Chapter 111 Tiger Roaring and Dragon Roaring

Although he is not fully familiar with the use of mind power of the false face, with the appearance of Lucia, one by one strange false intrudes into his own life. Orange is more and more critical. It is urgent to carry out soul melting. He cannot always use mind power to fight. It is only an auxiliary means. His strongest skills are ghost and sword, Therefore, he must transform the physical body of the material world into the same composition as a medium through the spirit melting technique, so that his body has the dual interface of spirit and material, which is the ultimate goal of the transformation of orange into human. Once this change is completed, the boundaries of the god of death will not exist, and his world will be a new world.

Ju Shiwei locked the door in the basement, and then began to practice the spirit melting technique. Instead of using the method of extracting blood from the spirit melting technique, he used the more traditional method of eliminating masters, which is to squeeze the spirit into the body bit by bit with mental strength. If the blood of the eliminating masters is pure enough, then he can also try to squeeze the spirit into the blood to supply the body, This is the principle of static blood dressing and dynamic blood dressing.

The body only obtained by Ju Shi doesn't have the blood lineage of the teacher itself. If it does, it will be erased in the subsequent process of spiritual body remodeling. Even the most basic DNA of human has changed, not to mention the blood lineage gene. But Ju Shi doesn't want to practice action and blood dressing, just transform the pure physical body into a medium through soul melting, So as to obtain the power that should be obtained by the god of death in the spirit state.

Although wearing a false face, Ju Shiwei can really pretend to be a good annihilator, but that's just good enough to send some Killian or the vice captain level god of death, which is more than enough, but higher level battles will appear particularly weak, especially this body is really strong in the human category, Compared with Shitian Longxian, who is a gifted teacher of destruction, it is not worth mentioning. Therefore, in order to protect the orange, we have to adopt a safer way of practice.

It is said to be safe, but it is only relative. The pain of practicing the spirit melting technique can hardly be described in words. In Zong Xian's narration, the spirit melting technique was originally used as a cruel punishment to punish some evil people in the destruction division group. Unexpectedly, some talented destruction division forced them to practice this dynamic and static blood suit. The pain can be imagined, Especially when practicing alone.

As Ju Shi only used the false face of the false mind to concentrate his mind, he led Lingzi into his left hand. Suddenly, his skull twitched, and the pain almost shouted out. It felt like a steel needle stuck into the gap of the fingernail cover, and then kept rubbing back and forth. It was supposed to be a bloody scene, but it was clean on the surface. Only Ju Shi's left hand kept twitching.

If someone is assisting in cultivation, only patience is needed at this time. However, the difficulty of cultivating the spirit melting technique alone increases exponentially, just like cutting one's own flesh. The instinctive sense of self-protection of human beings limits his ability to do it.

No wonder that Ishida Longxian's cultivation was so painful. At this moment, Ju Shiwei has deeply felt the agony. This is just a left hand. If there is a better way, Ju Shiwei will certainly not let himself suffer this pain. But most of the practices of the Master of Destruction, like ascetics, are self salvation in the agony, The pineal gland produces mental power, just like the immunity of a virus. The deeper the torture, the more it will grow.

After a full hour, for Ju Shiwei, it was as long as a century. His whole left hand was finally filled with Lingzi. At this time, his left hand was like a bomb. A little carelessness would lead to a spiritual explosion. The material world and the spiritual world should not exist side by side.

Ju Shi is the only one who is suffering from pain. He also needs to gather his mind to carefully control the stability of Lingzi. He feels that he can faint from mental fatigue at the next moment, but he still insists. The initial stage of spirit melting is the most painful time. As the integration of Lingzi and the body accelerates, his sensory nerves will gradually become the inspiration of spiritual consciousness, It will be much better then.

Although he has been persisting, an accident still interrupted Ju Shiwei's practice. Just as he was preparing to end today's practice of Soul Melting, he suddenly felt a move in his heart. A space induction came to his mind, which was the broken waist token of his deputy god of death!

In order to thank Shitian Zongxian for his help, Ju Shiwei left him his only waist token as the deputy god of death, which means that he owed him a favor. By breaking the waist token, he could get a space position, and then go through the black cavity to rescue him immediately. At that time, Shitian Zongxian was going on an expedition to the virtual circle, and thought he would receive a response soon, Unexpectedly, it has been nearly 20 years since we received a response today.

