Chapter 7 Extremely Like Love

Chu Xiao moves more quickly than ever before, carrying the girl of Muchen Palace with one hand and wielding a sabre with the other.

Zou Yue provided timely support and took Chu Xiao back.

Fortunately, the forces of Shenhe Army in the city are not superior, otherwise Chu Xiao's trip would be another result.

"You guys, guard this door. If there's anything wrong with the fairies in the Muchen Palace, none of you will survive!"

Zou Yue gave an order to the soldiers of the Northern Army, and then asked Chu Xiao to carry the girls of Muchen Palace into an empty inn. Then he followed them in.

"See, brother, I have just become a soldier, and I have such a great charm that I can give orders!" Zou Yue looks excited, because just now those northern troops have listened to his orders.

"Shao De Se, they are all new soldiers. If they die because of your order, you will feel guilty for life!" Chu Xiao gave Zou Yue a white look, and then let the girl of Muchen Palace lie down flat.

The girl was still breathing, her pulse was strong, but she passed out.

"So her name is Lin Bing." The girl's waist was hung with a jade pendant of Muchen Palace.

"To tell you the truth, I actually want to beat her up because she made me expelled from the army," Chuxiao said.

"Then you still saved her? I think it's better to throw her out!"

"Cough..." The girl Lin Bing coughed a few times and woke up.

Zou Yue was stunned for a moment, and saw Lin Bing staring at him viciously when he woke up. Then he looked at Chu Xiao again.

"Why don't we just do it or not?"

"I don't want to die!" Chu Xiao kicked Zou Yue. "Go to the door and watch. Don't let others make dumplings!"

Later, Chu Xiao stared at Lin Bing and said, "Don't talk, have a good rest. Since I have saved you, I will not ignore you, nor will I kill you."

Lin Bing's eyes calmed down. She was too hurt to move and could not even speak.

However, Chu Xiao still had some contradictions, because he was soon unable to protect himself. With such a half dead girl, he doubted whether he had been kicked in the head by a donkey.

"I really don't want to save you, because you made me lose my military status. I wonder why I ran to save you just now?"

"I know it's because of love!"

Chuxiao stumbled and almost fell to the ground. He was completely shocked by this sentence!

"Love your sister's love, you know what a fart love, the enemy has killed!"

Several Shenhe soldiers came over, but those new soldiers were defeated and were slowly retreating!


Zou Yue cursed loudly, and then joined the battle group, killing and retreating several enemies.

"Damn, dare to bully my brother!"

"Brother Zou, the situation is not good, more and more cavalry regiments are coming to the city..." A new soldier said timidly.

It's not easy for new soldiers to persist until now, but they know that there is no way back, even if they surrender, they will die, because the Shenhe Army is not to defeat them, but to kill them. What the Shenhe Army does is to destroy the family!

"Since the founding of the Northern Army, there have been no deserters. Do you want to be deserters? I tell you that once you leave this city, you will not live for half an hour. The cavalry on the plain is invincible!" shouted Zou Yue.

"What nonsense! The Shenhe cavalry can't move in the city. The government soldiers and the heavenly soldiers begin to retreat, and we also retreat to the center of the city!"

Chu Xiao took a look at the city head full of monsters and resolutely chose to retreat.

Chu Xiao picked up Lin Bing and left with his sword.

Without hesitation, Zou Yue ordered the recruits to leave together.

"Watch out for arrows!"

The Shenhe cavalry started to shoot arrows. These arrows are blessed with spiritual power. They are powerful and can shoot through the wall!

"Xiao, you are smart. You can block arrows with her!"

"Thanks for reminding me!" Hearing this, Chu Xiao hurriedly put Lin Bing down, held him in his arms, and threw away all his swords.

However, with a whoosh, two Northern soldiers beside Chuxiao were pierced by the same arrow, and both were nailed to the wall!

"Zou Yue, I think you are still suitable to be a fireman!" Chu Xiao scolded Zou Yue for many times in his heart. If he was shot, let alone carrying a woman on his back, even if he was carrying a shield, he would be killed. These arrows are blessed with spiritual power!

