Chapter 84 Hearts of Withered Pines

The decayed wood house of Team Liufan belongs to the Jingling Court, but the camp of Team Liufan is not close to Team Wufan. Instead, in the secluded cherry garden, the decayed wood has been excused from vacation for more than half a year because of his wife and sister-in-law. Looking at the withered decayed wood Fei Zhen every day, the decayed wood is not speaking on the surface, but smiling less and less, One of my favorite things is to stay quietly by Fei Zhen's side, holding her hand.

A black butterfly intruded into the quiet room from nowhere, and dissipated beside Yumu Baizai's ears. Yumu Baizai's eyes opened, looking surprised. Holding Yumu Fei's hand, she involuntarily forced herself. Yumu Fei really opened his eyes and asked, "What's wrong? Is there anything in the team?"

Deadwood nodded his head and said, "The captain told me that an unknown man had broken into the Jingling Holy Court, destroyed the whole Wufan team, and defeated several captains in succession. Now I'm urgently called to help, but you..."

Shiki Fei Zhen shook his head and said, "Since there is something on the team, how can you be selfish as the captain and the parent of Shiki Family? You should go to perform your duty as the captain. Don't worry, I have Lucia to talk with me and will wait for you to come back."

Although Shimu Baizai was upset, he knew the priority of the matter. If there was not a very important accident, Yamamoto's chief who had always wanted to step on the aristocrats would never have sent a letter to ask for help. He used threats to make himself idle at home by taking advantage of Shimu Ruqiya's killing of Zhibo Haiyan, in order to seize the power of the Jingling Court, At this time, the letter of asking for help is tantamount to restoring oneself to his original post, which can only show that even he, the strongest god of death, has no confidence to win completely.

Shimu Baizai said goodbye to Shimu Fei Zhen in a hurry with the mentality of going back quickly. Soon, Shimu Ruqiya, who was ordered by him, came in from the door with a medicine cup, and sorted out Fei Zhen's bedding. "Sister, it's time to take medicine, and I'll blow for you!"

"Sigh!" Suddenly a black cat, who didn't know when it appeared, squatted on the windowsill, making Lucia's face change, and hurriedly said, "Go away! Go somewhere else to eat!"

"Forget it, it doesn't matter. It's just a cat. Speaking of it, I haven't seen such a beautiful black cat. Lucia, please help me up and have a look." Shimu Fei stopped.

No wonder Deadwood Rukia is so nervous, because the black cat represents unknown and death in the soul world. Many people say it is a symbol of death, especially when Deadwood Fei is seriously ill, even the intelligent Deadwood Rukia began to believe these.

The black cat didn't move anywhere lazily, but she could still see her healthy body and shiny fur lying on the windowsill. This is not a wandering black cat, but are there people who keep black cats as pets in the ghost world?

The yellow pupil stared at Shimu Fei Zhen. Shimu Fei smiled and nodded kindly, "Although this is the first time to see you, you are really beautiful! Unfortunately, what must have happened at this time?" She began to talk with the black cat strangely.

The black cat stood up and his eyes also flashed a bit of surprise, but Shimu Luqiya just focused on taking care of her sister and drinking medicine, and didn't see it. She only heard Shimu Fei continue: "Jinglingting has been a bit boring these years! Fortunately, sometimes Mr. Wei is here. Otherwise, the last ten years of our meeting have been empty talk. I have always been very grateful to Mr. Shi Wei. In the past ten years, there have been Bai Zai and Lucia. I am really satisfied. If you can, please thank Mr. Shi Wei for me. I'm sorry that I can't speak to him face to face. I drank and fought with swords under the cherry blossom forest that day The happy days of playing flute and writing books seem to be just yesterday. "

"Elder sister, what are you talking about? Don't say these discouraging words, you will be better! I have just lost Lord Haiyan, and I can't lose my elder sister anymore!" Shimu Lucia heard the faint meaning in Fei Zhen's words.

Deadwood Fei Zhen shook his head and just hugged Deadwood Lucia. Her soft body was as light as cotton wool. Her lips and teeth were slightly open, but she could not make a sound. Only vaguely heard the words "good". Deadwood Lucia found her sister was dissipating, and her weak soul fire was finally extinguished.

"Sister! Sobbing... Why..." Rotten wood Lucia cried bitterly, trying hard to hold the last warmth, but in vain, leaving her alone to kneel in the quiet room.

"Aim!" The black cat gave a soft cry, jumped out of the window, and disappeared into the night in a twinkling of an eye.

As time goes by, the sweat drops down. When the orange is trapped, Hua Tiankuang, a tumbler, gradually returns to his senses. The reason why Yamamoto Yuanliu has not come to cut himself for so long only shows that Hua Tiankuang's ability is not limited to himself. Looking at the relationship line, he suddenly understands that he slowly closes his eyes.

As expected, at the moment when his eyes closed, the strange power that bound him disappeared, and his feet could move. At the same time, he heard the sound of the rapid movement of Jingle Spring Water.

