Chapter 73 Behind the Scenes

Rukia cried, answered softly, and then the sound of footsteps came out. Orange only saw the rotting wood, which shook his head, and his eyes were full of pain. No wonder he had behaved so abnormally before. I'm afraid the fire of the soul of Shimu Fei is not far away.

Rotten Wood Lucia opened the door, and there were no tears on her face, but her eyes were still red and swollen. When she saluted the orange, she said, "Here you are, teacher!"

"Hmm... Follow me." Ju Shi only knew it was inconvenient to ask here.

They turned out of the doghouse and came to the backyard where cherry trees were planted in the decayed wood house. But it was late autumn, and there were no pleasant cherry blossoms, just a pair of bare wood branches. When the orange asked, "I won't ask more about rumors. Tell me what you didn't tell me!"

Ju Shiwei knew that he was a student with a delicate mind and was more intelligent than himself. He must have seen something strange from the whole incident, and there must be something he didn't say in the courtroom.

When Yumu Ruqiya took out a cloth wrap and gave it to Ju, he said: "This is what Lord Haiyan specifically told me to give you. He said that you have liked it for a long time. This is the last gift he can give. He is sorry that he cannot come to the wedding between you and Vice captain Yongyin."

Orange Shi Wei's eyes flashed a sadness. When he opened the cloth, it was a plain soul chopping knife. It was the turning flower of Zhibo Haiyan. Orange Shi Wei gently touched the body of the turning flower. He knew that the spirit of the soul chopping knife had completely dissipated with the death of the host, which could also prove that Zhibo Haiyan could not live.

"Fool, why did you think about these thoughts at that time? What I lack is not a soul chopping knife..." said Ju Shih gently.

Rotten Wood Lucia continued: "On that day, when our Thirteen Fan Team received the task from the world, a large number of empty spaces appeared in many places in the world, mainly in the north and south of the empty city, and there was an Achucas level empty space in the north of the empty space. The captain took the initiative to undertake the cleaning task in the north, and handed the cleaning task in the south to the captain and some officials, including me."

"However, when we arrived at the south, we found that the huge black cavity was opened from the side of the virtual circle, and a steady stream of big empty cavities emerged from the inside, which immediately increased the pressure on our rescue team. Lord Haiyan made a quick decision, saying that he would go to the virtual circle to interrupt the guy who maintained the black cavity, close the black cavity, and then find an opportunity to directly turn back to the ghost world Lord Yan rushed into the virtual circle with three Zhibo and me, as well as some team members. " Rotten wood Rukia recalled.

Orange didn't speak but asked her to continue. Rotten Wood Lucia explained: "At that time, Master Haiyan judged that the other end of the black chamber was empty, and it would not exceed the Achucas level. It should be the Kilian evolving to Achucas, so he boldly rushed in. After we followed the black chamber to the virtual circle, we found some strange Kilians."

"Strange?" When Orange noticed the words used by Rotten Wood Lucia, he began to concentrate.

Rotten Wood Lucia nodded and said: "Generally speaking, Kilian has no wisdom. Wisdom acts according to instinct appetite. But some Kilian will awaken wisdom first because they begin to evolve towards Achucas, but this wisdom is also limited. Those false wisdom is very perfect. They not only have the ability of Achucas to command the Great Void, but also some have mutated into partially strengthened bodies. I One of the Kilian's tongues is very powerful. One puncture is comparable to the full power of the vice captain level Death. The other feints also have their own special skills. The battle situation suddenly got into a stalemate. "

"At this time, Lord Haiyan released his first understanding and killed many Mutant Daxu with the four forms of shock waves, which made him famous. But he was suddenly attacked by a Kilian named Metastasia. This Mutant Xu's ability is very strange. It can swallow the god of death and invalidate the awakening of the soul chopping knife. Moreover, his intelligence is very high-end. Lord Haiyan witnessed him His wife was killed and attacked Meitastasia crazily, but Meitastasia changed the appearance of Zhibo Du at the critical moment, and Lord Haiyan immediately relented. At this critical moment, he was attacked again by Meitastasia, and used his ability to remove the understanding of Lord Haiyan. People without the ability to understand Haiyan began to be swallowed by Meitastastasia, It's just that Master Haiyan has a profound cultivation and has not been succeeded by the other party for a while, but it's just a matter of time. " Rotten wood Lucia's eyes flashed, and when she recalled the terrifying battle again, she could not help but feel more.

Rotten Wood Lucia sobbed slightly: "At this time, I was the only one who came to Lord Haiyan's side with quick and sharp steps to help him, but he didn't think that Lord Haiyan was determined to die. After telling me a few words, he suddenly bumped into my soul chopping knife. I really killed Lord Haiyan... He tried his best to tear open the black cavity and pushed me in before he died."

