Chapter 123 Overlord Birds

  • Alien Agent
  • The Mouse in the Home
  • 3095 words
  • 2019-03-29 10:27:12

The Phantom looked at the turkey and again generously handed the wine jar to it, saying, "Do you really want to taste it?"

The turkey finally didn't stand the temptation of the wine smell. After taking the wine jar in the Phantom's hand, he raised his head and drank it. As soon as the sweet wine entered his throat, a pungent feeling came, which made the turkey snivel and tears flow together. I just wanted to say that this piece of junk was not good to drink at all, but then a strong fragrance came from the chest and abdomen. The previous spicy flavor combined with this fragrance made it instantly fascinated by this flavor.

Turkey eats pith, but the taste is ordinary

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