Chapter 69 The Death of Haiyan

Unfortunately, the first important thing for Ju Shiwei after marriage is not a good thing, but the death of the Shinto Qianhe. The fire of the soul would have been shaken away. Finally, after learning about the marriage of Isi Qixu and Ju Shiwei, he was completely relieved. Then the lights went out, and he was not sad. He was just grateful to this powerful old man.

Standing in front of the tombstone of the thousand cranes in the Shinto Way, Ishiqixu put down the chrysanthemum for memorial and prayed with his hands together. Ju Shiwei did the same thing for memorial. After a while, the pleasant smell of Ishiqixu's body floated into the nose. Ju Shiwei opened his eyes to see, but Ishiqixu took the initiative to hold himself, facing her from four eyes, Ishiqixu said shyly, "My husband, maybe I am not the person you once wanted, but I will patiently accompany you through all the following roads. Isn't there a saying like that? Those who accompany you for life may not have loved..."

Ju Shiwei gently patted her younger generation, held her around the waist, said nothing, and quietly walked with her. Since then, Ju Shiwei and his wife have been together in the college, and most team affairs have also been submitted to the school building by the chair officer for approval.

Four years passed in a flash. During this period, Yumu Ruqiya and Asanji Lianji successfully graduated ahead of schedule. Then Jiliang Yihe and Chumori Tao graduated a year late. It is worth mentioning that Nifangu Dongshilang, who had the ability to graduate for two years, dragged himself to graduate at the normal time. The reason is ridiculous, Nifangu Dongshilang was unable to skip the grade because he failed in general education.

General knowledge can be said to be a compulsory subject for all the gods of death. In addition to the techniques such as soul burial that the god of death needs to use when he is on duty in this world, it also includes the use of black tunes and black butterflies to transmit messages. These things are not difficult. As long as the god of death has normal logical thinking, it can be passed with a little contact. However, Rifangu Dongshilang is illiterate, We should start with the most basic character recognition, and we are sometimes dragged by Orange Shiwei to the grove to learn those ghost swordsmanship that are completely out of touch. In particular, since her marriage, Orange Shiwei has changed her gentle demeanor and looked like a strict teacher. Rifangu Dongshilang really feels exhausted, and can't help thinking maliciously about whether Orange Shiwei is not happy after marriage.

Yi Shi Qixu almost treated his marriage with Ju Shiwei according to the traditional concept of women of the middle aristocracy. He was totally different from his calm reason when dealing with team affairs. Especially in the process of "pacifying" the curse, Ju Shiwei spent most of his energy on this laborious curse in the past four years, As expected by the Shendao Qianhe, the curse was indeed controlled through the vortex secret technique. This strange spiritual power inherited from the blood must be eradicated through the cooperation of both sides for years.

Ishiqixu is almost inseparable from Jushiwei, who has lived in the school building all the time. Jushiwei has told Jushiwei what to do. Her mantra for returning to the Tao has improved very quickly, and finally she has fully mastered the method of materializing the mantra. Jushiwei feels that it is not too late to completely eliminate Ishiqixu's curse as early as possible, so as to avoid having too many dreams at night. He does not have a genuine love for Ishiqixu, But after years of getting along, he felt that this feeling was as natural as drinking water. If Ishiqixu had a slip, he could not forgive his mistake.

The process of removing the curse must not be a half hour. Especially when the graduation of Nippon Valley Dongshilang is imminent, Ju Shiwei finally gave him a warning and left a handwritten document for him to join the Shifan team after graduation. He must submit it to Matsumoto Luanju immediately before the team leader meeting, not one day earlier or one hour late, Dongshilang of Rifangu has long been tortured by this strict teacher like a nodding worm. When he saw that he should give up, he just put his mind down and went into the wandering place of God.

"Are you ready? Let's try first. Once you feel the soul marrow is loose, stop immediately!" Ju Shiwei said to Ishiqixu.

Yishi Qixu has looked through all the whirlpool secret arts and understood how to cooperate with her when she eradicates the curse after the essence of the curse. But the shy posture made her blush, and she nodded gently, Then he closed the page and asked, "According to the Elder's conjecture, the curse from the Eight Qis will not dissipate, but will it affect you if it is transferred to your body in this way? If it affects you, I would rather not use this secret art, and life and death will follow my fate."

Orange only touched her face, gently took off her coat and said, "Have you forgotten how your brother-in-law died? Even if I didn't use this secret technique, I was infected with this curse. It was better for me to bear it alone than for both of us. And according to my analysis, this strange spiritual power is not incurable. It tends to hide in cold yin. Then I will store it in four yang channels, and it will disappear one day. I am not a descendant of the Ise family, There is no possibility of the curse growing again in my blood. As long as I practice hard, I can dissolve it. "

"It's you. Even if you use this whirlpool secret art to temporarily relieve the power of your curse, your blood is already the breeding ground of this curse. You must use the essence of the curse to cultivate the eight mirror sword, and use the power of light to restrain its regeneration. Otherwise, it will be deeply rooted. Unless I break the seal and completely cut off the eight qi snake, the source of the curse can be cut off However, your husband doesn't have such strength. " Orange Shiwei reminds again.

