Chapter 26

Lohat, wearing a bright pink robe, stood up and said loudly, "Everyone, happy Valentine's Day! So far, 45 people have given me greeting cards, and I would like to thank them! Yes, I made my own decision to arrange this small surprise for everyone - and that's not all!"

He clapped his hands and strode from the doors leading to the hall into twelve short men with golden wings and harps on their backs.

Lohat said joyfully, "My friendly little cupid with greeting cards! They are going to wander around the school today to deliver Valentine's cards for you!"

"It's more fun than that! I believe my colleagues are willing to take an active part in it! Why not ask Professor Snape to teach you how to make Ecstasy! If you are interested, Professor Freeway is more proficient in fascinating magic than any wizard I have ever seen!"

Snape's face was gloomy. It seemed that if anyone dared to ask him how to make Ecstasy, he would be forced to inject poison. Professor Freeway lowered his head and buried his face in his hands.

As soon as breakfast appeared on the dinner plate, a dwarf sent Hermione a golden card. Nadia sat beside her and saw all the contents above.

"To Miss Granger, I wish you a happy holiday! Your teacher Professor Guidro Lockhart, the Third Class Medal of the Merlin Order, and the honorary member of the Anti Dark Arts Alliance, has won the Most Charming Smile Award of the Wizardry Weekly for five times."

Nadia said proudly, "There is probably only one course that Lohat can teach well in his life, that is, how to hook up with girls!"

Hermione smiled. She now understood why Nadia hated Lockhart.

Next, Nadia received several Valentine's Day cards in succession before she finished a glass of milk. The Meiwa blood on her is an irresistible temptation for the opposite sex.

Nadia didn't look at them, so she incinerated them.

Hermione came to her ear and teased, "I didn't think I had received a greeting card just now. Now, who can attract more bees and attract butterflies?"

Draco noticed the new stud on Hermione's ear. He looked carefully, and suddenly realized that it was Valentine's Day. "Look, Nadia and Hermione are wearing earrings!"

Nadia glared at Draco viciously, which scared him to hide behind Emmanuel. Just then, Hermione pulled Nadia's shoulder and kissed Nadia's lips in front of the teachers and students in the auditorium.

Everyone was shocked by the kiss, including Nadia. Hermione's cheeks were red, but her eyes were very bright. She smiled and said, "When necessary, we need to declare our ownership of you."

Nadia was both happy and shy. She took a deep breath, hugged Hermione and kissed her back, and replied, "Yes! I am your person, and you are mine. Hermione, I love you!"


After Valentine's Day breakfast, Hermione and Nadia became the focus of public attention all day long.

That night, Harry discovered the secret of the diary. The diary took him back to the scene fifty years ago. The person who released the monster was Hagrid.

He told the story to the other three people. After discussion, everyone decided not to say anything to Hagrid unless another attack occurred. Later, the days went by, and there were no more attacks.

During the Easter holiday, second graders have new things to think about. They should choose the third grade courses. On the basis of the original compulsory courses, they need to take at least two more courses from the courses of arithmetic divination, Muggle research, divination, ancient magic and protection of magical creatures.

Harry and Ron took classes on protecting magical creatures and divination. Nadia accompanied Hermione and signed the course lists of all subjects.

On the night before the Quidditch match, Harry's dormitory was stolen and his things were thrown everywhere. After careful examination, I found that the diary was missing. The next day, on the way to the game, Harry heard the mysterious voice again.

"This time I want to kill... let me tear... let me tear..."

"That voice!" said Harry, turning his head and looking back. "I heard it again just now... did you hear it?"

Ron shook his head, his eyes wide open. Hermione suddenly reached out and patted her forehead.

"Harry, I suddenly understand something! I'm going to the library!"

Nadia accompanied her to the library. Hermione pulled out an old book from the bookshelf and excitedly pointed to the contents on it and said, "Nadia, the monster in the secret room is a snake monster!"

"The sight of the snake monster is the most dangerous attack weapon - any creature directly intersecting with its sight will be killed immediately, and the creature indirectly intersecting will be petrified. As long as there is enough food, the snake monster can usually live for hundreds of years! The spider will run away when it sees the snake monster, because the snake monster is the natural enemy of the spider!"

"Mrs. Loris just saw the reflection in the water... Colin saw it through the camera... Justin saw the snake monster through Nick who almost had no head... Nick was stared at by the snake monster, but he could not die a second time!"

"Pipe, the snake monster has been moving in the pipe, so no one has found it. Harry's snake guy voice, only he can understand the snake language, so he always hears the voice alone."

Hermione always exudes her unique charm when she thinks seriously. Nadia was fascinated by Hermione's beautiful face, and had no time to think about anything else.

Hermione finally noticed Nadia's burning vision of herself, and shyly pushed her gently: "Hey, it's in the library! Help me think about how to find the entrance to the secret room!"

Nadia looked at her long eyelashes, smooth skin and soft red lips with fascination, and casually replied, "We can ask Hagrid. Maybe he has a clue."

Two people came out of the library. In addition to them, there was another girl from Lavenclaw College in the corridor. She is a fifth grader with long curly hair. Seeing them passing by, the girl smiled friendly, and then continued to take a small mirror to repair her makeup.

At this moment, Nadia suddenly felt her pores suddenly opened, and she felt a sense of fatal crisis when being watched by a beast, rushing from the tailbone to the top of her head.

"Close your eyes!" She hugged Hermione and rolled on the ground. At the same time, she had drawn out her wand and added the shield of "Angel Coming" to herself and Hermione.

The girl next to her was like a huge stone and fell down on the corridor with a bang.

"Detect hostility!"

"Fierce fire!"

At this critical moment of life and death, Nadia unreservedly cast her strongest magic. The flame changed into the shape of a phoenix, hit the wall, and burned a big hole in it. The sound of violent collision came from the wall and gradually faded away.