Chapter 145 Desperado Laboratory

  • Time bracelet
  • There are two pieces in the pocket
  • 4029 words
  • 2019-06-14 23:05:09

I directly pulled Heiheishan into the K1 laboratory. Heihei looked at me and said, "It shouldn't be. The robot was tied. How could it trigger the alarm?" I turned around and closed the heavy door of K1 laboratory tightly. Fortunately, it was running in. If it is still in the channel, it will be another fierce battle. Didn't wait for me to speak. Just listened to the sound of neat footsteps outside the door. It took a long time for the footsteps to fade away. Heihei and I both sighed. If this is discovered. Another fierce battle. I turned my head to Heihei and said, "What should we do next? Where should we go from K1?"

Black and black are different

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