Chapter 35 Abdomen

Xiaoye is also in a good mood when watching Luoli's small figure disappear at the end of his sight.

He likes this girl.

He likes his character and appearance very much.

He is the supreme immortal. If he likes a mortal woman, he will reign in the world.

Which of the women he likes can escape him?

He turned around and looked at the people around him who didn't dare to utter any nonsense. His eyes fell on the tiger.

At the moment of seeing Xiao Ye's eyes, Dahu knelt down on the ground with a sound of "Putong", presented a white bank card with both hands and said, "Master, this is 50000 yuan, and the password is six fifths. Please accept it!"

He really dare not talk nonsense. This man, who boarded the Li family's ship, dare not fight Xiao Ye if he gives him ten more courage.

When Xiao Ye reaches out, the bank card in Dahu's hand falls into Xiao Ye's hand.

When Xiao Ye received 50000 yuan from him, Dahu's face was delighted.

But suddenly I heard Xiao Ye's voice: "In the future, this street is mine. If you step into this street half a step, I will let you know that the world is full of torture! Can you take it?"

When Dahu heard Xiao Ye's words, his body suddenly trembled and he could not step into the street half a step. That was to let him go out of the street!

But, facing Xiao Ye, where did he dare to resist? Immediately, he repeatedly kowtowed: "I am convinced, I am convinced!"

Xiao Ye turns his head and doesn't look at him anymore, but at the goatee man beside him.

He said quietly, "Do you remember the bet?"

The goatee man nodded awkwardly.

Xiao Ye said, "Do you want me to wait for you?"

Why did the goatee man say, "But... he has no breath in his stomach and can't let it out."

Xiao Ye sneers and points at the goatee man with one hand. An invisible qi shoots at the goatee man in a flash.

Then he looked at the tiger and said, "This man is very disobedient..."

The tiger immediately looked at the goatee man with a gloomy face.

The goatee man was immediately shocked. If the tiger stared at him, his fate would be very miserable!

What's more, at the moment, he does have a kind of uncontrollable flatulence

"Anyway, he just farted and quickly put on his pants. And few people can see him. He is a man again. What's he afraid of?" The goatee man thought in his heart.

Thinking of this, he immediately took off his pants, and at the same time, he burst with force, and a yellow smoke shot out from between his two strands

"Grab the grass!"

A man selling incense candles beside him suddenly rolled his eyes!


Poop poop poop!

Just heard the continuous fart sound, and yellow smoke was constantly emitted between his two strands. At last, everyone could see the foul yellow fart

"Sleeping trough, so smelly!"

"What the fuck did you eat today?"

"I can't stand it..."

Someone hurriedly closed the stall. Some of the stalls had too many things on them, so they directly covered their noses and ran out.

The big tiger can't stand being smoked. He steps forward with his nose covered and kicks his big white butt!

"Get out of here!"

The man with goatee covers his buttocks, and runs away from Fu. While running, yellow smoke bursts from behind the buttocks

"Don't come again. It stinks!"

There is humanity behind.

The goatee wants to cry without tears. He has offended the master!

Xiao Ye is no longer here.

After all, the taste is too sour.



Ang Ang Lee walked quickly with the rune, and the professional woman beside him asked, "Ang Ang, have you really thought about it clearly? Do you want to give yourself to that man?"

Ang Ang Lee was expressionless: "Hmm. Is there another way?"

The working woman will keep silent. In fact, she will agree with today's things.

There is no way to measure such a thing by its own innocence.

Ang Ang Lee has made a decision in his heart, but when he thinks about his future, he is also sad, too sad.

She has always been so clean, but unexpectedly, she gave such a shameless and rogue man for the first time.

Do you really want to leave your innocence to this guy?

In the struggle of thought, Ang Ang Lee finally returned to the Li family. When she entered the hall, her uncles and aunts rushed over.

"Ann, go there quickly!"

"Your grandpa has been holding on and wants to see you!"

Looking at the false look of pain on the faces of these two men and women, Ang Ang Lee was expressionless. Her parents had disappeared in the early years, and it was Li Quande who raised her. How could the pain in her heart be comparable to those who only wanted to separate their families?

She followed several people into the room and saw an old man lying on the bed, covered in stiff grey.

His face was no longer ruddy, gray and stiff, and full of death.

And the old man, now trying to open his eyes, wanted to see her for the last time.

The moment he saw Ang Lee, his dead gray eyes lit up for a moment. His lips moved and he wanted to speak, but he could not say a word.

Ang Ang Lee strained his face for a long time, but he could not hold it any longer. His eyes turned red and tears fell down in a flash.


She ran over, her parents were away early, and her only family in the world was her grandfather.

But now, her grandfather Li Quande is leaving her. He can no longer take care of her kindly, love her, or see her marry and have a son, and show his filial piety

Ang Ang Lee ran over, grabbed the old man's hand and said, "Grandpa, grandpa, hold on, I won't let you die!"

At one side, a square faced man sighed: "An'an, please accept my sorrow and change."

Beside him, a jewelled woman said, "Ann, your grandpa has seen you for the last time and is at peace."

The remaining thin faced man did not say anything, but stared at the old man on the bed.

The tiger hunter stood beside the old man and just gave a sigh. Ang Lee can be said to have seen it with his own eyes. How can he not know the feelings between her and the Don?

But now, he can only protect the old man, for the last time

Ang Ang Lee paid no attention to anyone. She shivered and took out the rune given by Xiao Ye.

Several people on the side were shocked when they saw that Ang Lee had taken out the rune.

The jewelled woman first responded and said, "An'an, you are so eager to save me, you even use the rune paper. But you should know that this is superstitious, not only useless, but it will make the old man more ill!"

The thin faced man opened his mouth and said, "An An, put down the Fu. What are you like now? How can we behave in the Li family?"

The square faced man also frowned and said, "Ann, what are you doing?"