Chapter 93 Nine Character Sound Shock

If anyone knows the idea of Orange Shiwei, he must be said to be crazy. Secret silver is also a kind of heavy metal, which is an unabsorbable and non metabolizable toxin for both spiritual bodies and physical organisms of people in the world. The result of taking it directly is death, but Orange Shiwei has confidence in his body that has been tempered by the technique of exploding poison, Although he may not be invulnerable to all kinds of poisons, he can't do anything about the poisons of the secret silver medium. It seems to be the most unreliable method, but it is actually the safest method.

When Ju Shiwei takes the pill like secret silver medium, he first feels a cold feeling coming down his mouth into the deep body. At first, he doesn't feel anything strange, just as Ju Shiwei expected, because the spirit formed by the Detoxification Exercise is basically immune to heavy metal toxins, and the secret silver medium coexists well with him in his spirit body, but as Ju Shiwei operates the aura, It felt an attraction from the secret silver medium in the body, which interfered with the spirit body's control of its own spiritual power, and produced a small collapse.

Centered on the Mithril medium, everything around it is rapidly dissipating into a spirit child, and gradually being absorbed into it. When the orange was only surprised, it did not hesitate to pull out the orange text for a flash, poke down the abdomen, and bloody pulled out a silver Mithril medium.

Although it looks bloody, these skin injuries are only skin injuries for the spirit body who has reincarnation blessing. With the flow of spiritual power, the rune array on the chest has been activated, and those wounds are healing at an amazing speed visible to the naked eye.

"I didn't expect that the medium would have this feature, which could not only absorb the spirit son to change its shape and materialize, but also decompose the spirit son as the most basic spirit son. This kind of thing is too dangerous for the god of death and emptiness, and it is just like cancer in the spirit body, which is just as terrible as what people in the world say." Orange said to herself in a faint voice.

The first plan failed. Ju Shiwei only took a short rest and began to experiment with the second plan. He kept a notebook beside him, which was full of problems and solutions he had encountered in his practice. Ju Shiwei would immediately write down the inspiration he encountered in research. This time, the second plan was embedded.

Jushi had to put the silver medium in the palm of his hand and squeeze it inside in an attempt to completely embed it in the palm of his hand, but soon the soft silver medium was pressed into a paper shape, and the scheme soon failed.

Ju Shiwei Lu continued to experiment with several schemes. In addition to discovering more characteristics of the Mithril medium, all of them failed. In particular, the Mithril medium seemed to respond only to mental power, and no response was made to Ju Shiwei whether it was driven by spiritual power or stimulated by spiritual power, which made Ju Shiwei very upset.

"Does it mean that the first step of the materialization of the spell is going to fail?" Ju Shi sighed to herself and crossed out the last plan. Suddenly she felt a little depressed, and the handwriting was put aside. Just as he was frowning and locking up, the wind from somewhere suddenly blew the title page of the handwriting, and the mobile phone began to flip up. Ju Shi just pressed it casually, I was seeing a page full of handwriting.

On this page, when Ju Shiwei was just studying the middle part of the ghost magic, he became interested in the mysterious ghost magic and wrote down many ridiculous ideas, including unrealistic ideas such as condensing acupoints instead of singing. But suddenly a line of small words came into sight on this page.

"What is the attribute of the broken incantation? Why does it have the form of fire, thunder and lightning, etc. If it can only hit the opponent in the form of energy, what about the bound incantation? It can transform the magic power into rope and wall! In this way, the yin spirit is easier to condense, while the yang spirit can only be destroyed in the form of energy because it is too active?"

This was just a student's period, when he had some questions about some newly learned ghost charms, and naturally no one could answer his questions, because at that time even the changes in the attributes of Reiki were not published publicly, and for a long time afterwards, Ju Shiwei's research entered into the content supplement of the Yin Yang Reiki, which had been forgotten completely, When I saw it, I suddenly felt a flash in my mind. I could not help saying to myself, "Yin and Yang are separated! Yes! I didn't think it was really stupid! The answer to the materialization of spells has always been in my own handwriting, but I didn't find it!"

Ju Shiwei was both surprised and flustered. If it weren't for the sudden wind, he might have to take a detour for many years. However, with this mysterious wind, Ju Shiwei always felt that Zhibo Haiyan was watching him in the dark and helped him. He still remembered asking Zhibo Haiyan about his ghost magic at that time, Zhibo Haiyan gave a thumbs up and said: "Our family is the best! Speaking of ghost magic, there is nothing you can't solve! As long as you sleep, you will have an answer!"

"I see. Just have a sleep!" Ju Shiyi smiled happily, put away the medium, closed his notebook, and fell asleep on the spot.