"Do you want to meet me? Then as you wish!"

Ju Shiwei never opened his eyes, but stood still. Jingle Chunshui rushed to his chest and slapped him with a frightened hand. He said excitedly, "Yes! Next... Poof!" He suddenly gushed blood, and a deep fist mark appeared on his chest. The whole person fell on his back. He was unwilling to look up and asked, "How could it be? I clearly met you, how could the force of rules affect me? "

The orange Shiwei who closed his eyes began to turn golden, and then turned into gravel, and turned into a sword like weapon with the void. The orange Shiwei flashed out from the light and shadow on the side. In fact, he had just stood by and watched it happen - Shiying backtracking, sand mirage!

Jingle Chunshui doesn't know Shi Yusha, but Ju Shiwei has a certain understanding of Huatian Crazy Bones. Everyone is equal under the rules, which is just who is more familiar with the rules and better uses them. Huatian Crazy Bones · tumbler means that when Ju Shiwei designates a tumbler, his eyes can be locked on all participants. Once he finds that the participants move, the force of the rules will act on them, On the contrary, when he cannot see, the participant can act. As long as he meets the tumbler, the force of the rules will act on the tumbler. This is a strange ability that ignores the power gap. No wonder Yamamoto Yuanliu is unwilling to participate. Once he enters this rule, his amazing strength will also be subject to the rules.

Ju Shi ignored the seriously injured Jingle Chunshui and approached Lan Ran Huyoujie who was being treated on the flesh. The reason why he refused to retreat after such a battle with the Thirteenth Courtyard Guarding Team was that Lan Ran Huyoujie calculated on himself and put himself in a very critical position to survive. This was Lan Ran Huyoujie's wisdom, He is probably the weakest person since he knew him. Ju Shi is not sure whether he will have a better chance to kill him in the future. But he knows that even if he has to pay a big price, he will spare no effort to get rid of Lan Ran.

Ju Shi only knew that Yamamoto Yuanliu Sai Chongguo not far away would definitely attack him, so he did not dare to hurry, but he did not want to retreat. But when he was only a sword away from Yamamoto Yuanliu Sai, suddenly a cold, cold, and magnificent spiritual power burst out from behind him, like the sea waves sweeping, suddenly enveloped Ju Shi only, and the storm! Huatian Crazy Bone, Withered Pine Heart, All Things Are Not Me!

A section of eyes, hesitating to share the trauma! A strange fist mark suddenly appeared on the belly of Ju Shiwei, which was deeply sunken. It was clearly the force of the rules that had just been suffered by the Jingle Spring Water. Ju Shiwei was shocked by the cold light. He knew that the Jingle Spring Water had been hiding the Swastika solution, but he did not expect such a sudden outbreak without signs, With the extension and change of the Swastika, the Twelve Immortal Arrays, Zhuxiangfei and I burst out together and instantly reached 200 times the spiritual pressure. In particular, the spiritual power of the deep cold made Jushi think only of the extremely poisonous and ghostly cold.

"Cough! Wow!" Ju Shiwei coughed violently, as if he was seriously ill and could not help but feel weak. He felt cold and hot, and the rain sand trembled all the time. His mental pressure dropped rapidly, and his emptiness quickly faded, along with his first understanding, which was about to dissipate - Second Duan Mu, a bed of shame!

Sanduanmu - Broken Fish Abyss! Orange Shiwei's ears sounded a unique rhythm, like an ancient wine song, a splash of water billowed from his face, and the Beijing music spring water with hair curled up in good condition emerged from the waves. His hands rested on Orange Shiwei's shoulders, like a desperate female ghost. He was babbling and singing an unknown tune, with a sharp voice like a complaining wife, But what made Ju Shi even more afraid was that he and his spiritual power were falling rapidly, and the rain sand had become a twinkle of orange with sheath.

Soon, his spiritual power was close to that of Jingle Spring Water, and all the defensive moves relying on spiritual power were invalid. It can be said that both Ju Shiwei and Jingle Spring Water were the most vulnerable times at this time, but that alone could not lead to Ju Shiwei's death. Even if his spiritual power was empty, his spirit body strengthened by six levels of explosive cultivation technique could not be stopped by Jingle Spring Water.

The end of the Yan section is to cut narrow blood and stain the throat! Jingle Chunshui shook his hands and pulled on Bai Si. White silk thread appeared on his neck and Ju Shiwei's neck at some time. With his pulling, Ju Shiwei felt a sharp pain in his neck, like a sharp blade cutting. Especially under the influence of various factors, the pain that Jingle Chunshui had to endure was also superimposed on him, Ju Shiwei has no doubt that with the last move of Jingle Spring Water, his head will be cut off by the other party.

Ju Shi struggled hard, and the powerful spirit body played a great role at this time, not only delaying the other party's deadly time, but even with the emptiness of the spirit power of the Jingle Spring Water, the power of the Swastika to remove the imprisonment was not so strong, and his arms finally began to swing slowly.