Chapter 438 438: Fairy Guang Talks with the Group about Bai's Simple Words and Lu Xueqi's Actions

In the world of "Splendid Spring, Pig's Eight Commandments",

In the yard of Erniu's house, the Peony Fairy smiled when she heard what Hong Jun said: "The beauty of Chang'e is beautiful, but she has a sense of belonging.".

The Taoist priest was right. What's good about Chang'e?

She is also Hou Yi, Wu Gang, and Zhu Bajie. She even has some gossip with the Jade Emperor. But you are the founder of Taoism. How can you contact her?


It's not safe. The Peony Fairy looks at the Taoist priest sitting at the stone table in front of her. His temperament looks like a fairy on the bright side

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