Chapter 60 Bloody Battle of the Perfect World and Luo Tian's Appearance

In Zixiao Palace,

Hung Jun, who was still talking about the road, glanced at the two boys in front of him again. He had better use snacks if he wanted to preach.

Although he can walk freely, Daoyin doesn't stop, but he doesn't think it's necessary, but it's a pity that his younger brother Quanwang missed a flood remediation class!

However, the whole king can't even fight now, so he can only think about how the universe works. It's also time to exercise.

After all, he is "thinking" by virtue of his world authority, so once he leaves his universe authority, he will lose his level.

So he continued to stare at the chat group and waited for the group friends to take the initiative to run errands.

In the chat group,

The three goddesses of Sanqing and Honghuang watched silently, and no one could cheat them to leave Honghuang.

In the face of the approaching battle between the witch and the demon, no one dares to go out of the world again at this time.

After all, their teacher's "means" of blinking for thousands of years seems a bit scary, even if they only go for a few minutes, they may be disconnected from the network and can't come back. (Smiling through tears)

As for Liang Bing, although she thought it was funny that Wang Quan was playing childish as a strong man, she just watched the feather emperor who was chasing him break the world-class means, so she resolutely chose counseling.

For a short time, no one chose to speak, and the group members continued to watch the live channel.

In a perfect world,

The emperor's war was extremely fierce, and the emperor's blood was splashed everywhere. Even the whole king was beaten out of some blue liquid.

"It's a pity, pathetic, pathetic. You can be proud forever. In the end, you will turn your head around and wipe out the body of the emperor for me!" Emperor Hong used a kind of curse, which is like a dead curse.

Even if only two would-be immortal emperors besieged Shi Hao, Shi Hao could not crush each other. At best, they were equal.

At the drop of the prophetic words, Shi Hao felt as if his incomparable momentum had been torn open, and his body was shocked. It seemed that the strange attack was working.

"Fall down!" When Shi Hao's momentum was released, the Cang Emperor beside him shouted and attacked crazily. His fists and seals were emitting infinite brilliance, seemingly breaking the ancient heavens.


Shi Hao reluctantly raised his fist and shook him hard. Although he had won the first prize, he now had some difficulty, leading to stagger back.

At this time, the Feather Emperor would not be able to solve the problem for a while. He was also holding a magic spear to prepare to attack.

"Ah, ah, you big bird, don't sneak attack!" The whole king was a bit loyal, and he was afraid that Shi Hao would be besieged. His two little hands were close together, but in the blink of an eye, they shot a startling blue light.

"Boom!" The whole king learned some tricks he had seen in his universe and used them. From a distance, it can be seen that the blue light has destroyed everything violently.

"Break!" The Feather Emperor had to give up sneaking attack on Shi Hao and turn around to block the attack. The collision between the two naturally led to the destruction of many small worlds.

Shi Hao looked at the whole king coming, gave a long cry, and turned into a huge body. Then he urged the learned treasure skills to fight against the enemy.

His left arm turned into a golden dragon, and the dragon's chant shook the sky. He went up to meet the Emperor Hong, and his right hand turned into a red phoenix head. The phoenix was burning flames to meet the Emperor Cang.

"Bong long~" It was the huge hand of the Hongdi that drove the force of the horrible law to suppress the real dragon, while the Cangdi directly smashed the body of the Phoenix with one punch.

"Give me a break!" The whole king suddenly showed a blue light, which was forcing him to use the means of "changing the definition".

"Hum~" As the force of time suddenly broke out, the three would-be immortal emperors were directly pinned down, making them pause for a moment.

"Pong~" Shi Hao reacted very quickly. When he kicked the flying emperor, the dragon and phoenix magic in his hands had been reborn in an instant.

I saw that they merged into one, and cut towards the Hongdi like a pair of scissors.

"Poop poo~" At that moment, the sound of sharp weapons entering the body came again!

It was the feather emperor who, after breaking free, stabbed the red spearhead directly against the whole king's body, as if it ran through the whole king's small body in an instant.

"Go away!" Shi Hao let out a cry of anger, and then killed Yu Di again, shouting, "All the king!"


As the chat group rings,

Yunyun: Ah (Short shriek voice)

Lu Xueqi: No! look out! (cover his eyes and dare not look)

Zeng Xiaoxian: Ah (More crazy screaming voice)

Munch: The man upstairs Do you pay attention to the image? (Sweat wiping expression)

Ninth Uncle: Brother Wang! are you all right? (nervous voice)

But the whole king used to be very talkative in the crowd, and almost no one regarded him as an inhuman strongman, even thought that he was essentially a child.

Liang Bing: Don't give up! As long as you believe, you will win!

Chang Xi: @ Wang Quan, Xiao Quan, are you all right? (caring expression)

Nuwa: @ Taoist Zu Hongjun, master, would you please help this little guy? 0.o

Pingxin: Teacher, would you like to have a look? (inquiring expression)

Shangqing Tongtian: Teacher, would you like me to go there?

Yuqing at the beginning: @ Shangqing Tongtian, Younger Martial Brother, at this time You must not forget!

Laozi Taiqing:

Daozu Hongjun:

In Zixiao Palace,

Hongjun could see that Shangqing Tongtian wanted to help.

However, it seems that Sanqing originally had other plans, and Sanqing must also advance and retreat together.

At this moment, let alone Shi Hao, who has no time to watch the chat group, even Quan Wang can't find time to watch it. It seems that Quan Wang is also very confident of himself.

