Chapter 19 Desire for Survival

  • Da Xuan Pill
  • Solitary Jun Dao
  • 2528 characters
  • 2018-12-13 10:11:17

Several middle-level officials in the Kunning Palace, bruised and bruised by weapons fighting, welcomed Zhang Ping'an. Their emotional joy was greater than fear, and their intention to be close and ingratiating was obvious.

This is the instinct of palace people to survive. One by one, they are those who are familiar with this truth.

Zhang Ping An just smiled faintly and waited quietly at the side door of Kunning Hall.

Before long, his little sister, Han Xiu'e, who was tall, graceful and graceful, quickly stepped out, looked up and down, and then looked around at two Zhang Ping'an, one of whom had just dried up and coagulated.

Although she looked concerned, she still had a beautiful look. Her round, plump cherry mouth was open, and she hesitated to say, "Brother Ping, it seems different?"

Zhang Ping An nodded slightly: "There is a big difference, but it is inconvenient to tell my sister in detail."

He looked around and handed out the straw basket he held in his hand: "Taoist Priest has given me two baskets of spiritual fruits. This basket can be shared with my mother, and the rest will be shared with Lao Li and them. If I have time later, I will ask Taoist Priest again."

Seeing her hesitation, Zhang Ping an said confidently, "Don't worry about me, sister. The empress won't blame us."

Han Xiu'e just smiled bitterly and caught it with both hands: "Brother Ping Ping said simply, which of these spiritual fruits is not greedy? I'm lucky that these servants can smell it. Who dares to eat it?"

"Sister, this is different from the past. I want to kill the holy lady but an old dog! Even she is not afraid, let alone others!"

Zhang Ping An squinted at other palace people and directed the body to send Lingguo. Sure enough, he looked at them one by one, but they all bowed their heads and did not dare to answer.

After sighing, Zhang Ping an said, "Then my sister will send these two baskets of spiritual fruits to my mother, and you can come to Tianmen to find me when you are free. If you can, it will be on the morning of the 24th. My brother and sister have not visited the inner market for a long time."

The corpse sent another basket of Lingguo to Han Xiu'e, but Han Xiu'e wept: "Brother Ping, the master and servant are different after all. This Lingguo is nothing but poison. I don't know how long my mother can protect me when my brother is gone."

"Don't be afraid, elder sister. I will go to Daozun's place to ask for a Fuzhao to keep my elder sister safe. Besides, here is my younger brother, Daozun's family is still in favor, and he can almost be regarded as immortal. If I live one day, anyone dares to touch my elder sister, I will kill him!"

After Zhang Ping An said he was leaving, Han Xiu'e asked, "The empress is taking a nap. Don't you see her?"

"There is no difference between seeing and not seeing, but there will be many twists and turns."

Han Xiu'e watched two Zhang Ping'an, one on the left and one on the right, walk away at the same pace and disappear. Then she turned around and approached the side door of Kunning Hall. A dozen palace people in the original place scratched their heads and looked at Lingguo's departure. Everyone was disappointed.

In the warm pavilion in the hall, Zhang Yan pinched the fresh mulberry leaves covered on the fruit basket with her fingers, looked down at the two straw baskets containing mulberry, and said calmly, "If there were no accidents, there would be forty-eight in each basket. You take twelve of them yourself, and the remaining thirty-six will be given to the people on duty today. Another person sent to the Changchun Palace said that he accidentally got a basket of spiritual fruits, and I intended to share them with Princess Cheng."

Han Xiu'e answered and asked, "Master, why don't you invite Concubine Liang, Concubine Hui, Concubine Chun, Concubine Rong and other distinguished people?"

"They don't deserve it."

Zhang Yan clasped her hands in front of her belly and sat down on a round stool at one side: "So she can trust her heart. Today, they are afraid of the powerful evil slaves and are soft. Tomorrow, if Zhonggong is strong, they will also attach themselves. This is simple, and the fruit is precious. Isn't it useless to give them food?"

"Yes, I understand."

Han Xiu'e went out with a basket of Lingguo. In the warm pavilion of Kunning Hall, Zhang Yan raised her hands and gently rubbed her face. The situation in the palace has become more and more complicated, and it is difficult to grasp the new variables.

Zhang Ping An is out of control here. No one knows what trouble this stubborn young man can cause.

It's easy to talk about everything in the Xian Family. It seems that there is almost no desire and no desire. That bitch of the Ke Family is so spiteful that she still lives well without any damage?

As soon as Zhang Ping An left the Xuanwu Gate, he saw all the eunuchs and junior eunuchs in front of the stone steps, all the eunuchs and junior eunuchs of the departments and bureaus gathered together, and all the stars around Wei Zhongxian walked to the Tianguan Pass, following the Xiyuan Jingjun, one by one, healthy sheep, deer, or carrying all kinds of saplings.

