Chapter 4 The Order of Like a Dream (Next)

"This incense is called Rumengling. If you feel relieved when you use it a little, it will help you sleep." She handed over a small bamboo tube with three characters "Rumengling" carved on it, just like what she wrote in Yajian just now.

When you get close, you can vaguely smell jasmine flowers. A breeze blows, and soon it blends with other flowers on the bank.

Su Xun didn't want to take it, but looking at the little girl's eyes, he took it and put it in his sleeve. But in my heart, I'm afraid I don't have much chance to use it.

He thought for a while and then said, "It's not unreasonable for your father to worry. It's not safe for girls to run out alone."

Vivid smile said: "Don't worry, I always contact with people I know, and I can't talk about big business."

Su Xun felt that he was particularly wordy and soft hearted today, so he stopped talking. When it comes to business, I don't know what the guy named Pei is doing. Even Shao Yan is here. It's really possible that he is here for business.

Xuxu didn't know what she said was wrong. Seeing that he suddenly fell silent, she said, "Let's go down and walk. If we go back here, we will come to my private place!"

"Here is the lotus root champs pavilion just mentioned. Although it is not impressive now, it will be two months before this small lotus pond hidden in the bamboo forest - hey, why are you here?" The sour pink figure, holding a familiar green paper oil umbrella, looks like a lotus blooming early. In addition to the unforgettable powder smell, isn't it the Xianggong whom she just disliked?

"I'm not here. Do you want your umbrella?" Pei Si Rui turned around and glanced at them with his twinkling and aggrieved peach blossom eyes. "Your good father, I'm afraid, is talking about my great achievements now!"

Su Xun sighed a pity. He would walk into the bamboo forest when he saw it was lifelike. The sunlight stabbed his face. He could not see the road in the forest. Out of the instinct of martial artists, he suddenly felt a little uneasy.

"Wait," said the two at the same time. Although she doesn't know martial arts, she is familiar with the environment. The smell of green bamboo in the forest is unusual.

Su Xun's eyes darkened. Just a few days after he left Beijing, did someone want to do something? But he is fearless, this little girl

He pulled the lifelike in front of him. The array was exquisite, but it was obviously rough. It was not so easy to kill him.

Vivid had put a piece of incense in his mouth. When he pulled it, he quickly bit it off and hit it when it passed his mouth. Half of the incense fell into Su Xun's lips and was held subconsciously.

The sour smell of green plum quickly diffused, and the spirit was shocked.

Hugh, Health, Injury, Du, Jing, Death, Shock, and Kai. This bamboo forest is connected with the waterside pavilion of the lotus pond, which is exactly an eight array diagram. At this time, the sun was floating, the wind was gradually changing, and the door just landed in the middle of the lotus pond.

Sudian's figure suddenly moved and jumped to the student's door. Several bamboos burst out suddenly, and countless pieces of tiny bamboos with dark power were splashed. They were blocked by a soft sword drawn out from the waist. Like a hundred of the most skillful musicians, they plucked the strings together, and then became calm. Only the sword body hummed.

Surprised, he stabbed a long sword between the two doors at the same time. When the soft sword pulled around, several pieces of bamboo flew to the two people, and the bamboo and the sword immediately sparked.

It was lifelike and quick. A handful of incense powder was sprinkled on the long sword and hissed a few times. The two long swords started to crack from the fire and then quickly broke into several pieces.

It seemed that he heard Su Xun chuckle, but his body was not stopped. He walked around Jingmen and Dumen like flowing clouds and water, and went straight to Xiumen.

Point the lotus leaf on the toe, throw it to Pei Si Rui with one hand, pull out the wooden hairpin on her hair, and throw it to the dead door with the backhand.

Use force on your hands and sink your feet. Quiet underwater, however, there are many twists and turns, pulling out bright silk threads, and the lotus leaf and the sole break at the touch.

With the help of the silk thread at the tip of the sword, Su Xun was like a swallow flying to the door in the middle of the lotus pond. A woman unexpectedly broke through the water. In a twinkling of an eye, she had seven or eight moves with him.

At that time, Su Xun's right hand was holding a sword, and his left hand was about to slap her palm, but she saw that her palm was a little cold, and at the same time, three ice arrows flew out from behind to take him up, down, and down.

If these three arrows escape, they will shoot at the little girl in the waterside pavilion who is not skilled in martial arts. Without thinking too much, Su Xun stepped back slightly, and the sword point repelled one. At the same time, a kite rolled over, holding one in his left hand to push the other, and the three arrows fell into the water together.

Seeing that there was no chance to win, the woman did not want to fight. She retreated into the death gate with a feint move, and then retreated with her partner. The lotus pond and bamboo forest seemed to have lost their mists and recovered to their original appearance in a blink of an eye.

If it were not for the split lotus leaf and the slit under the shoes, the flash of swords in this moment would be like a dream with eyes closed.

Su Xun flew down beside them and said, "Tell me, why are you here?"

Pei Si Rui has already put down her lifelike life. The little girl with hair all over her body has seen the threat, and just now she is calm and calm. Her feet are weak and she will fall to the ground.

