Chapter 425 Kill the Great Devil

  • Alien Agent
  • The Mouse in the Home
  • 8040 words
  • 2019-03-29 10:27:12

The Phantom looked at the Devil with a sneer, but his smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes. At this time, he said sarcastically: "Bastard? Are you still mean when I'm mean? Who said just now that people only pay attention to the results rather than the process, and people will only pay attention to who is the final winner, and don't care what method the other party uses. I learned from you, and you can only blame yourself if you want to blame yourself. You are eating your own juice! "

The Great Devil could not bear the huge bombardment force, and was suddenly blown out. At this time, a trace of blood hung on his mouth. This is the first time that he has bled since he started his career. He stretched out his hand to remove the blood from his mouth

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