Chapter 156 The Space Center Is Exploded

  • Time bracelet
  • There are two pieces in the pocket
  • 4101 words
  • 2019-06-26 20:59:11

Zhang Biao, Dashan and others immediately looked out of the window. Dashan asked anxiously, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

I waved my hand and said: "It's OK. Heihei has finished the work. Let's go down and help. Let's go down now. When we are finished, we will come back and say again!"

All the people present nodded, and we walked out of the study quickly. People in the hall have already started to eat. Heihei and I brought not only compressed biscuits, but also dehydrated food, which can be used after a little treatment. Everyone nodded when they saw us. Dashan and I are fast

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