Chapter 35 Unique Birthday

Li Yanping saw that the gift looked a little ugly. She thought it would give them face if she could come to the birthday party. What gift do you need. At this time, she felt ugly and glared angrily at Zhang Lu.

Zhang Lu unintentionally turned around and looked at Yao Xin with a sad look. She said to herself, "How time flies! In a twinkling of an eye, Yingying and Jun'er have become big girls." She said, looking at Yao Xin, "This looks more beautiful than a star." Then she smiled at Li Yanping, "My sister-in-law and second aunt, we should repair the threshold a little higher in the future."

Li Yanping didn't know why she was on the threshold again. Zhang Lu said with a smile, "If you look so beautiful, the boy you will pursue will break the threshold. Don't you want to repair the high spot?"

In an instant, the whole room was full of laughter, and everyone's mouth was full of smiles, including Yao Xiangjun, who always ignored everyone. However, Lefeiying's small face was slightly red and her head was lowered

Yao Xiangjun was also dressed up today. She was wearing a long eardrop on her ears, a diamond necklace on her neck, and big waves spread over her shoulders. She was wearing a Chanel white dress with the hem above her knees, revealing her slender legs and wearing high-heeled sandals.

Before she came here, she was also intoxicated with herself. Unexpectedly, Lefeiying didn't wear pink and black, and her clothes were simple. Once the iceberg was cold and proud, she became lively and lovely, full of youth. It made her think a lot. It was like that you stood at the end of the road, rubbed your hands and waited for the other person eagerly, but found that the other person had changed his route. It was really an old blood stuck in his throat. How uncomfortable.

Gradually, the whole room warmed up. The topic was led by Zhang Lu, and a burst of laughter broke out from time to time; Three year old Yao Junchen was shy at first, but finally, he gradually became lively under the teasing of Lefei firefly; Leyi and Yao Feng also talked about what Leyi asked and what Yao Feng answered solemnly.

Not long after, the waiter presented the fish head with chopped pepper, braised crayfish, steamed abalone with XO sauce, oil consuming seafood mushrooms, seafood sauce, steamed scallops with minced garlic vermicelli, braised prawns, steamed bass, fish porridge, spicy crab, West Lake beef soup, etc

I have to say that the five-star waiter was very eyeful. He caught a glimpse of Yao Junchen being held and took a baby chair.

Yao Xin glanced at Yao Junchen on the baby chair, smiled and asked, "Today's dishes are all spicy. There is almost nothing to eat in Chenchen. I'll order some light ones."

Zhang Lu quickly waved her hand and said, "No, Aunt. This big table has run out of food, so there is no need to order more." She pointed to two dishes on the table: "A child will be full after just two mouthfuls. There are fish porridge and steamed perch."

In the dining room, Zhang Lu glanced at Lefeiying, who was well behaved and chewing, and then glanced at Yao Xiangjun, who was holding his cheek and picking vegetables with the other hand.

After a full meal, the waiter presented dessert one by one: cranberry biscuit, coconut protein ball, fruit, strawberry luck, cherry rat

After the dessert was presented, Lefeiying first brought Yao Junchen a strawberry blessing and fruit. Afterwards, I tasted everything and commented on it secretly. Finally, pointing to the fruit, "What is this?"

Zhang Lu said, "This is Heguozi, a traditional Japanese snack made of glutinous rice flour, sugar and white beans, often made into flowers, fruits or birds to represent different seasons

Lefeiying nodded happily. She liked dessert best and said curiously, "Sister in law, can you make dessert?"

Zhang Lu said, "In order to improve Xiao Bao's food, I bought books and taught myself a little"

Yao Xiangjun glanced at the two men who were chatting hotly, and whispered, "One is a glutton, and one is an apple polisher."

Zhang Lu froze for a moment and looked at Yao Xiangjun

Yao Xiangjun scorned to say, "I'm not rare."

After talking, Zhang Lu's face was slightly hot, and he lowered his head. Seeing that his wife was being bullied, Yao Feng immediately countered, "You girl, how can you talk?"

Yao Xiangjun held up the minibus and said, "What's wrong with me? Why can't I tell the truth?"

Yao Feng pounded the table and pointed at her. "You girl, your sister-in-law is kind enough to talk, but if you don't appreciate it, why don't you say something?" He added, "It's more and more outrageous. Who did you learn from?"

Li Yanping was not happy when she heard this, and also patted the table: "What's wrong with my daughter? Who are you? What are you?"

The two people came and went, but the more they quarreled, the fiercer they became. They had an impulse to fight

Lefeiying was totally confused. She had no idea that Yao Feng, who was honest and friendly, was so fierce when he broke out.

People outside heard the shouting, crying, pointing, whispering or gloating in the box. "

Only then, Leyi, with a black face, shouted in a deep voice: "Is it over? If you don't want to stay, get out of here."

This roar woke them up. Li Yanping was shocked and scared. Leyi used to be gentle and elegant. Seeing him with a black face, it was really scary.

So she took Yao Xiangjun, who had already been silly, and said, "Who do you think wants to stay?" Then she went away and slammed the door

At this time, Yao Feng, who is back to normal, is like a child who has done something wrong. He stealthily glances at Leyi from time to time, his arms are straight, and his waist is straight.

Zhang Lu coaxed Yao Junchen, who was crying all the time, to look pale, while Yao Xin sat there powerless with her eyes covered. She had never thought that things would go this far. She thought it was just like before.

Lefeiying looked at the ugly people, got up, smiled and said, "Chen Chen, come to my aunt's place, and we'll have dessert." Hearing something delicious, Yao Junchen giggled and held his chubby arms to hug. He looked very cute.

"Pupi" several people laughed out loud. It was true that the most changeable person in the world is always a child

After the children were coaxed, Zhang Lu dragged Yao Feng, who stood by himself, to the front of Leyi and his wife. She bowed her head and said, "Auntie and uncle, it's our fault today. I'm very sorry for screwing up Yingying's birthday party." Yao Feng also repeated

Yao Xin secretly looked at Yue Yi's face and saw that he didn't seem to blame him. She sighed, "I can't blame you. After all, they started it first."

Le Yi glanced at Yao Feng with his head down and said, "It's good to protect your wife, son, but sometimes violence can't solve everything, and you should use your head if appropriate.".

Zhang Lu blushed a little and felt embarrassed, so she picked up a tissue to wipe the cream filled Yao Junchen. Finally, several people ate the cake, and the couple said goodbye and left first.

Yao Xin looked at the messy box and said apologetically, "Yingying, this birthday is a mess. Mom will make it up for you later."

Lefeiying smiled and said, "It's very interesting to have such a unique birthday."

Yao Xin pinched her face and said, "Such a lovely daughter is really a blessing we have repaired for many generations."

After talking, several people met and smiled, and the whole room was filled with warmth.

When Zhao Yu passed the lobby of the hotel, he passed by Lefeiying's family. He paused, looked back at the figures of several people who had gone away, pondered for a moment, and strode back to the box.

When he opened box 1202, the corners of his mouth opened with a bad smile: "Brothers, guess who I saw?"