Seeing that Ju Shiwei was right, Yishi Qixu relaxed his mind and let Ju Shiwei do what he said. Although they had done it many times, they were more cautious now. Soon, with the flirtation of Ju Shiwei and the active cooperation of Yishi Qixu, they were moved and performed in thirty-six positions according to the whirlpool secret art

I can't say what it feels like. It's not like the thick and dense spiritual power of Fuzhu Shishiro, the leader of the Thirteen Fan Team. When Jushi fully absorbed the weird spiritual power in the body of Yishi Qixu, he realized that it is a collection of crazy, lustful, killing, darkness and other negative energies. It is cold in nature, but it flows in the spirit, But it will affect the thinking and mood of Ju Shiwei. Fortunately, the Eight Qi Curse is still latent at this time. Especially, Ju Shiwei's only brain is pushed into the four Yang channels to seal the circulation. It lacks the nourishment of Ise's family's blood. The power of the curse is like a rootless source, and it has little effect on Ju Shiwei. Ju Shiwei estimates it, with its own spiritual capacity, It only takes a hundred years to completely dispel the Eight Qi Curse in the body. However, during this period, there is no way to use the Tao Breaking Curse. With the help of the Twenty four Phase Vajra Zen Shock, you can use the Tao Returning Curse, which has little impact on Orange Shiwei.

Orange Shiwei didn't have time to completely stabilize the Eight Qi Curse, but he was shocked to learn one thing through Niyamuni's mind. He hurriedly broke the ban with Isi Qixu from the wandering place of God. The first thing Orange Shiwei came out was to ask Niyamuni: "Is it true what you said? Zhibo Haiyan! The Zhibo Haiyan I know, he... he died in the virtual circle?

Back a year ago, after the successful graduation of Rifangu Dongshi, he entered the Shifan Team as instructed by Ju Shiwei and became the fourth member of the team. When Matsumoto disorderly chrysanthemum participated in the captain's meeting that year, he handed her a document. Matsumoto disorderly chrysanthemum opened the document in confusion. Only then did he know that Ju Shiwei had to make a fuss at the captain's meeting, aiming at his opportunity to resign, It is inconceivable to mention that Rifangu Dongshilang, one of her students, is the captain of the Shifan team. She wants to say whether Ju Shiwei is crazy and has grown up healthily. But she still has the green Rifangu Dongshilang, a 17-year-old young man, on her face. Matsumoto knows that she cannot refuse, not to mention her hidden thoughts about Ju Shiwei, Even Higashiko Higashiko Higashiko himself is a life and death friend with her. They have a very good relationship. As a commoner from Liuhun Street, if the other person can really go to this step, it will be another life. How can Matsumoto Daisy, as a good friend, stop it? So in this captain's meeting, Matsumoto Naomi, holding the document of Ju Shiwei, formally submitted the issue of being promoted to be the captain of the four seat Rifangu Dongshilang.

Surprisingly, the voice of opposition was not so strong. The issue was passed in the affirmative vote of the big advantage. Matsumoto felt very frustrated. He felt that he had to take his heart out of his lungs when he was dealing with orange, and almost gave up his self-esteem to stick to him. But orange only pretended to be reserved, and there were many secrets to hide from himself. However, the storm of this matter has not completely passed, Then came a bigger storm. In the fifth year after Ju Shiwei's marriage, Ju Shiwei finally endured the last year of ten years of confinement, which was the year when a big event happened. Zhibo Haiyan, who served as the vice captain of the Thirteen Fan Team in the Thirteenth Guard Team, died while performing the virtual circle task, together with his wife, three Zhibo Dui of the Thirteenth Fan Team, There were more than one hundred people with the Thirteen Fan Team, but four rotten Rukia survived alone.

"That's right. Lucia is now detained in the 46th room of the Central Committee for a court trial. There is no result yet. As soon as I received the news, I knew that this matter must be more important to Ah Wei, so I informed you. Now, compared with Lucia, there is one more disturbing thing. Zhibo Haiyan's sister, Zhibo Konghe, has rebelled in Liuhun Street... I don't know why, since the last two days, The ghosts were surrounded by half of the Thirteenth Guard Team, including the Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Eleventh, Thirteenth Guard Team, and a total of more than ten thousand gods of death. The ghosts have entered the highest alert. I also heard these news from the gods of death who surrounded us. " Niyama said.

Ju Shi only felt a bolt from the blue. It seemed that all of the things suddenly changed their direction. When he thought of the careless Zhibo Haiyan, who had risked her life and death, and his wife Zhibo Du, who was quiet and angry at times, Ju Shi clenched her fist and said, "I'm going to Liuhun Street. I'm going to see Zhibo Konghe."