Chapter 32 Divine Operator (middle)

It was unexpected that so many "big people" suddenly came to this small bookstore, but her heart was not afraid, but a little expectant.

Su Rong doesn't answer, but frowns at Pei Sirui.

"Su...... Rong?" Liu Lingxiao tried to whisper.

Su Rong turned around and nodded to her. "What does the princess like? The first time we meet, we will prepare for the future."

Liu Lingxiao was delighted. Although the future husband looked stern, he was polite to her.

She was about to open her mouth, but Pei Si Rui "cut" her throat and said, "You really can flatter me!"

When Liu Lingxiao was so humiliated, his cheeks turned red with anger.

Su Rong asked coldly, "I heard you took four silk shops of Xie Family yesterday?"

"What does it have to do with you?"

"You will not be unaware that these silk shops are also within the scope of the Imperial Court's investigation of false profits."

"It's just some losses and false profits. I have the ability to turn them around. You don't have to worry." He glanced at Xie Qinfang's slightly pinched cuffs. "Now that I have them, naturally they won't damage my signboard."

"If you are a sincere businessman, don't come to the troubled waters." The Pei family and the Xie family are supposed to be related by marriage, but Pei Sirui is not pleased to see the Xie family. The Xie family's business has made mistakes, and he should be happy before it is too late. This will be a merger on the surface, but actually it is a secret help for them.

Su Rong didn't want to argue with him when she saw that he looked like a man without bones, but Liu Lingxiao couldn't swallow it. "He talked to you in a good voice. You are just a businessman with a few dollars. What can you be arrogant about?"

Pei Si Rui laughed, "You are just a princess who can only enjoy herself. Don't make trouble for this one in the future!"

When she looked at Su Rong with a red neck, she saw him frown again and boldly embrace his arm, "I..."

Su Rong frowned more tightly, but did not push away. Liu Lingxiao suddenly got the confidence that she was beautiful and had a good life experience. Why can't she treat herself better?

Looking at the lifelike scene, she proudly looked up and said, "First pour me a cup of tea, and then take out your best book."

I didn't embarrass this little girl before, but she turned out to be a bookseller. She can't be obedient.

She was so helpless that without saying a few words, why did she say that the fire came to her?

She carefully collected the ancient books, and the princess said again, "I think these books are very good! They are much better than those storybooks." Look at her careful appearance, and her writing is simple and generous. Although Liu Lingxiao doesn't like reading, she knows good things.

"These are not for sale, but a customer asked me to repair books." It happened that this man was Qingping again.

"You can repair books? It's just a servant's job." She disdained. Seeing that her goal was achieved, she dragged Su Rong and wanted to leave. "It's too stuffy here. Why don't you accompany me to other places?"

Su Rong doesn't know who Xuxu is. He originally came to see Xie Qinfang, but it's obviously not appropriate to talk about it now. He nodded to Vivian casually, and really followed her out. Anyway, he had regarded the princess as a vase to look at, so he didn't need to make more trouble for her.

Vivid squeezed the back of the chair. She didn't want to cause trouble. Someone cheated her. The person was ignorant, but he was said a few words. Why was he still bored?

The girl in pink clothes who had been silent gave her a contemptuous look before leaving.

Xie Qinfang comforted her and said, "It's just casting pearls before swine to discuss books with her." She didn't like the princess, but she didn't deserve the trouble caused by this argument. Besides, Su Rong is beside her. She also hopes that he will leave quickly and not appear with Pei Sirui.

Pei Si Rui opened the fan with a snap, "I'm too lazy to talk to an ignorant woman! Don't you dare?"

The two men began to dance again, and they did not change their countenance and bickered with each other. They only felt a breath in their chest, and there was no room for her to intervene.

She shook her hand to calm down and continue to read, and then turned two pages. Pei Si Rui slapped the fan on the table, and ink splashed in the inkstone. She dared not block the book. She touched her face, and it was really slightly wet.

Pei felt that it was too much. He picked up Xie Qinfang and walked out of the door. Looking at the room that had finally quieted down, Pei felt very frustrated.

She went to wash her face and calmed her heart. Today, there are guests again in the bookstore where no one usually comes.

A weather beaten man was standing under the eaves. His hair and beard were white, but he was young and energetic. He came in and looked at the books on the shelf carefully.

If it's interesting, he will ask for vivid opinions. Vivid had to put down the pen and paper in her hand to answer for him, but when she saw his eyebrows getting deeper and deeper, she suddenly felt a strange feeling in her heart.

When he finished browsing a bookshelf, he stood in front of him and looked into his eyes. "It's almost dusk."

When he went out, Vivid immediately fastened the door. She leaned back against the door and tried to calm her heart, but she was always nervous. Why does this person feel inexplicably familiar?

Shao Yan didn't come that day. She felt that it was very difficult to fall asleep alone. She got up and sorted out the manuscripts of the script, only to feel that her mind was in a mess, and she sat there for a long time without inspiration.

I don't know if it's the Princess Lingxiao's fault. There are more female guests in her bookstore. Most of them either come up and stop talking to her cold face, or wander and run to the opposite side. Occasionally, they will hear some teasing about her.

Qingping also came here. She was willing to pick out some storybooks for fun. But from her eyes, she could see that she was disappointed in the speed of book repair.

Zheng Fanshu also came back. He said that he was passing by, so he didn't try to be more realistic. But I don't know whether he is afraid that she will destroy his precious books, or whether he really wants to find out some clues. When he comes, he always looks through the books she borrowed.

Near the end of the year, Pei Sirui and Shao Yan seemed very busy, and Xie Qinfang did not sit much after those ladies often came. It is obvious that the flow of people has increased, and her time has become very broken, but her business is not good. What is good is the boredom in her heart.

This silent unilateral communication is vividly ignored, but one day it feels like a war, or ineffective.

The weather was getting colder and colder. Looking at the soldiers on both sides who were getting weaker and weaker, Su Xun knew that the time for peace was not far away.

The war of the past few days has no effect. It's just a battle between the two sides. You can kill me and I can eat you. It's like using human life to play an insignificant chess game.

His injuries have not affected his actions. The second brother is getting married soon, and he came with the imperial court's documents. At the same time, Qingping also sent him a letter. In addition to the power deployment, there was also news about the little girl, who said that she was haggard after entering Beijing.

gaunt? It is difficult for him to connect this word with her.

He looked coldly at Li Qian and others lying drunk in the yellow sand, and a sense of desolation rose in his heart.