military dogs. When they don't get the next order, they will rush over even if there is a wall in front of them.

Seeing that Xiaocui was less than 50 meters away from the hurdles, everyone was worried about it.

Even Pan Bin, who has achieved excellent training in all aspects, only dares to give instructions in advance when he is 100 meters away, so that the dogs have enough time to identify the instruction information and complete the corresponding actions accurately.

Now, Xiaocui is only 50 meters away from the hurdles, and Liu Yu still hasn't given instructions.

"It's a pity." Gao Jian sighed. If Liu Yu didn't give the order and Xiao Cui made a move on her own, though she completed the action, she lost the most basic point of the military dog and obeyed the order.

On the contrary, it was Liu Yu who gave the order, but because the hurdles were too close, Xiaocui had no time to make a judgment, so she knocked down the hurdles.

From any point of view, Liu Yu will not get good grades.

Just when everyone began to look down on Liu Yu.

The word "jump" is clear to the ear.

It's too late to give orders now!

Just when everyone was ready to watch Liu Yu's jokes.

The flame flying on the runway... actually flew up?

How is that possible?

This must be a coincidence!

Seeing Xiaocui take off when she is only one meter away from the hurdles, everyone's eyes are almost flying out.

This Nima must be the time when Liu Yu gave the order to catch up with Xiao Cui's self assertion!

Otherwise, how to explain this incredible scene?

Liu Yu can talk like a dog... Bah!

Can dogs understand people?!

It must be a coincidence. I won't have such luck next time!

There are three hurdles on the runway. Xiaocui just passed one hurdle, and there are two left.

The crowd again focused on Xiaocui and waited quietly for the next hurdle.

Fortunately, the next hurdle is not far away. Xiaocui soon ran into a safe distance of 100 meters, and once again approached 50 meters!

"Crash, crash, crash!"

Seeing Xiaocui getting closer to the hurdles, everyone clenched their fists, as if watching the World Cup, and secretly worked harder. Even Zhang Lei, who had the best relationship with Liu Yu, began to read along.

The sunspot shivered, and looked at the crazy crowd with some fear. Although he could not understand what they were saying, he always felt that they were trying something crazy on the edge of danger.

Liu Yu sneezed, rubbed his sour nose, and continued to focus on Xiaocui.

Forty meters,

Thirty meters,

Twenty meters,

Ten meters!

Liu Yu still didn't give orders! The chants over there are louder and louder, just like waving flags and shouting.

"Crash, crash, crash!"

What the hell?

Liu Yu looked back in wonder, and the voice immediately changed into, "Come on, knock! Come on, knock!"

This should be their unique way to refuel. Liu Yu shook his head, turned around and continued to stare at Xiaocui until there was less than one meter left before he gave the order again.

"Xiao Cui, jump!"

At this moment, everyone held their breath and locked their eyes on Xiaocui.

The next second, Xiaocui's two hind legs suddenly started to fly.

"Reclining trough!"

Watching Xiaocui land safely and continue to move forward at full speed, all he had prepared was a thousand words.

Once is a coincidence, and twice is also a coincidence?

Suddenly, the wind began to turn.

"This is too divine!"

"I think this is a Tibetan mastiff that can understand Chinese!"

"Holy dog, kneel down!"