Su Xun hurriedly held her, a few strands of long hair passed through his nose, and he whispered, "Sorry."

She shook her head and leaned against him to straighten up, only to find that his temperature was unusually low. She could not help exclaiming, "You!"

Faith Rui could not speak when she stood opposite him. She saw that his eyebrows were slightly covered with thin ice, and his bright eyes seemed to shine cold. She quickly held his back and lost some internal power to him.

Su Xun thought it was incredible. It seems that this ice arrow is just ordinary ice. Although his body is not suitable for touching cold things, it is impossible to have such a big reaction.

If you don't know him well, you will try something. If you want to trap him in the south of the Yangtze River, you'd better make do

She gritted her teeth and ran to the bamboo forest to pick up the wooden hairpin. Shaking, she opened the hollow hairpin and took out dozens of silver needles as thin as cattle hair. While reporting the name of the acupoint, she gave Pei Sirui a sign to tie it on Su Xun.

The ice arrow had already sunk into the lake. I had no way to know what it was made of, but it was cold into the bone marrow when I touched it. But Su Xun's symptom was clearly not a cold disease that had been frozen out in the ice and snow since childhood, but a rare cold poison.

Vivid try not to shake, the palm of her hand will bleed. She seemed to be involved in a dispute without knowing it. At the beginning, she was not only unaware but also very happy.

But when she looked at the boy's pale, almost unconscious face, she felt only five different flavors in her heart. His eyes were firm and cold, but there was a trace of tenderness and guilt in his heart.

Suddenly, there was a euphemistic singing voice. The tone was naive, but it seemed a bit strange in this silent space.

"The bright rainbow receives the rain, and two oars can speak the Wu language. People in the Heyepu in the south of the Yangtze River have picked countless apple flowers."

A canoe slowly drove into the lotus pond. A girl in blue stood paddling, while another girl in apricot clothes sat with bare feet dangling, shaking her two snow-white legs, attracting countless splashes all the way. The canoe also swayed, but did not stop.

She hummed a tune in Wu language. What did not match her pure dress was that she swept her eyes to the people in the waterside pavilion.

Her appearance is not very eye-catching, she does not show her age, and she has no weapons or mechanisms on her hands. Her charm makes it difficult to ignore her.

Pei Sirui's peach blossom eyes stopped flashing and said, "That's her." These women are not very clever, but their concealment skills are very powerful, like Japanese ninja.

It was the girl in apricot clothes who appeared at the window of Yajian without warning. Shaoyan chased Wu Ying out, and then turned around to see her sitting at the windowsill, looking at Pei Sirui thoughtfully.

"I have a business to talk with Mr. Pei. You may as well come with me." Half asked, half forced, and led him to the bamboo forest. Although he didn't mean to hurt others, he couldn't get out.

At this time, she did not look at Pei Si Rui. She only stared at Su Xun, as if she had found some interesting prey.

Her eyes made her uncomfortable all over. She asked, "Why are you so familiar with this place?"

The girl in Apricot Clothes snorted coldly: "I don't want to see whose place this is. I borrowed you to play for so many days. You should leave something behind."

As soon as I lift her hand, I can't see how she moves. I can only feel the coolness around my ears. I rearrange the hairpin on the hairpin and put it in others' hands again.

Her face suddenly changed. She felt a bottle of powder in her hand, and she was about to move. After taking off the needle, he used his kung fu to regulate her breathing. Even if someone came, he didn't open his eyes. Suddenly, Su Xun pressed her hand. The cool feeling from her fingers calmed her down instantly.

Su Xun was badly hurt, and none of them could fight with her.

The girl in Apricot Clothes has returned to the boat in a twinkling of an eye, and casually throws the hairpin to the girl in Green Clothes. She giggled and said, "My friend Xuanji asked Mr. Su to attend his birthday in September."

After saying that he would not look at them anymore, he hummed a little song and left like a Buddha.

"In my dream, I dance Yan and roost Luan, and get up at Yanzhu Fengwan. A little frown at the end of the day, who can row Spring Mountain? Ah, a little frown at the end of the day, who can row Spring Mountain?"

Until no sound was heard, Wuying and Shaoyan hurried to find them. Pei Si Rui exhaled, and returned to the appearance of fooling around.

After asking Shao Yan whether she had made a big deal about it, she told Su Xun about the past carefully and left in a hurry. When I left, I didn't forget to tease him: "Don't always cry with a face, it's even worse."

Su Xun began to meditate again. For a while, she didn't dare to disturb Wu Ying. When it was getting dark, he finally said, "Go back first." When he got up, he suddenly vomited half his mouth of red blood.

Wu Ying was startled, and could not help complaining to Vivu: "See how well you take care of me, and drive me back!"

He lowered his head without saying a word. His black hair hung down and he could not see his expression clearly. Su Xun sighed: "It has nothing to do with her. You can't do better even if you change."

Moreover, she was carefree, far away from the disputes between right and wrong, and lived as ordinary and easy as her father hoped. Now, though not out of his wish, it may be difficult to get away.

The lifelike tears finally couldn't help falling down, and she murmured, "I'm sorry."