At that time, Ju was still huddled in the underground space of Yosuke Puhara to avoid the rules of the physical world weakening his spirit body. However, the body of the god of death was still strong enough to go to the dead soul world or to the virtual circle for rescue, but now he has been reincarnated into a human being. The dead soul world and the virtual circle can not be eliminated without the way of soul out of the body, In addition, his reincarnation process is through the soul transformation medium of Nisuke Puhara. Even if he can get his soul out of the body, he still does not know whether he can return to the body. Therefore, he will definitely not leave the world until the practice of spiritual melting is completed.

Ju Shi only sighed. She was going to give up helping the old friend, but when she thought about it, she felt that the space was not far from her. It was in the empty city, and she could not help frowning, He said to himself, "Is it possible that Zongxian has come back and is going to ask me to drink with him? But after my reincarnation, he basically broke the connection with Nisuke Puyuan, so he couldn't find me, so he broke his waist token?"

Since it is not far away, Ju Shiwei plans to go there. He is confident that under the false impression, there are not many people who can help him in this world. Even if there is danger, no one can keep him.

When Ju Shih walked along the induction to the destination on Feilian's feet, he was disappointed. What he saw was just a Kilian level fake beating several high school students, who he happened to know. Heiqi Yihuo, Chadu Taihu, Shimu Ruqiya and Ishida Yulong.

This virtual animal is unusual. It has begun to evolve to the level of Achukas, so these people are not its rivals. The most serious injuries are Chadu Taihu and Ishida Yulong. The former's right arm is strangely bent, apparently broken, and is crouching behind a power pole to breathe. The latter is even more protected by Heiqi, The white school uniform has a lot of blood, and there is a penetrating wound on one leg, basically losing the ability to move.

If Rotten Wood Lucia hadn't used a small ghost spell to restrain this brain, he might have slapped two people to death. Humans in the material world have inherent weakness in fighting with spirit creatures. Without the ability to pretend to be a puppet, it would be easy to weaken the combat effectiveness and finally be killed due to some minor non fatal injuries.

"Goddess! Where is the elder you said? Didn't you whistle for someone?" Heizaki Ichigo, while evading the attack of Daxu, complained about Shitian Yulong Dao. He said so, but he was always careful to protect Shitian Yulong.

Shitian Yulong covered the wound on his leg and said, "Call me a sissy again. Can you believe that I shot an arrow through your throat? When my grandfather gave me this waist token, he said that this elder is very powerful and will definitely come. Be careful, he should be almost there."

"Your grandpa won't shake you a bit, will he? It's like taking a lollipop to make a child sleep. I always feel that it's not reliable. Even if this elder comes, can he beat this monster? Won't he beat him to death... Ouch!" Ichigo Kurasaki broke his mouth.

"Shut your mouth!" Ju Shih only said. The man had reached behind Heiqi Yihu, raised his foot and kicked him down, just avoiding the sharp claw of Daxu.

Heisaki Ichigo looked back and found that it was the strange man he saw outside the house that day. The skull mask with silver background and gold veins was full of strange spiritual power. It was not so powerful, but it seemed very pure. Even his powerful spiritual pressure could not be shaken. Later, he naturally learned from Heisaki Xiali that it was the strange man who saved their sisters.

The big void felt the pure human spirit, and the greed full of swallowing immediately rushed to Ju Shiwei. Ju Shiwei stood still, as if he did not see the danger. Heizaki Ichigo hurriedly said, "Be careful!"

Ju Shiwei was just a flick of the fingers. His knuckles rubbed against each other and burst into a horrible cluster of Lingzi, which was spreading all around. After passing Daxu's body, Lingzi clusters were lingering in the past. Daxu seemed to be in a deep quagmire, and his swift figure suddenly slowed down. Shitian Yulong was suddenly bright and said, "This is the ghost killing sword, the tiger roaring!"

As soon as the voice came down, only the gesture of Orange changed. The index finger pointed at the big empty finger, which was almost unable to move. Suddenly, countless Lingzi gathered at his fingertips. With his fingers trembling, a blue light full of violent spiritual fluctuations flew past like a meteor, and the Lingzi waves and waves produced a strange quivering sound like a dragon's chant.

"Ghost Killing Sword · Dragon Roaring!" Shitian Yulong said out of fright. If it were not for the figure and temperament of the person who came, he would think that his father had come in person. The Ghost Killing Sword is the unique sword style of Shitian Longxian, which has never been spread to the outside world, not even his grandfather. It is impossible for anyone in the destruction division to use it.

The flying Holy Power Light Group exploded on the Big Xu's body, directly crushed its powder, turned it into a spirit child and dissipated it in the atmosphere, making the whole battlefield as if there had never been such a big monster before.

"Master! How did you... get my father's ghost killing sword?" Shitian Yulong asked in a trembling voice. His voice seemed very abrupt in the cold night.