Chapter 68 Moving

After eating lunch, they walked back to the ward.

They walked past, just in time to meet Zaokawa Xiuzhi and Zaokawa Eri, who were withdrawing from the ward.

"Bai Jun." Zaokawa drew a picture of Bai Fan and opened his mouth, then closed his mouth as if he had thought of something.

In Zakawa's painting, he hesitated, but Hideki Zakawa would not stand back. He looked at Bai Fan and nodded to Bai Fan to show his gratitude.

"Bai Jun, thank you very much for taking care of Eli. We also discussed with Lizi just now. After they move out, it's OK to give you the student library and the room above it."

When he spoke, he didn't mean to care about the well decorated student library at all. He really deserved to be a rich man. He thought that the house was just a joke in his eyes.

But Bai Fan could not accept it, because he had already heard from Zaokawa Lizi that her house was built by households, and this house would cost at least 50 million yen at the minimum. What is household building? Basically, it means buying a piece of land and letting someone design and build a house for you. This kind of house is different from an apartment building. The land is owned by oneself for life. So the asking price is generally high.

In addition, her home is in a very good location, close to the school and close to the business street. Whatever she does is convenient. If she can't support it anymore, she can sell the student library below for a large sum of money.

According to the tone of the other party, they want to give them all the property directly. This gift is too heavy for Bai Fan to bear.

"I can't accept it, Mr. Okawa. I didn't help Tuli to get anything."

He said it as light as a feather, but in fact, he was moved. After all, it was enough for a family to live in, but Bai Fan still adhered to his own principles. A person must have his own bottom line.

"... It's not me and Baihuizi who made this decision, but Lizi. As you said, we should respect the opinions of Eli, so we should also respect Lizi's opinions." Asakawa Xiuzhi thought for a while, and then said, "If Bai Jun refuses to accept it, I will give you the key first, but it will not be transferred. The house is still theirs, but Bai Jun wants to live there."

He proposed a seemingly reasonable solution, but in fact Bai Fan took advantage of it. After all, Zaokawa's mother and daughter are no longer in Yokohama, and the property here is quite Bai Fan's.

However, it is also a way to have the best of both worlds without transferring ownership.

"Why don't you want to send a house to you, such a fool?" Shengu Future stood beside and shouted in surprise. She didn't realize that Bai Fan should be such a fool. If she were, she would have happily agreed.

Bai Fan shook his head helplessly. He knew that it would be wrong to refuse.

He turned his head again and looked at Asakawa Hiri.

"Does Tuli think this is OK?"

"This is a common decision of my mother and I, because there is no one to live in the house, and we have no relatives or the like, so we might as well let Bai Jun live." Zaichuan Eri smiles at Bai Fan. After a day of traveling, her delicate body obviously can't bear it, but she still smiles at Bai Fan.

"..." Bai Fan.

"In that case, I'm ashamed to take it. But if Eri returns to Yokohama in the future, I will return the room key."

After receiving the keys of the student's library and the Zaokawa family above, Bai Fan made a solemn promise.

He hates trouble. In addition, he lives in Qianxia's home very comfortably. There is nothing else that he should not move. He has the key right to be a nanny. When he is free, he can go there and remove the dust.

Zakawa Xiuzhi and Zakawa Baihuizi talked with Bai Fan again, and then mentioned the problem that Bai Fan is studying now.

"I don't know what Bai Jun's grades are like. There is also a good private high school in Fukuoka. Even if the grades are not ideal, there is no problem. The Okawa family also has some say over there." Okawa Baihuiko asked softly with a soft face.

She felt that Bai Fan, a young man with a good personality and a stable attitude, could stay around and observe for a long time. After the observation, if Zaichuanheli wanted to get married, he could be a son-in-law. Her little abacus jingled. Even if she did not pass their observation, it would be just a few more years of tuition fees, which was harmless.


These two are indeed the representatives of capitalists, and they began to want to abduct people without finishing their sentences.

"I'm pretty good here in Yokohama. I don't want to bother two more people because my parents and friends are here to take care of me."

"Since that's the case, then we won't force it." Hearing Bai Fan's words, Hayakawa Baihuizi didn't force her. She continued with a sense of hesitation, "Let Eri send you next, and we still have something to say with him."

The next conversation should not be for young people like them to listen to.

Bai Fan takes the Shengu Future and Zaokawa Eri step by step towards the direction of her home.

"When is Tuli going to move out?"

"... Master Xiuzhi... Grandpa and his family are well prepared. It is estimated that the moving company will come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

I will move away. Will I never see Bai Jun again?

There is no doubt that she is worried about adolescent girls. Bai Fan can neither fly nor run. As long as she wants to see it, she can still see it.

"Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." Bai Fan was stunned, and could not help shaking his head for a long time. This Zaokawa Xiuzhi and Zaokawa Baihuizi are really alive and well. It is estimated that they have contacted the moving company before coming here, and only today can they persuade Zaokawa Eri and Zaokawa Rizi.

However, Zaokawa Eri will also live a better life. The sincerity in the other party's language is absolutely not false.

That's enough. He is not an outsider who can interfere in the affairs of the Zaokawa family.

"Is Baijun still going to continue to study in Shuijing High School?"

"Hmm... Then go to a good university. My parents probably want me to go to a good university here." Bai Fan squinted at Zaichuanheli.

"That's right..." Zaokawa drew a slight sigh of relief. Although she still felt a little uncomfortable, she also understood a lot.

"Sister Eri, do you really want to move away?" Shengu Future held the small hand of Zaokawa Eri, raised her head, and looked at her with reluctance.

"Yes, my sister is going to Fukuoka's hometown. Remember to contact my sister often in the future, or I will miss you.

The three people chatted and soon came downstairs to Zaokawa's house.