Seeing that the whole king has quickly got rid of the spear, he seems to swim more carefully and cooperate with Shi Hao. It seems that he is a wizard and dare not burst out.

In Shi Hao's lifetime, there are already people who can help him, and more of his peers can fight side by side. Even if it is still not so easy, it is much better.

Alas I have given a lot of help, but it's still not kind to sit here and watch my little brother being abused.

In the chat group,

Daozu Hongjun: @ Luo Tian, Luo Tian, please go there.

Zhao Hao: The Taoist Priest appointed a general. Luo Dada cheered on. (dumbfounded expression)

Cao Cao: Immortal Luo, powerful!

Yue Buqun: Big Brother Luo, come on!

Nuwa: Master, do you want to reward Luo Tian? (puzzled expression)

Luo Tian: OK, Taoist Priest@ Nuwa, thank you, Nuwa Sage. I should have followed the wishes of the group leader.

In the boundless starry sky of "I want to seal the sky",

Luo Tian stopped, and he directly accepted the assignment of the group leader Hong Jun.


In live video,

The grey haired Emperor Cang, the purple and gold crowned Emperor Hong, the winged Emperor Yu, the disheveled and bloody Shi Hao, and the whole king are fighting fiercely.

Among the five, only Shi Hao was miserable. Even if the whole king was demoted, he still had the level of quasi immortal emperor, and the details were still there, and he recovered quickly.

With their war, countless small worlds burst open, and many stars outside the region were vaporized into nothingness. The law drives the energy to boil and roll.

"You are not on the road yet, when will you wait?" This was the opening of Emperor Hong. His voice passed through the chaotic sea of the world, crossed the dark world and reached the ultimate ancient place.

It was the Emperor Hongdi who wanted to use other means to influence Shi Hao's mind as a breakthrough.

Sure enough, there was a large group of degenerates who heard the order and began to kill Shi Hao's fairy land and Jiehai.

Shi Hao sounds even more angry, which is their difference. He killed the other side's fairy king before, but the other side simply ignored him.

And he can be hit by them for Huo Linger and Meng Tianzheng who are in the space magic tools.

Whenever he thinks of this, he is heartbroken, after all, it is his teacher and wife!

"King Quan, come with me!" Shi Hao shouted angrily. He walked ahead, tore the space, and killed the enemy. He hit the other side of Jiehai with a blow.

"OK!" The whole king quickly followed, and Shi Hao's attack naturally blocked a large number of degenerate strongmen.

They are walking in the opposite direction, not returning, but going deep into the dark hinterland and approaching the ultimate ancient land.

"Where to go!" The three would-be immortal emperors of the enemy will not give up, and they will not give up. They are not the underdog, and the threat must be eliminated.

All of them kept moving forward and changing their positions. They entered the dark place. Facing their own territory, the three dark would-be immortals were even more fearless.

At the same time, they all found that there was a sudden explosion from the dark place in the distance.

There are towering flames, burning, but also lit up this dark place, the brilliance even shot into the sea of chaos.

"Is that?" Shi Hao looked at the fire and saw that there was a broken willow growing, surrounded by a fire and growing.

"Is he still alive?" The Emperor Hong was shocked. It was the flame from the remains of a quasi immortal emperor in the era of Dixia. Now there is infinite quasi immortal emperor power in the air, and the emperor fire is also nourishing the god Liu.

Coincidentally, at this time, a black space-time tunnel suddenly appeared in the sky above, from which a strong man in blue robes also emerged.

"Another quasi immortal emperor!" The Cang Emperor followed with a cry, and then felt the smell of the middle-aged strong men in the blue robe. It was obviously not their dark side.

"Luo Tian, here you are!" The whole king cried happily, "Let's kill them all! Sobbing......"

The whole king is sad. As the supreme god of the eighteen universes, has he ever been so tortured and killed?

"Good!" Luo Tian nodded and looked at the three would-be immortals in front of him, showing a sneer.


In the chatting bullet screen,

Daxiong: Come on! come on. Kill these villains!

Chang Xi: Mm-hmm. (Cute expression of encouragement)

Uncle Jiu: Come on, evil defeats good!

Lu Xueqi: Our righteous friars should wipe out the devils! (Cool and recognized voice)

At the top of Xiaozhu Peak in Zhuxian World,

Lu Xueqi's face was clear, her white dress was dancing with the wind, she held a blue fairy sword in her hand, and her voice was ethereal.

Xiaomeng: (calm and thoughtful expression)

Please forgive Xiaomeng for not knowing what the Devil Way is. There is no Devil in her Taoist view, only a hundred schools of thought.

Cao Cao: Is it what the people of the immortal family said, "Kill the devil and defend the way"?

Liang Bing: Damn it, can "devil" be a derogatory word here, damn it!

Miba: (Stunned expression)


In Zixiao Palace,

Hong Jun looked at these speeches and did not join.

Devil is the past existence in the flood and famine, and only his Taoism is unique.

And when he took time to look at the world of famine,

It was found that on the 34 fold Taiyin Star, sister Xihe and sister Changxi were gathering in the moon palace waiting for the arrival of Chang'e.

Emperor Jun ordered a big demon to summon Taiyi, Fuxi, Kunpeng and various demon gods, apparently preparing for some kind of meeting.

It seems that they have already begun to prepare for the battle before the final battle of the Lich broke out.
