Chapter 100 100: Victory with the Qin Empire when I was not the founder of Taoism

While watching the sea of clouds from Hongjun's side,

The chat group had a new shock, but after the end of the Mingyue World Banquet in the Qin Dynasty, the First Emperor of Qin immediately convened the whole Xianyang city's imperial guards and directly started a cross-border expedition.

In the chat group,

Ninth Uncle: Emperor Qin, I have contacted Madam Guo. Although Guo Jing and those Wulin people don't believe it, they also agree to help when war breaks out.

Ying Zheng: No need, my army is enough to defeat all comers!

Zhao Hao: Brother Zheng is very powerful. (Haha expression)

Ninth Uncle: That's good. It depends on Qin

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