Ju Shiwei's breathing began to speed up. It was so weird that someone had planned to lure Zhibo Haiyan step by step to death. First of all, he made trouble in the world through his duty as a team leader, and divided into two groups. He used a captain level god of death, Achukas, to lead Fuzhu Shishiro out, so that Haiyan team could die, They can only fight independently.

Secondly, I didn't use too much strength. I knew that Zhibo Haiyan had the strength. No matter how much Kilian he had, he had to kill hard. Without the false appearance of Achukas, he could not have an accident. Moreover, there is a way to come in this world. Once there is a call for help and a few breaths, a rescue team will arrive in this world. So, It's time to lead Zhibo Haiyan and his party to the virtual circle.

Finally, in order to perfectly restrain Zhibo Haiyan, he used Kilian from different evolutionary directions to ambush Haiyan, and made use of Haiyan's feelings for Zhibo Du. He knew that Zhibo was the wife of Haiyan, and that Zhibo Haiyan was a man who valued love and justice, so he could not abandon his wife. He also knew that most of Zhibo Haiyan's ability was in soul chopping sabre, This is a deliberately designed hollow called Metastasia.

Jushi couldn't help thinking of the accident that happened many years ago when he and Haiyan were also hunting in the virtual circle. A research equipment that he had never seen before, a lost student, who wore the equipment with a fanatical look, was very similar to those armed civilians who pretended to be Zhibo family slaves. This series of events seemed coincidental, but there were too many coincidences, It must be a kind of plan. It must be the people inside Jinglingting who can plan everything. Otherwise, it is impossible to grasp the information of a vice captain so accurately.

There is only one person who can have this ability in Orange Shiwei's cognition. A harmless blue dye appears in Orange Shiwei's mind. He wears a pair of gold wire glasses and smiles politely. He also remembers when he was the vice ghost priest, Ghost Yan City Sword 8 said to himself when he was drunk: "You should be careful of Lanran. This four eyed boy is not a good guy. I can feel that he is hiding under his gentle appearance, hiding a beast that eats people and doesn't spit out bones."

"So, you did the Ghost Strict City, Zhibo Haiyan, and Konghe. What do you want to do now?" Ju Shi squinted and touched the turning flower again.

Rotten Wood Rukia asked curiously, "Teacher? What are you talking about? Who did what?"

Ju Shiwei shook his head and said, "Nothing... Don't go out without you for a few years. Both the noble and the common people feel bad about you when this happens. If you have time to practice more, soon the ghost world will be in chaos again. You must have the ability to protect yourself. Your brother-in-law will be weak sometimes."

Rotten Wood Rukia nodded her head cleverly. She seemed to understand and feel guilty. If she had listened to the teacher and devoted herself to practice, with her own strength, she might have helped Lord Haiyan and he would not die.

Ju Shiwei stood up and said, "I need to be closed for a period of time, ranging from months to years. When I leave the pass, I will solve all the mysteries. Don't try to find the truth, remember it! It's dangerous, not as simple as you think." He reminded his students again that he didn't want the student who was hard to get back, I automatically sent my life. If it was my guess, everyone would have been in the urn

"What a surprise! The broken jade I have been looking for will be in that little girl's body. In this way, she will die at the hands of the 46th room of the Central Committee. The plan to provoke a fight between the major factions of Jingling Court has to be put aside for a while. I have not yet completed the technology of taking out the broken jade. If the broken jade is destroyed with her death, it will be bad." Lanran Kuyoujie put down a book in the secret room, on which was written "The Secret Book of the Achievements of the Technology Development Bureau". The signature was Hirosuke Puyuan, and there were also some disordered letters and information. All the clues began to point to an unimpressive guy, today's rotten Rukia.

Shimaruyin and Dongxian are going to sit opposite him. They are submissive. Maybe the plot was successful. Lanran suddenly feels very good. He takes off his glasses, reveals his handsome face, rubs his nose, and asks, "What's wrong with Yamamoto? Is he going to do anything with oranges?"

Shimaruyin shook his head: "Chief Yamamoto just met me secretly and expressed his dissatisfaction with my failure to wipe out the remaining evils of the Zhibo family. I deliberately moved out Ju Shiwei. This old man showed embarrassed silence for the first time, and then unexpectedly told me that he was not sure he could beat Ju Shiwei. According to his estimation, it was hard to say who could be better than Ju Shiwei's current strength Tong's captain level god of death, without more than four people joining hands, would not be the opponent of Orange Shiwei at all. However, I think he will act soon since he feels the pressure. He is a decisive old guy! "