Chapter 387 Chaotic Marriage

  • Alien Agent
  • The Mouse in the Home
  • 8021 words
  • 2019-03-29 10:27:12

The Phantom and Luan Qing did not fall down in the front battle, but the crowd at the back of the battle also immediately became confused, and the people brought by Wu Haotian rushed to the palace of Zhuque Kingdom in an instant. They know that the Phantom will use its real dragon spirit when it fights later. Now cut off his real dragon spirit quickly so that Luan Qing can easily kill the Phantom. When the Phantom dies, Zhuque State will get confused.

Since there is still a long way to go from the battlefield, people in front are nervously watching the battle between Phantom and Luan Qing, and no one notices here. The people brought by Wu Haotian rushed back quickly. At this time, they were seen by two people. One was Hua

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