Chapter 71 Battle Soul Event

In February 2003, a news swept the world like a gale, shaking Jiuzhou in China.

The strength breakthrough of Luo Shixin, the god of war in Bingzhou, produced something similar to the soul of the army, and the battle force multiplied.

Wang Xu, the Marquis of Wu, named it Warring Soul. Luo Shixin's reputation directly overwhelmed Li Yuanba and became the real number one in the world.

Suddenly, a group of Wu Xiu who admired Luo Shixin began to join the army in Yanmen, and the strength of the state increased rapidly.

In March of the same year, a message came out from Chang'an Dongxin that Li Yuanba also successfully gathered the battle spirit.

And he defeated the battle array of Chang'an, the golden dragon battle array, and Dong Jun successfully captured Chang'an

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