Chapter 25 On the Importance of Long Legs

The setting sun slants on the lush pines and cypresses on both sides of the road. Three uniformed traffic policemen stand tall and straight. The three Lefeiying men stand not far away from them. Fangyuanyuan is looking for the driver's license and ID card with her head bowed.

Hou Yichen opened the back door of the gray Lamborghini and came out. He looked up and saw Lefeiying in a red cotton and linen dress. His footsteps paused for a moment. Then he gently pinched the bridge of his lower nose and exhaled deeply. At first, when a quarrel occurred, he was woken up. He was too sleepy to pay attention to Zhang Minghui. Unexpectedly, it would go this far.

Yue Feiying looked at Zhang Mingyu who got off the bus. He was stunned first, then raised his eyebrows. The enemy's path was narrow

At this time, Zhang Mingyu was also very surprised. She saw her chin raised high and her nostrils showed her disdain and pride, while Buck Teeth Zhang Minghui, at the signal of the traffic police, casually took out his ID card and driver's license

Yan Yan and Fang Yuanyuan saw Hou Yichen, their eyes wide open, and looked at each other. Neither of them expected that a modest gentleman would mix with scum

At this time, after the traffic police registered their information, one of the men with a long, masculine face looked at the two people, "What's the matter?" He pointed to the concave bumper

Yan Yan was about to reply when Zhang Mingyu complained in a shrill voice, "They say evil words", and then pointed to Lefeiying and said fiercely, "She robbed our clothes last time, and they are such shameless people"

Yue Feiying covers her eyes wordlessly. If she had whipped such an unreasonable person before

Yan Yan pointed at Zhang Mingyu, glared at her and shouted: "You are so flat nosed that you villains should complain first. It is clear that you speak evil words first." Zhang Mingyue's face was red, his hands clenched tightly, and his veins were exposed. She always thinks her facial features are beautiful, but her nose is a little flat and not very straight.

Zhang Minghui, who has been fooling around all the time, saw that his sister was being bullied and immediately said to each other, "Wait for me, dead bully". After that, he rubbed his fists and was about to hit someone.

"Are you finished today?" Zhang Minghui was stunned and withdrew his feet, but he had never seen his cousin get angry

Yan Yan gasped for breath and stared at the other side with his head high: "You want to hit women, dead buckteeth. If you have the guts, you can do it!" Zhang Minghui was going up with a black face. Hou Yichen gave a sharp eye, and he walked back quietly

Yue Feiying stroked Yan Yan's back to help her breathe. From the moment she got off the bus, Fang Yuanyuan kept her head down. She felt that everything she had done was her fault. She was ashamed and regretful

"Enough trouble? Do you want to deal with it?" The just masculine traffic policeman glanced at both people and shouted

Just as Lefeiying wanted to move forward, Hou Yichen moved faster. He walked to the traffic police with two long legs and said respectfully, "Comrades of the traffic police, I'm very sorry, we are all responsible for it, and you have to worry about it". Then, he threw a look at Zhang Minghui and motioned him to come over and admit his mistake.

Then, he led Zhang Minghui to Lefeiyou and forced him to hold his head. Buck Fang struggled desperately, but he did not compromise. He slapped Buck Fang hard on the back, and Buck Fang had to bend a waist. Surprisingly, Hou Yichen also bowed deeply.

He stood up, looked at the three people, and said in a sincere voice: "I'm very sorry, it's all our fault today. My cousin is outspoken and often offends others without knowing that we will pay for the repair of your car." He took out a piece of paper to write down the mobile phone number and handed it to them.

Yan Yan and Fang Yuanyuan are both confused by his series of moves. They deserve the salute of buckteeth, but his salute is a bit baffling

Lefeiying looked at Hou Yichen calmly. He was very gentle and elegant. He didn't expect to be so scheming. He knew he had lost the first chance when he first apologized. He both admitted his mistake and bowed to apologize, which undoubtedly left a good impression on the traffic police.

Lefei frowned, only blaming herself for not having a long leg. When she caught sight of the note he handed her, she turned her head to the side and refused to take it.

Hou Yichen saw the Lefei firefly on her side and touched her nose. She didn't remember herself at all? So, he stretched the note forward again. Fang Yuanyuan looked at Lefei firefly and looked at the note again. He didn't know whether to take it or not.

Yan Yan reached out and grabbed the note. Although they are in the same school, they only met Hou Yichen, but they don't know each other

Three traffic policemen looked around the car and found that only the bumper was concave, and there were no casualties. The other side also accepted full responsibility and had a good attitude. So he turned to Lefeiying and said, "I have just checked the car, and there is no major problem with it, and you are not injured. I will issue a ticket to the other party, and you will be private." Then, buckteeth gave a cold grunt. After he felt that he had been so humiliated, he still wanted to end it as soon as possible

When Yan Yan heard that it was so easy to let them go, he immediately became angry and could not ignore the sweat on his head. He had to go to the traffic police to argue. Seeing this, Yue Feiying pulled her and shook her head

Lefeiying looked at the traffic police with clear eyes and smiled: "Police brother, it's so hot that you have to work hard. If this is just a simple traffic accident, we would be happy to have it so simple and private." Then she turned the subject and added: "But this is a crime of intentional injury." Finally, She slowly explained the whole incident to the traffic police today.

After listening to Yue Feiying's narration, the traffic police frowned, their hands were waist tight, and they kept moving. They were not very fond of handling such a luxury car incident. It must be the best to be private. They glanced at Hou Yichen, who was tall and handsome. Maybe he could solve it. So I decided to wait and see

Hou Yichen felt a clatter in his heart. He pinched the bridge of his nose hard, causing a headache. Unexpectedly, this girl is a fox wearing sheepskin? He is a tough character.

Buck Teeth panicked when he heard that the dead girl wanted to accuse him of intentional injury, and he grabbed Zhang Mingyu's clothes tightly. Zhang Mingyue thought that the woman was so crazy that she wanted to sue her brother. She was very disdainful and said, "Hurt people on purpose? Do you have a piece of skin or a piece of meat missing?"

Le Feiying looked at Zhang Mingyu deeply and said forcefully: "The law clearly states that intentional injury is an act of taking another's life. Action and inaction can constitute a crime. You drive into our car with an intention of taking our life away. Even if we are lucky and not injured, the fact that you deliberately hurt us cannot be erased". Ignorance is not terrible. What is terrible is that ignorance needs to be flaunted everywhere

Zhang Mingyu was dumbfounded by Lefeiying, and gradually dared not look her in the eye. The last clothing robbery event made her a little afraid of Lefeiying, and this time even more.

Hou Yichen took a deep breath and was really a teammate like a pig. He knows that his cousin has violated the law in a sense, but he can't ignore who makes him his cousin