Chapter 68 Medusa's Survival and Self detachment

In the world of breaking the sky,

The purple air in the sky came to the east and soon dissipated between the heaven and the earth. Only the incarnation of Nuwa, the Empress of the World, still exists.

Ordinary people only know that Guanshiyin has a jade bottle. Few people know that Nuwa Goddess holds a four seas bottle, and the Supreme Laojun also has a sheepskin jade bottle, which is one of the spiritual treasures that the two children, Gold Horn and Silver Horn, stole from the lower world as demons.

Even the most important magic bottle in Guanshiyin's hand was given by the Supreme Sage. For Laojun, the bottle is just a container for water, but no one dares to underestimate his things.

And the mount of Avalokitesvara Jinmao is holding purple gold

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