"Xiao, you forget the glory of being a sergeant. The sword is life!"

Zou Yue picked up the sword of Chu Xiao and put it in Chu Xiao's arms.

Chu Xiao felt dizzy for a while and almost gave up running away. He really doubted whether Zou Yue meant it.

He doesn't have anything to say, but this sabre presses on Lin Bing who is seriously injured

"You bastard, don't run away!"

Chu Xiao quickened his pace and caught up with him. If he hadn't been holding someone in his arms, he would have kicked Zou Yue.

As expected by Chu Xiao, the retreat of the defenders and heavenly soldiers is to restrict the movement of these monster beasts. In this way, the defenders and heavenly soldiers without mounts are more flexible, which makes the Shenhe cavalry rushing into the city hard to move!

"All cavalry fighting on foot!"

The Shenhe Army is not a fool. It immediately saw the intention of Liangcheng's garrison. After rushing into the city, all the cavalry served as infantry envoys. At the same time, the Shenhe infantry outside the city also killed them!

There is a garrison in front, but the Shenhe Army hasn't killed them for a while. The spies who used to sneak into the city have been cleaned up. Chu Xiao has much less pressure.

"There is a restaurant ahead. Let's go there to have a rest. It's really tiring!"

Chu Xiao's physical strength has almost reached its limit. In such a chaotic situation, even if he is alone, he can't support it for too long. What's more, he still holds a big living man!

"Come on, drink some water!"

Zou Yue found a gourd ladle, scooped a large ladle of hot water and handed it to Chu Xiao.

This used to be a restaurant. The fire in the kitchen has not been extinguished, but the enemy has already entered the city. The shopkeeper has already fled.

By this time, the recruits had already been separated and their lives were uncertain. Except for Lin Bing, who was seriously injured, only Chu Xiao and Zou Yue entered the restaurant.

"What are you looking for?" Chuxiao calmed down and found Zou Yue turning something.

"I'm looking for medicine," Zou Yue said.

"Fool, this is a restaurant, not a hospital. Where can I get the medicine?" Chu Xiao was speechless. However, he paused and looked around. "Get a pot of wine. I remember the boss said wine can cure injuries!"

"Yes, how could I forget this? Come right away. There is nothing much in the restaurant, but there is much wine!"

Soon, Zou Yue came out with two jars of wine and put them beside Chu Xiao.

"We are not allowed to take wine with us in the army, and we have never used wine to treat injuries. How can we use wine to treat injuries?" Zou Yue was in trouble, and it was his first time to use wine to treat injuries.

"You ask me who I am going to ask? However, this wine is for drinking. Maybe she can drink it." Chuxiao said.

"That's reasonable, but which kind of wine has better effect? Burning knife or daughter red?"

"Nonsense, she is a woman, of course, Daughter Hong!"

Lin Bing nearly fainted when she listened to the conversation between Chu Xiao and Zou Yue, but now she is seriously injured and something has blocked her throat. She can hardly breathe, let alone speak.

"Sobbing..." She shook her head to stop Chu Xiao and Zou Yue, but Chu Xiao had already poured out her daughter Hong.

"Shall I take off her veil?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? How can you feed her wine if you don't expose it?" Chu Xiao gave Zou Yue a white look.

"Wait, what if it's an ugly monster?" Zou Yue pressed Chu Xiao's hand.

"Don't save someone who is ugly? Go away and don't waste my time!"

"Okay, don't throw her out by yourself..."

The moment the veil was removed, Chu Xiao and Zou Yue were stunned... They only saw a delicate little face, white and flawless

"It's so beautiful... like... like..."

"It's like love!"

Chu Xiao used to say that she looked like a fairy in the sky, but Zou Yue said that!

"You know what love is! Hurry to help feed her!"

"Xiao, to be honest with you, I'm excited. This is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, but this is what you brought back. I won't compete with you. When the war is over, I will bring one back!"

"Shut up, you have been in the Northern Army for ten years, and you have been in the military camp since you returned to the city. Liangcheng is a military city. How many women are there? Have you ever seen women?"