The saplings are indeed scarce in the cave.

Lv Wei's efforts to cultivate the palm barley field were completely eroded by the spread of wheat straw. It was difficult to plant food and vegetables, but it was very simple to plant fruit trees. The branches of fruit trees were tall and the roots were huge and deep, and they would not be suppressed by the fast-growing wheat straw.

When Wei Zhongxian arrived, just as Yuan Shu and Lu Xiangsheng walked out of the Heavenly Gate, Wei Zhongxian said with a smile, "We are thinking about hosting a banquet for the two Heavenly Officials, or borrowing them to compensate Zhang Zhonglang. The other thing is that the affairs of the Immortal Family are related to the national foundation. I'm worried that the two heavenly officials' negligence will cause the Immortal Family to be angry and ruin the national fortune. So I hope the two heavenly officials will give us a chance to serve the Immortal Family. "

Lu Xiangsheng and Yuan Shu looked at each other with serious expressions, and they didn't speak for a moment.

Wei Zhongxian said in a hurry, "The two heavenly officials might as well go back and think about it. These two cities and 13 provinces have more or less effect on what we said. We are experts in serving the Tian Family and the Xian Family. We didn't mean to embarrass the two heavenly officials, but just reminded them. We didn't mean to think about it."

Yuan Shu raised his hand slightly and said, "The factory official is not willing to resign."

Wei Zhongxian glanced at Lu Xiangsheng, who was hesitant to speak, and then smiled, "We are not arrogant and boastful. Two heavenly officials want to do good things for the immortal family, but people outside the capital don't buy it. You can't leave Beijing to clean up these bastards, can you? Otherwise, in the future, the official documents of the two heavenly officials do not need to be sent to the diplomatic envoys, but directly to us. We will sign and issue them to Yousi, and no one will dare to perfunctory. "

Seeing the smile on Yuan Shu's face also faded, Wei Zhongxian's face was frank and his eyes focused on Yuan Shu's face: "Two heavenly officials also know that when the minister of general affairs is handling affairs, they are not going to deliver the official documents of the heavenly official to the chief ritual officer? Without our chief ritual officer's approval, the immortal family's writings cannot be sent out, and no one recognizes this. We are not disrespectful to the Immortal Family. The rules of the Ming Dynasty are just like this. We can't change them in a while. "

Lu Xiang raised his eyebrows and was angry. He asked directly, "The factory official said that it was I who delivered the official document to the factory official, not the supervisor?"

Not only the transit procedure of the General Political Envoy, but also the ritual supervisor.

Wei Zhongxian was also not upset, and his attitude was calm: "Yes, not only that. In the future, if two officials from heaven send official documents, we will not ask about the content, and we will immediately issue and deliver them to the department for implementation. The general administration envoy, the ritual supervisor, and the six section officials are not allowed to interfere."

Lv Wei looked down from upstairs and didn't know what it meant. Yuan Shu and Lu Xiangsheng both changed their faces.

Wei Zhongxian bowed his hands to Lv Wei, who could not be seen by him, and said, "That's exactly the case. We also have a reason. According to the reason, Chengangel Department was set up according to the Tongzheng envoy, aiming to connect the government affairs of immortals and ordinary people, and strive to be quick and convenient. In this way, Chengangel Department has the same effect as Tongzheng envoy, and why should we send official documents to Tongzheng envoy?"

"So, I think that the officials of Chengangelsi don't have to deal with the general envoys. In the future, they can also face the handover and exchange official documents. In this way, it is conducive to the administration of the immortal family and can save our Ming society from changing."

"Let's talk about the Chief Ritual Officer. The Immortal Family annotates official documents. Who dares to gossip? Do you dare? Or do you dare?"

Wei Zhongxian turned his head to ask Wang Tiqian, the head of the Chief of Rites, and some eunuchs, Li Yongzhen and Tu Wenfu. They shook their heads again and again, fearing that they would not dare.

Wei Zhongxian thought he was right. Looking back at Yuan Shu and Lu Xiangsheng, he said, "The six section officials set up the official document to reject the disorderly life. This... How can the official document annotated by the Immortal Family be disorderly life? If it is not disorderly life, why should it be reviewed by the six section officials? Therefore, in the future, we will not ask about the contents of the official documents sent by the heavenly officials. Even if it is our dog's head, we will also sign and issue them to the company for implementation. We dare not add or subtract a word! I dare not delay for a moment! "

Taking a deep breath, Wei Zhongxian looked up and looked at the sky pass sincerely: "All I ask is to be able to work for the immortal family. Being able to handle official documents annotated by the immortal family is also a blessing from the tenth generation!"

Lv Wei touched his chin. It seems that as long as he nodded, he could indirectly control the Ming Dynasty through Wei Zhongxian's hand?