Although there is still a masked army training in the underground space, Jushiwei purposely found a mountain far away from them to practice. The people of the masked army could only see him sitting there almost motionless, and knew nothing about what happened. Jushiwei didn't like to be disturbed when he was doing research, so he purposely did so. As soon as he woke up, he felt energetic and energetic, Yesterday's tiredness swept away.

When Ju picked up his notes again, he couldn't wait to write down new ideas. This is also the "separation of yin and yang from spirit" that plays a huge role in his research! He wrote two pages of formula and deliberation, constantly calculating the composition of Reiki fusion and separation, and finally found the existence of Lingzi with the help of the silver medium, and named the active Lingzi Yang Lingzi, and the inert Lingzi Yin Lingzi. Finally, Orange Shiwei put this technology into the Huidao incantation, After all, it is also the aura of two attributes.

In the research system of Ju Shiwei, there are three kinds of ghost incantations, namely, breaking the way mainly with yang aura, binding the way mainly with yin aura, and returning the way incantation relying on the combination of yin and yang with their own aura. Because of the different composition of spirit bodies, most of the many gods of death can only master one of them. For example, Yumu Lucia is also very good at understanding incantations, but because most of his spirit bodies are positive, It can only break the Tao, and orange is more proficient in the only way of magic, that is, its spirit body is a combination of yin and yang, so there are two yin and yang veins in the body. The original turbid heaven and earth spirit qi is absorbed by him, flows from the yin and yang veins, and then comes out to be the pure power of returning to the Tao. The so-called "separation method of yin and yang spirit children" is to decompose the power of returning to the Tao into yin and yang spirit children.

Yin and Yang Lingzi and Yin and Yang Lingli are different. Yin and Yang Lingli can be used independently from the context of a single attribute, and can be fixed. But Lingzi are different, because Yang Lingzi is active and Yin Lingzi is inert, and they are attracted to each other. If you want to separate them, you need to block the attraction between the opposite sex. In this study, orange was surprised to find that, The mind power of the Master of Destruction is such a blocking force. He can repel the attraction of Lingzi among the opposite sex and guide Lingzi to move. It seems that he can control Lingzi freely.

"If I can achieve the separation of yin and yang, it means that I also have a way to deal with this barrier. Does that mean that I can use the means of destruction instead of mental power?" Ju Shiwei thought about it like this. The more excited she thought about it, the more excited she was. She wanted to get the separation of yin and yang, but it was clear that Rome was not built in a day.

Ju Shiwei's research was only half a year ago. He came to see him once during the night, but he didn't have time to pay attention to him. The ape and persimmon of the masked army came to ask for advice once in the world, but he scolded him and drove him away. Now he was completely clean. He calmed down to study for a long time, and found that although the god of death had no mental strength, he could not block the attraction between the spirits, But there is a way that can cause the vibration among the spirit children to produce repulsive force. When orange was born, it was unexpected that it would be this way - singing!

For a long time, Ju Shiwei thought that singing was the biggest obstacle to the application of ghost magic in actual combat. However, when Ju Shiwei's research went deep into the materialization stage of magic, he suddenly found that the only way to replace the destruction of the teacher's mental strength was singing! The orange can only laugh and cry at once.

Ju Shi couldn't help turning over his handwriting to the hundred character combination that he broke down and chanted when studying the spell combo. This was the research he had done to simplify the chanting, but it was too difficult to master. If he wanted to use this method to perform the spell combo, he could not do it himself. He could completely inherit this way of fighting. Ju Shi only saw one person, that is, rotten wood Lucia, He always felt that this little girl had incredible talent.

I thought I would never touch the study of spell combo again, but I didn't expect that the kung fu has paved the way for today. There is no reason to combine more than a hundred words. In fact, every sound shock will affect the aura nearby, which is called resonance. Only when the study is deep enough can I find that this resonance actually blocks the attraction between spirit children, It is equivalent to cutting a piece of aura from the void of heaven and earth for your own drive.

He was pleasantly surprised when he found the mystery of resonance. If there was no function of the silver medium to decompose Lingzi and help him observe Lingzi carefully, he would not find the mystery of singing. It was like an ancient doctor without the help of a microscope, who always knew a little about microorganisms, only knew how to use them, but did not know the essential changes, It is also impossible to understand more advanced medicine from subtle changes. Thanks to the help of the Mithril medium, a microscope like tool, Jushiwei finally achieved this.

It took a year to sort out the hundred character combinations, and Ju Shiwei sorted out nine characters - those who were fighting in front of each other! It was called Nine Word Seal of Truth!