Chapter 83 The Power of Rules

If the power of ghost magic is still there, Ju Shiwei can defeat these four people by virtue of the magic blessing, the powerful mystery of ghost swordsmanship. Yamamoto Yuanliu Sai once judged that Ju Shiwei's power is not as strong as that of the four captain level gods of death, but that is before Shi Yusha's solution.

White Ghost Sword - Quick Sudden Ice Cut! Rifangu Dongshilang used Jushiwei's ghost sword technique as a big red lotus ice wheel pill. Because of his unique ability to cut souls, he was praised as a white ghost sword by Jushiwei, which means that he has broken away from Jushiwei's shackles and has his own development direction.

Rifan Valley Winter Lion Lang flapped his ice wings behind him and flew quickly with his sword. It was like a flash of lightning rushing through Ju Shiwei's body. Ju Shiwei knew the change of his sword path just by watching his starting move. He flashed sideways slightly. Then, when the rain sand was lifted, it was heavy swordsmanship. Lifting the sword happened to meet the next change of Rifan Valley Winter Lion Lang's sword move, which was to stop flying and turn around with inertia, The powerful force of ice formation led the sword to press fiercely and cut the opponent's body. It was a surprise move, but orange Shiwei lifted the sword away and flew out, just like catching up to be beaten on purpose.

When the left front of the village was afraid of oranges, it had to take advantage of the unstable shape of the winter lion in the Rifan Valley to chase and kill him. It hurriedly drove the Black Rope God to punish the Ming King to stop the winter lion in front of the Rifan Valley. The huge body was like a wall, and the booty was also entangled. A huge golden insect opened its shirt and exposed dozens of sharp blades in its chest. It rushed past the orange behind, Although his strength is good, he still habitually uses sneak attacks in the face of strong enemies.

It is not difficult to break the law of the giant organism's Swastika, which was only studied by Ju Shi. The more convenient way is to kill the host himself, lose the support of the host consciousness, and the Swastika dissipates naturally. But the god of death of the giant organism's Swastika put himself in the position of entrustment, at least under the protection of the Swastika. In this way, to defeat the Swastika, Inevitably, it is necessary to meet with the powerful swastika organism. This is another way of Orange Shiwei's theory. The huge swastika organism, in essence, is also a manifestation of the spirit of soul chopping sabre. It is a life body that carries out the host's will with self thinking. Once the wound is too heavy, it will instinctively retreat, and the host's consciousness will be ignored by the self-consciousness.

When the rain sand was on the top, it unexpectedly intercepted the huge black rope Tianqian Ming Wang's heavy sword to split. The strong sword pressure seemed to be unable to move the opponent at all. It was like a water diversion wave that was unloaded from both sides of the orange tree. The Pi Sha Di Zang on the other side was blocked by the sand guard shield. One side of the golden gravel condensed into a large shield. When holding the orange tree, only the left arm blocked the impact of Pi Sha Di Zang, It can be said that the spirits at this time were as strong as the ones at that time.

"Good chance!" The half empty Rifanggu Dongshilang saw a flash of light, and his left fingertip wiped on the ice pill. The spirit of the ice pill was greatly enhanced, and he faintly heard the "buzzing" sound, which was thrown at the back of Orange Shiwei. The ice pill turned into a flying and rotating sharp blade behind Orange Shiwei. It was the White Ghost Sword and Ice Wheel beheading style!

At this time, the broken bee that has not been hidden also appeared in the blind area of Orange Shiwei's visual angle, holding a huge missile weapon, and aimed at Orange Shiwei, launched the bird bee thunder whip! For a moment, Ju Shi was faced with a desperate situation. Two giant creatures of the Great Swastika Entangled themselves and refused to dodge. However, they secretly informed the Rifanggu Dongshilang and the broken bee that they had launched their seemingly helpless attack.

Ju Shiwei was not alarmed. It can be said that this situation was actually deliberately sold by him. Otherwise, it would be really difficult for him to surpass the four captain level gods of death in his current posture. Moreover, once the war situation dragged on to the later stage, the leaders of the gods of death launched the extension of the dissolution of the swastika, that is, to block the twelve formations. Ju Shiwei can only say that it would be difficult even to escape, So at the beginning, he held the idea of quick battle and quick decision under siege.

The profound meaning of round guarding sword, three rings covering the moon, picking the stars and changing the yin and yang plate! Orange only has shoulder and elbow strength. A wonderful traction made the power that originally held back orange only cause the Black Rope Heaven to punish Ming Wang and Pi Sha Di to stumble. Then Shiyusha absorbed iron like a magnet. The back of the sword was close to the ice pill and cut straight to the seven inches of Pi Sha Di. The ice pill seemed to grow on the back of Shiyusha's sword. Rifangu Dongshilang was surprised to find that, I felt extremely weak to the ice pill for a moment.

With a "click", Pi Sha Di Zang was not surprised to see all the two halves, even a drop of blood did not flow out, because the wound was frozen in an instant because of the sharp ice pill. Pi Sha Di Zang made a baby like cry, turned into a soul chopping knife that was broken in two, and the soul chopping knife that was repaired by life was damaged. Nicocooni spit out a mouthful of blood and fell on his back.

