Chapter 105 Loss of Love

Ju Shiwei was immersed in the study of the false face of the false mind. Three years later, he was still waiting for the soul transformation medium to correct the later scheme of the false face of the false mind, but was called out by Grasping Lingtie Studio: "The situation is not good when the dragon string comes from Shitian."

When Ju Shiwei put aside the matter at hand and came to the entrance of the underground space, he saw a wounded Shitian Longxian half kneeling and holding a female human. When he saw Ju Shiwei, he tried to bear the sadness and bitterness in his eyes and said, "Master, save Zhen Saku!"

"Zhen Saku? Is he a master of destruction! Did you come to me for her?" Ju Shi didn't care too much, but his face showed a kind of haze. Three years ago, he personally sent Shitian Longxian away, which meant that their fate was over. Maybe it was a stranger to meet again, but he didn't expect that because of a woman, this man who was beheaded and would not kneel down would make a plea to himself, It's only the past three years since he broke the agreement between the two of them. At this time, he is very interested to know how a female annihilator can change the love of a man like Shitian Longxian?

Ju Shiwei put his hand on Zhen Saku's forehead, and a little green light appeared, as if activating some factor. Zhen Saku's body began to shake violently, and a familiar force came out from the depths of her body!

Fifty two magic seals of the Way of Return! A swastika shaped psionic mantra was printed on Zhen Saku's forehead. The seal magic seal can separate the id from the enemy and self, but it can also exist from the same source. It is the ghost way mantra of the seal system developed by Ju Shishi to specifically suppress the emptiness. Zhen Saku's id falls asleep, and naturally her emptiness of the enemy and self will also fall asleep. White skeleton bone fragments representing the emptiness have just emerged on her body surface, Then it slowly dissipated.

Realizing that it must be related to Lanran, Ju Shiwei asked, "What happened?"

"Zhen Saku was called up to participate in the battle of the virtual circle. I didn't trust her. I followed her from afar, and then saw that her destruction division team was trapped in the siege of a group of big void. I fought hard to save her. But she struggled first, and then she became empty. I had to bring her to you. If there was another person in the world who could save her, I thought it would only be You are the master who has studied nihilization for many years! " Ishida Longxian explained.

Ju Shi only explored the wound of Shitian Longxian, and did not find the effect of the vacuity poison, but some skin injuries. Obviously, with Shitian Longxian's ability, it would only be the nearest person who could hurt him suddenly burst out. Fortunately, Zhen Saku, who was not completely vacuity, did not have the ability to be infected.

Ju only pointed to the sleeping Saku: "As your master, I sincerely advise you to give up if you are not your closest person. If death is the god of death, I can still think of a way, but she is a master of destruction, and you don't understand too complicated data. As long as you know that master of destruction can help you mentally, but the strength of her soul is not high. It is impossible to expect her to restrain nihilization by fusing the enemy with me At the moment of releasing the ego, the annihilator who lacks the means of spiritual combat will be swallowed up, so I can't help you. "

Listening to orange, she gave this sentence only coldly. Shitian Longxian hesitated to lose, and secretly cried sadly: "She is my fiancee! Shifu... What do you want me to do? What can I do? I can't watch her die like this! I can do anything to keep her alive. She is my only love!"

"Including leaving her forever?" asked a word from afar.

Jushi didn't have to look back to know that it was Yoshisuke Puyuan who had arrived. After such a big accident, the Puyuan grocery store had to move. Even if it hadn't been found, the traces found by Shitian Longxian were too obvious. Both the god of death and the exterminator were likely to follow his traces.

Shitian Longxian wiped the tears from his eyes and stood up. His weakness could only be seen by orange, but could not be seen by anyone else.

Nisuke Puhara also looked at the situation of Sakuyu first, and then said, "There is a way, isn't there? My commander, why don't you tell your disciples?"

"Because I want to sink into such pain forever, I still hope this irrelevant woman will die." Ju Shiyi hesitated for a moment and said a very cold-blooded sentence, but from this sentence, she showed her great concern for Shitian Longxian.

Shitian Longxian hurriedly grabbed Ju Shiwei's sleeve and said, "Master..."

He didn't need to go on, but Ju Shiwei also knew what he meant, so he sighed, "I hope you won't regret it later." Maybe he felt that he had refined the last relics of Ishida Longxian's mother into tools, and was full of apologies to Ishida's family, so Ju Shiwei would make such a decision.

"Mr. Pu Yuan, what do you want.

