Chapter 60 Goodbye Qi Jihuan

On the whole, the birthday party ended successfully. After that, Meng Zunyi and Su Rong, the Northern Emperor, returned to their bedroom to rest. Meng Zunyi said, "Do you think something is wrong with Yun Er today?"

As she undressed Meng Zunyi, Su Rong said, "I'm afraid you want to say whether our son has been moved by the princess. Today, she is defending Xie Qingyou like this."

Meng Zunyi nodded and said, "Well, that's what I want to ask. I've never seen Yun Er take care of anyone or anything like this before. Today, those who want to give Xie Qingyou some color have been dodged by Xie Qingyu one by one, but Xie Qingyu has not made a stumbling block for those people to fight back. But our son is always getting back from others. "

Su Rong smiled and said, "Isn't that good? Your proud son didn't look up to anyone before. It was not easy for one of them to say a few words, but they just looked down on him. Now it's good to have a girl who can get into his heart."

Meng Zunyi said, "If this girl is not Xie Qingyou, anyone can, even if it is an orphan girl in the street. If Yun'er really likes it, what can I say? If Yun'er really likes it, she will be a concubine in the future. But Xie Qingyou has a special identity, and I'm afraid Yun'er is seriously moved, so it's hard to do things then."

Su Rong said, "Don't worry, Yun Er is not so confused. Besides, it's still a long time. We have enough time to convince Xie Qingyou to become our real daughter-in-law."

Meng Zunyi said, "If it can be as you imagine, it's really a good thing. It's better that Xie Yun and Song Min can also belong to the Northern Kingdom of China, which is really like adding wings to a tiger!"

Su Rong said, "It's very late. Go to bed! It's still early tomorrow!"

At the Prince's Mansion, Xie Qingyou was about to get dressed and go to bed, but he heard Mo Li exclaim, "Prince?"

Xie Qingyou has already put on his faded coat. He wants to go out to see Meng Lingyun has already come in. Apart from his white satin pajamas, he only adds a thin cloak outside, which makes the whole person look softer. Especially the smile on his face once made Xie Qingyou think that this person has been changed recently?

After a while, Xie Qingyou asked, "What do you want to do?"

Meng Lingyun went inside and said, "Sleep."

Xie Qingyou was surprised and said, "What.

Xie Qingyou was so angry that he said: "Meng Lingyun, what do you mean? You and I have always been well water, but now you are..."

Meng Lingyun forestalled me and said, "There's nothing wrong with me. I told you that you are my wife and I am your husband. Even if I don't do anything else, I have to sleep together. Before my mother asked me why you still haven't heard anything. She was afraid that she would send someone to watch you and me in the mansion."

Xie Qingyou quietly watched Meng Lingyun make up such a lie. He said, "You can continue to make up, expecting me to be pregnant? You think I'm stupid! Get up quickly, I'm going to bed, Meng Lingyun is even more a waist hugger and gets Xie Qingyou to the inner bed.

When Mo Li saw that she had to stop him, she pulled Xie Qingyou from the bed, but two little maids jumped out of nowhere and dragged Mo Li out. Xie Qingyou is also worried when he sees that Mo Li has been dragged away, and he wants to struggle to get up. But Meng Lingyun has held her, and her strength is no different from that of a kitten in Meng Lingyun's eyes. Instead, he had extra strength to cover her with quilt and said, "Well, go to bed quickly. I'm tired all day today. I won't do anything to you!"

He closed his eyes first. Xie Qingyou's struggle slowly calmed down,. Just a pair of eyes stared at Meng Lingyun for a long time without moving. After confirming that he was asleep, he tried to break Meng Lingyun's embrace. However, Meng Lingyun was still holding her tightly.

Xie Qingyou tried unsuccessfully for many times, and could only give up. Xie Qingyou suspects that Meng Lingyun is not asleep at all, but the even breathing sound in his ear can still explain the problem. Therefore, Xie Qingyou slowly fell asleep after struggling for most of the night.

But there was one person who couldn't sleep through the night. This person was Nanli.

In order not to let others find out that she is not asleep, he specially extinguished the candles in the room. He sat on the bed alone, looked at the sleeping wolf cub next to him, and touched his head from time to time. It seemed to be a special enjoyment, and moved his head to sleep.

Why can't Nanli sleep? Is it because I will see Qi Jihuan tomorrow? She can't sleep because of this? This is really a big joke! But she really can't sleep. What should I say when I see him tomorrow? Forcing him to hand over the antidote? Will he hand it over easily? No, he will not! Since he can poison his own body, he will not easily detoxify it. Maybe he asked himself to go this time because he needed help with something?

yes! It must be so. Qi Jihuan, since you are so sure that I will not tell Meng Lingqi, I will tell my master to see what you can do! Nanli had made up his mind to tell Meng Lingqi, but he had just sat on the edge of the bed and had not had time to put on his shoes. Nanli thought that if Qi Jihuan had already predicted that he would think so, he would go and tell Meng Lingqi what to do if he happened to fall into his trap? What's the ambush there? It's better to find out what's wrong with him first. If anything happens, I can come back and tell Meng Lingqi in time?

Otherwise, Qi Jihuan will be dragged to the Northern Kingdom and will never return! Let him know that the Northern Kingdom is not where he wants to come and leave! However, when Nan Li said she was so ambitious, when she saw Qi Jihuan in the Gilt Pavilion, Nan Li knew that what she said last night was nonsense!

When she saw Qi Jihuan's smile, her heart still missed half a beat. But Nanli's mind can only be known by himself, and no one else can know! Therefore, the whole process in Nanli was very indifferent. Without any temperature, he said, "What are you looking for me for?"