Chapter 6 Magnetic Field Twist (Part 1)

  • Time bracelet
  • There are two pieces in the pocket
  • 2185 words
  • 2018-12-24 22:40:25

I rushed to her quickly, but it seemed that she was not in a hurry to accept the attack. I jumped into the air, and she floated past me. Because of inertia, I hit the wall with a heavy punch.

Change the Dragon Heart K operation mode, enter the neural interaction mode, and enable real-time detection of battlefield information. Prepare for the first round of electro particle pulse.

After my smooth operation is changed to neural interaction, all battlefield information directly enters the brain. Without the limitation of the screen, I can know all the data without looking up.

I can even see things around more clearly. Entering the neural interaction mode will strengthen all the nerves of the user, including the sensory nerve and the communication nerve of the brain.

Suddenly, the female ghost on the opposite side made a miserable cry and rushed towards me at a very fast speed. I close my eyes and calculate crazily. The target cut in angle and elevation are 30 degrees, the target speed is 4 meters per second, and the attack interval is 0.53 seconds. Dodge angle is 12.5 degrees.

Through a series of calculations, I figured out his attack speed and all the angles, but the reality was not good. When the female ghost hit me in a round, my reaction speed was not enough. After all, the system was a system. No matter how fast he calculated, as a user, I could not keep up with his calculation speed because I was a human being. I subconsciously went to block, but it was too late. I was hit by her and flew out. It hurt when I fell on the wall. I spit. Stand up.

Activate the Dragon Heart K battle panel to calculate the opponent's attack moves.

When the ghost saw me standing up, she roared at me again, and the bracelet shook slightly for a moment. When the calculation is completed, the bracelet is pulsed, and a blue energy pulse is emitted. The female ghost was rushed out by the pulse. The charged particles of his body began to unravel. It seems to be effective.

Analysis results start. Inject corresponding moves to users.

Start energy pulse impulse energy.

The ghost stood up straight here, and she waved her fist again. I turned around and dodged it. I rolled forward and rolled to one side. I lifted my foot and kicked it on its back. A blue light came up, and the ghost's body was loose again. It seemed that my electric particles had a suppressive force on his electric particles, which made me very excited. The ghost turned and rushed at me again. Bracelet pulse emission. Another energy pulse, the female ghost was knocked away again. This time, the electric particles on his body began to disappear at the speed of distraction visible to the naked eye.

Add electric particle input of bracelet. The output power is increased to 200%.

The blue light on the whole hand is more gorgeous. The female ghost's body is loose and rushes towards me. This time, I didn't dodge. One hundred can break him up, and it should be no problem to raise it to two hundred one punch to break him up.

Calculate the energy impact, and the target energy impact is less than the currently controlled energy

"Boom", as expected, I can take the female ghost's punch.

The electric particles on her body are disappearing at a high speed, which may also be a recognition of this problem. She suddenly withdrew her fist and turned around to run away. Oh, you just played around for me. Now you want to run away, but there is no way. Before Mike took the first step, I grabbed his hand and dragged him back. It fell into my arms and I hit him heavily on the head. The two blue lights collided again.

Increase the output power to 500.

The blue light on my fist is far brighter than the blue light on its body. In this way, one person, one ghost, my fist is outputting energy crazily on its head.

"Bang" Finally, my electric particles completely devoured its electric particles. The ghost disappeared. Only left me in place.

I suddenly collapsed on the ground, as if all my strength had been evacuated at once. I raised my hand and looked. The blue light on the hand has disappeared. When I won, I also sighed in my heart that "the power of science and technology is really awesome. God and ghost can figure out how strong the future science and technology will be." I lay on the ground and didn't want to move.

"Cluck cluck cluck cluck" The sound of high-heeled shoes walking came from the distance again, and I was suddenly surprised. Open your eyes wide. It's impossible. It's absolutely impossible. I just hit him on the head with a fist. It's impossible.

Start scanning to scan charged particles.

But I couldn't see anything. I stood up by myself. What else? My heart once again mentioned the voice, people will be afraid, not to mention after one experience repeated one after another. Suddenly, my eyes lit up with light. I walked along the bright place.

This glimmer of light has become my last lifeline. I don't want to stay here any longer. Even if I have the power of technology to bless, I am still a human being, and I can only bless ghosts with my bracelet. As far as I am concerned, I have no idea what to do.

The light was getting closer and closer, and I almost ran towards the light. Shua, a sharp white light came from a distance. I can't open my eyes. What a bright light. The strange light disappears again. The whole corridor fell into darkness again. What the hell was that just now?

Start structure scanning and perspective the entire corridor

The scanning results show that the whole corridor is about 200 meters long. My current position is about the middle. According to the scanning results, there is a room about 120 meters away. A bold idea came out of my mind. Now that everything has come, let's get it straight. After taking a step, I still think it's OK. It's a bit dangerous. After all, it's not very safe.

Switch the Dragon Heart K operation mode,

"Shua" The blue screen lit up in front of my eyes: "Yi, what time is it?"

Yi Bing said in a cold voice, "Ten thirty five at night."

I was surprised: "What? I've been here for nearly nine hours."

Yi also said doubtfully, "I don't know. I don't have any feeling about time, but it's really 10:35. It's now 36."

I nodded, "OK, I know"

When I turned off the screen, my heart was full of questions. From my arrival here to the fight with the female ghost, I didn't feel two hours, but why did it take more than nine hours.

Start the communication function and contact Longxin K

A snowflake appeared on the screen. I don't have a mobile phone at the moment, and I can't get in touch. I can't get out of the endless corridor. What can I do?

The sound of "cluck cluck cluck" came again. I turned my head and rushed to the far room. "Dong" I kicked the door open. According to the scanning just now, the charged particles in this room, that is to say, there are no ghosts, are relatively safe. After entering the door, I will lock it with my backhand. A violent shock came from the bracelet. The screen lights up. Powerful electric particles are detected. It's four or five times stronger than my previous bracelet. I also lost my mind.

The sound of "clunking clunking" footsteps came from far to near in the corridor. This time it was true. Finally, the footsteps stopped outside the door. I gasped for breath. This time, it seemed that it was not easy to provoke. I always had a bad feeling.