Puhara smiled and said: "I don't need to tell you, Commander, although the technique of detonating poison and cultivating body is powerful, no god of death can bear more than three levels. Now that Commander has completed six levels of the technique of detonating poison and cultivating body, there must be many assistant sections."

When Ju Shi reached into his arms, he took out his notes, found out the "Great Gathering Divine Skill", "Revival of Heaven" and recorded them on the surface of the white tower. The "Holy Power Corridor" left over from the ancient rune border was torn down and handed over: "Enough?"

"I hope you don't blame me, Commander of the Corps. It's really that your research content is too wonderful. I have completely sunk into it. You know the mentality of a scientific researcher, right?" Yosuke Puyuan happily accepted the notes and said.

Orange only has her hands around her chest. On the surface, she doesn't feel sad about her research achievements, but in fact, she is bleeding, But he said: "The nirvana of the master is more complicated than the nirvana of the god of death. First of all, the form of the material world. All means that act on the spirit body have no effect, but only the power of the god of death can neutralize the poison of the nirvana and produce the suppression effect. So it is almost impossible to find a human being with the power of the god of death, but for Mr. Pu Yuan, everything is possible, Isn't it? "

"That's why I asked you, including leaving her forever? I know a reincarnated god of death. He can save your fiancee. He still owes me a favor. I ask him, he will save. But from now on, every day he must use the power of the god of death to dispel the newly derived virtual poison. Lan Ran has studied this thing and found that it is really powerful. It is connected to the soul as long as the fire of the soul is not extinguished, Just like the maggot of tarsal bone, it will grow again no matter how it is dispelled, and the spirit of the exterminator is very wonderful. Especially for the pure blood exterminator of the opposite sex, if you contact her, you will only attract her to grow stronger from the poison of emptiness. If you see more of you, you will become more toxic. Even if she survives, you will never appear near her. " Uhara said.

Shitian Longxian gazed at Zhen Saku for a long time, and finally kissed her on the forehead and said, "I heard that Mr. Pu Yuan is proficient in the art of soul transformation. Could you do me a favor? In Zhen Saku's memory, please erase the things related to me. I will bear the pain of missing alone..."

Nisuke Puhara graciously took off the fisherman's hat and bowed, "It's a piece of cake! It's free this time!"

Shitian Longxian stood up and walked out of the underground space without stopping to look at Zhen Saku. Maybe from today on, Shitian Longxian needs to learn a new skill and forget.

"What a fate!" Yosuke Puyuan sighed.

Ju kept silent with her hands around her chest. After a long time, she said, "If I kill this female exterminator now, will you return it to me?"

"Oh! Aren't you afraid that your dear disciples will hate you when they know it?" Nisuke Puyuan replied, although he said so, he quickly protected his chest pocket.

Orange only shook his head and said, "From the moment he walked out, he will not be nostalgic for love. Death is perhaps his worst aversion after the Master of Destruction

Nisuke Puhara shouldered up Sakuyu and said, "Don't say you killed her. Even if you cut me, I won't return your things. You can say I'm stingy or I'm abnormal. But the things that fell into my assistant, Nisuke Puhara, can't be retrieved by threats."

"Hey! Pu Yuan... That Zhibo is single-minded. Why does he want to be reborn?" Ju Shiwei asked this question, which has been puzzling for a long time.

As he walked away, he said, "He is also a poor man. Although I respect him, I have to say that he is a poor guard dog."

Ishida Longxian didn't know how to leave the empty city. He returned to the reality of ordinary people from the world of annihilators. He suddenly felt uncomfortable. He reached into his pocket and took out a cigarette and lit it quietly. Standing on the platform, I looked very lonely. It seemed that the nickname "Little Dragon" sounded in my ears. It was a kind call from Zhen Saku. When I turned around, it was empty or passers-by hurried.

"I may be going crazy." Shitian Longxian said to himself.

When Ishida Yulong returned to his home, a maid had already offered clean slippers and said, "Master Longxian, you and master haven't come back for a long time!"

As a group of annihilators with a history of thousands of years, every pure blood annihilator in his childhood will be taken care of by an organized person. This is to enable the pure blood annihilator to focus more on fighting. The Shitian family has many properties in the world, and the empty city is only a temporary residence for Shitian Longxian when he studied. Now Shitian Longxian returns to his ancestral home where he grew up.

"Pieces of paulownia leaves..." Shitian Longxian said softly.

The waitress raised her thin face and said, "Hmm?" She had long blue hair. At this time, she coiled her hair into a tapered bun for work.

Shitian Longxian closed his eyes, and a tear fell from his face. "Please do me a favor. Can you marry me?"