Chapter 32 A flash in the pan

Hehuan knew that Xie Qingyou could not trust her from the bottom of his heart. It would be futile to continue, but Meng Lingyun's suspicions had been added. Therefore, she stopped talking and backed out, just secretly worried about Nanli. She had long hoped to find out her own life experience and find her parents and family members. Now there may be a clue, but people are in the wolf den. Now she doesn't know what happened to people.

How is Nanli? I'm afraid the situation is bad! It turns out that with Nanli's ability, she can cope with the wolf no matter how fierce she is. But I don't know why. Every time Nanli wants to show mercy, her heart suddenly cramps. Every time she cramps, the wolves have more opportunities to attack her. Suddenly, many new injuries have been added to her body. Although the body can resist the poison of these wolves, In the long run, he will also lose blood and die. Therefore, Nanli had to be ruthless, seriously injured or directly killed. In this way, my heart is better.

When the wolves saw her excellent skills, they did not dare to approach her easily. They saw her standing alone against the wall, wondering what the problem was. If she came back, no one would have a chance to attack her, it would be a chance. She also concluded that some of the people she knew were really annoying, but they would never do those sneaking things. Is it in the South? But Qi Jihuan is the only one who has the chance to do tricks!

Thinking of this possibility, Nanli felt his whole blood was cold! I couldn't believe it for a moment, but I couldn't figure out what benefits such poison could bring to him? After that, my heart felt sad again. What I said "like" was just rhetoric to deceive me. Fortunately, I didn't get carried away by the so-called love. Otherwise, I could not have been calculated by him!

Now Nan Li is covered with scars. She has long been unwilling to stay here. Go out as soon as possible and admit to Meng Lingqi that she is wrong. When she sees Qi Jihuan tomorrow, she will not relent. That is to say, she really thanks Qi Jihuan for planting this poison on her. Otherwise, how can she make up her mind?

Nanli, with the pain in her heart, cut down the fierce wolves that were coming at her all the way and rushed to the cave entrance. Even though she was covered with blood, she could not tell which was hers and which was wolves. But when I came to the cave entrance, I suddenly heard a wail. Nanli looked back and saw that it was a female wolf who was already in labor. No wonder she never took part in the battle, only in the corner. Just now, when she saw that her partner was injured or dead, she threw herself at Nanli. Nanli slapped her aside and was dying.

It turns out that she is pregnant.

Nanli's heart softened, and there was another bout of angina. He couldn't leave, but he couldn't get used to this kind of cry for help. Because of his childhood experience, he also came to the female wolf with teeth clenched, and said: "I know how cruel a palm is just now. In addition, you are very weak. Now you have five internal organs incomplete, and I'm afraid you won't live long. If you want me to save your child, I can only cut your abdomen and take out the child."

As soon as she heard this, she whimpered again. She agreed with Nanli's statement and closed her eyes. Nanli picked up the dagger she had just discarded, and with a cruel heart, she opened the mother wolf's belly and took out the baby wolf. The female wolf's wish has been fulfilled and she has died.

With a sigh in his heart, Nanli held the wolf cub and stumbled away. But my heart is not more painful than just hunched up, but a sense of convulsions. Fortunately, Qi Jihuan's poison was really nothing but pain, otherwise, Nanli would surely die.

Nanli himself is covered with blood stains. He washed the pups first, and they looked dry and thin. At first, they were malnourished when they were in the stomach. In addition, the palm of Nanli just now had some effect on him. So he was not very energetic. He always slept with his eyes closed. Occasionally, Nanli didn't understand what he was trying to express, so he didn't pay attention to it. Until he walked back with the wolf cub and passed through the dead forest, he met a girl in a purple cloak.

The hat of the girl's cloak covered half of her face, making it hard to see her face. Just looking at her figure, I'm afraid she is young. When she opened her mouth, it was very crisp and said, "Sister, she is hungry."

Nanli did not know who the girl was, so she was a little more alert, and her eyes were not very friendly. But even in Nanli, the girl was still fearless, and she went forward and took something from the bag she tied around her waist, embroidered with epiphyllum. When he came near, he saw a small bottle, which seemed to contain goat's milk.

The girl handed the thing to the wolf cub, and the wolf cub drank without opening his eyes, very eager. So Nanli believed that the wolf cub was really hungry. So he asked, "Are you a sleeping child? Why are you in this wild mountain?"

The girl didn't say much. Seeing that the wolf cub was all right, she just glanced at Nanli and turned away. Nanli just saw the girl's beautiful appearance, which was very good. Her eyes were clear, and she acted erratically. She thought that she was the daughter of a hermit in some remote mountain. Now she happened to meet her. But I still have some doubts in my heart.

When they returned to the mansion, everyone was shocked when they saw Nanli coming back injured. They hurried to report to the fourth uncle. The fourth uncle came to see that Nanli had already changed his blood clothes into a white coat and sat there staring at the wolf cub. It seems that the injuries are not serious, just some skin injuries!

The fourth uncle ignored the wolf cub on the table and said, "I heard that you came back injured all over? Why are you so careless? Even though the wolves are so fierce, you dare not look like that!" Before he finished speaking, he saw a wolf cub trying to climb along Nanli's arm. However, Nanli finally picked him up and held him in his arms.

The wolf cub seemed very comfortable. He found the most comfortable position and fell asleep. The fourth uncle was surprised and said, "I went to the wolf den and turned a little wolf back. Why? I want to keep it as a pet!"

Nanli said disapprovingly, "He seems to regard me as his mother, so I should be a son!"

The fourth uncle was speechless and said, "Now that you have come back, don't make any more trouble. Be nice and accompany the master. Don't have any other disorderly ideas, can you write them down?"

As soon as Nanli remembered Qi Jihuan's tricks on himself, he wanted to go to the South to beat him on the ground, and then tie him back to the North to torture him. How could he care about his "assassin's remarks"? He then asked, "Where is the master? I will go to accompany him."

The fourth uncle saw that Nanli was genuinely "repentant" and told the truth: "The master went to the prince's house and said that he had something important to discuss. You can wait for the master to come back, or go to find it yourself. People around the prince's house know you. Even if they don't know you, they also know your waist badge. Don't offend the prince again!" The fourth uncle knew that Nanli was unruly,

Fortunately, the prince has a good relationship with Meng Lingqi and is a generous person. Otherwise, where does Nanli have such privileges?

Nanli put the wolf cub on his bed and said, "I see. I'm going to the prince's mansion right now. I can't point out what they are talking about