Shi Yusha's sword hilt gently hit the eggshell of the bird bee thunder whip. It would be impossible for ordinary gods of death to do so, but Shi Yusha is a soul chopping knife with the ability of time rules. At the moment of approaching Shi Yusha, the missile seemed to slow down. Although the kinetic energy did not change, the discerning person had seen its strange slow down, which was the slow down, When the rain sand hit the missile, the guided missile rushed to the Black Rope Tianqian Mingwang.

With a loud "bang", the Black Rope Heaven sent the Ming Wang a grunt before he was blasted to pieces by the so-called "one hit must kill" sparrow bee thunder whip. The left front of Yucun Village was right behind the Ming Wang. He was the first to bear the brunt of the explosion, and was blown out directly with his own soul chopping knife which had been restored to be a crack.

The rest of the Rifangu Dongshilang didn't win. After traction, they added the power of Ming Wang and Pi Sha Di, and also added some of the kinetic energy of the bird bee thunder whip. The ice wheel pill whirled back under the power of the rain and sand, and the speed was amazing. Rifangu Dongshilang didn't have time to dodge. The sword handle hit his forehead, and blood spattered, He fell directly from the sky and fell on the ground without any movement.

The broken bee that released the sparrow bee's thunder whip is suffering from serious spiritual loss. Even because it hit the black rope Tianqian Mingwang, an almost eternal organism, its life was greatly lost. The spell killing technique backfired, making her spew blood and tied to the ground, and even the strength to lift a finger was owed.

In one move, four captain level gods of death were defeated consecutively. The only reason why Ju Shiwei had to defend the sword was that he had done a lot of good work. He surprised the whole country of Yamamoto Yuanliu. He immediately sent a message to Liufan team leader Shimu Baizai to support him. He had pulled out a flaming blade like fire, but Jingle Chunshui, who had been watching, jumped out first, As the saying goes, a disciple who has something to do with his work cannot fall behind others at this time.

The reason why Jingle Spring Water has not been on the stage is that his ability is more suitable for single fight. The ability of Huatian's crazy bone is to make rules. Everyone in the battle circle must obey the rules, which will inevitably hurt his teammates. Therefore, he did not cooperate with everyone at the first time.

Jingle Chunshui didn't break free at the first time. Among the captains, his comprehensive strength was definitely among the top three. At least, he could not be disturbed by the spirit pressure of Jushi Weishi, especially Jushi Weishi, who knew that his ability to cut the soul sabre was very strange. The victory or defeat had nothing to do with the level of the spirit pressure, Even though Ju Shiwei once thoroughly studied the rune sequencing of Huatian Crazy Bones, his ability to interpret it is also very limited.

Huatian Crazy Bones - Unskilled Solitary Music! The Beijing Music Spring Water Twin Sabres exchange powerful aura chopping blows to bring up the rotating wind pressure, and a spiral tornado appears out of nowhere. With the constant waving of the Beijing Music Spring Water, the tornado immediately covers the orange in all directions.

Wind pressure came with the momentum of tearing everything up, but it only played a limited role for Orange. Even the sand guard shield was not offered. Only with the lack of refined solo music in the initial state, it could not break through the spiritual pressure barrier outside the spirit. Orange just stood in the tornado and looked up at the Jingle Spring Water.

Kill the ghost! Jingle Spring Water waved a chop from a commanding position. It seemed ordinary, but I don't know why it fell from the sky with the chop. It seemed that the invisible boundary had blessed it with mysterious power. When it fell in front of Orange Shiwei, it was more than ten times stronger. Orange Shiwei hurriedly waved his sword to meet it, and drew sword · Juhe! The water swelled and cut the attack from the interruption.

The only thing he could do was to frown, and his wrist trembled with some difficulty. Jingle Chunshui was really powerful after being cut and hit by the rule. Now he can't even take it hard enough, and his arms will be sore. It's clear in his heart that Jingle Chunshui's previous lack of skill in solo music was just to blow himself higher, This kind of ghost killing means that the higher the person is, the more ferocious the attack will be.

Ju Shiwei did not hesitate to jump up. With his spiritual quality, he even surpassed the Jingle Spring Water by stepping on the ground. With a single chop, the water would surge like a big wave, scaring you to land on the ground in the Jingle Spring Water. He saw this chop of Ju Shiwei floating far away and making a loud noise on the wall outside the Wufan team.

"It's very close!" He didn't dare to hold up any more, and hurriedly used the crazy bones of the sky, the tumbler! A relationship line quickly appeared between him and Ju Shiwei, which represented the condensation of Huatian's crazy bone binding force. It was also the rule between Ju Shiwei and him at this time. With the ability of Ju Shiwei, he was trapped in the force of this rule and could not break away. He tried hard to move, but found that he could not move at all. He could only stare at the spring water of Beijing music foolishly, At this time, Jingle Spring Water was also nervous, staring at Ju Shiwei motionlessly, and the war situation fell into deadlock for a while.

The orange tree is restless in its idealism, because if he is bound by the power of the rules of Jingle Spring Water, then the Yamamoto willow tree can cut off his head as long as he cuts close to it. Even if the sand guard shield and spirit body are strong, it is impossible to use the most vulnerable neck to hard touch the flow blade of the strongest god of death like fire!