Chapter 54 Seven Streets of the Strange Shinto Way

"Why are there so many people around there?!"

"It seems that a fat man named Shi San fought with people from Chunqiu College. Come on, let's go and have a look!"

Yang Yitian was walking when he heard the news from Shi San and stared at the passers-by.

"What are you doing?"

"Let's go and have a look!"


The center of the square.

The two men looked at each other and saw that Shi San's Wuling Jingyuan Sword had already appeared. Compared with the previous blade face, the sharp blade awn now was much more strange.

The back of Jingyuan sabre looks like a rugged mountain, with undulating peaks and strange shapes. Aura emanates from the blade, and moisture reverberates around.


Only a sound like broken glass was heard, the orange flute, the bamboo flute and the Wulin burst out, and the short black bamboo flute, two feet long and twelve holes, loomed up.

"Sacrifice the Night Magic Flute!"

Everyone was dumbfounded. Everyone who knew the magic flute for sacrificing the night knew that it was the high-end of the auxiliary Wuling. There was a lot of talk. One auxiliary Wuling and one attack Wuling fought against each other. How could they win?!

Spring and Autumn College asked a woman from the auxiliary department to come out. What's the strange thing about this woman? Or is this... Spring and Autumn College empty?

Shi San seemed anxious, knowing that this was an easy battle to win, but he was a little uneasy. As the female leader of Chunqiu College, how could she be a simple assistant?

Without strength, why does she have the reputation of the female leader.

Shi San guessed right. The woman was really remarkable. The powerful blow of the knife was resisted by the Night Sacrifice Magic Flute.

You should know that Shi San's one blade power is heavy. Wu Ling entered the realm of Wu Emperor, and Jingyuan Blade itself has undergone great changes, and its strength has been greatly improved.

When facing the magic flute for sacrificing the night, Jingyuan Dao seemed to meet the natural enemy. Even if Shisan attacked, the orange, sheng and xiao could be dispelled.

The long flute sounded, and everyone held their breath. The black smoke shrouded the orange flute, and the five Holy stripes, yellow, yellow, purple, purple and black, wandered up and down.

"Wu Zun? This woman is Wu Zun!"

"And it's the top martial artist? Is this the real strength of the Spring and Autumn Academy? This woman is less than 22, and she has reached this state. The Spring and Autumn Monster, the three tangerines, the Sheng xiao, is a monster." The huge black Holy stripe has surprised many people, but also has opened the eyes of those frogs at the bottom of the well.

"Wait a minute!"

Two people came from the crowd, a man and a woman.

The man in black goes to the center.

"Brother Tian? Sister Yu!" Shisan's little eyes suddenly lit up.

"Junior, are you doing nothing? You bully your sister before you go to school? You can bully her? You bully her? Don't you call me? It's so ungrateful!"

Shi San's face was blank and he smiled secretly.

"Next time! Next time!"

Ju Shengxiao stared at the two teenagers in front of him with an ignorant face, "You two boys, I won't give you any hardship. You don't know how high and thick the sky is!"

"Waiter, stand back! You can't beat her, and I'll be the next one!" Yang Yitian walked beside Shi San and patted his shoulder.

"Brother Tian, be careful! My attack just now did not hurt her at all. It can be seen that the people in Chunqiu College are not simple."

Yang Yitian nodded.

"Sister Orange Sheng Xiao, I'll fight you!"

"Ha ha, you two can't hurt me if you play together, you yourself? OK?" Ju Shengxiao obviously looks down on others and is arrogant in his words.

"If you can, just try!" Yang Yitian was already moving, and the gas of Yi ink was surging out, and the gas of Yi ink was gathering in the palm of his hand.

The faint gas is like a flame. Suddenly, the palm closes and turns into a fist.

3000 Feathers Dance——

Ju Shengxiao has to take his boxing skills seriously because of the uncertainty.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The fist did not hit Jushengxiao, but it hurt more than the body. The unreal gas made the real pain.

The empty is the real, the real is the empty.

It is not possible to grasp this state and reach such a high level overnight.

The strength of the gas of Yi Mo in the middle is many times higher than before. Yang Yitian, the gas of Yi Mo, is the best known.

"Hum!" With a cold hum, the fifth martial art skill of orange sheng xiao "shield!" broke out.

The time limit is three seconds, and the damage will be resolved by 90%. This is the supremacy of the magic flute for sacrificing the night for thousands of years. In order to condense this black Holy stripe, the orange sheng xiao expends a lot of energy.

Fortunately, Yang Yitian met an expert today. His father once told him that anyone who met non attacking martial artists should also be cautious. Sure enough, non attacking martial artists used this to make up for their shortcomings and optimize themselves, and Ju Shengxiao is such a person.

In three seconds, Ju Shengxiao is ready.

The magic flute for offering sacrifices to the night is like a sharp arrow, circling the sky around Yang. The arc of the sharp turn gradually shrinks, and hundreds of illusions surround you.

The green shirt in front of the crowd stared at Yang Yitian arrogantly, and his eyes were as sharp as a knife! Like a sword!

The white gold stick is used, and the fourth martial skill is "Lei Sha -"

Shaqi Zoxazole is so strong that it is more murderous than evil. The cold breath makes people shiver.

The thunderbolt was extremely powerful and acted recklessly.

"Break!" The magic flute for sacrificing the night cracked instantly. However, the orange flute had already arrived at Yang Yitian's side and was waiting to come out. It was like a series of deep pits. Everywhere there were ambushes.

"Sister Yuer, when did my brother Tian become so strong? I thought I would surpass him in the past two months. It seems that I have thought too much."

"Just you want to surpass him? You are daydreaming! Ha ha ha! I am laughing to death! Brother Yitian is about to attack the realm of Wu Zun now. You have just arrived at the Emperor Wu, so you should work hard!" Blue drizzle snorted.

Shi San paused for a moment, frowning.

"This guy doesn't look very good, but he can do it. After all, the Spring and Autumn Academy Monster Three is the peak of Wuzun. It's good to be able to hold on to her for so long!"

"In my opinion, this boy will suffer."

"The close attack of the orange sheng xiao is coming! It is said that the close attack of the orange sheng xiao is invincible in the college. I don't know whether it is true or not. It's lucky to see it with my own eyes today!"


Yang Yitian is hit hard!

The sudden attack made Yang Yitian a little confused. Wuling's platinum stick was withdrawn to deal with an unarmed woman. Yang Yitian didn't need Wuling.

In close combat, Yang Yitian was a top expert in his previous life. Now he can use his spiritual power, and his strength can sweep the whole world.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The fists of the two men are opposite, and the spirit of the tear explodes and spreads around. Ju Shengxiao takes Yang Yitian's three fists, and his expression remains unchanged, confirming the three strengths of the Spring and Autumn Monsters.

"Qingshan! It's a bit doubtful that Shengxiao will win. Otherwise, you can let them stop! There will be opportunities to compete in the future. There are many people in the square. I'm afraid that if I lose, it will affect the reputation of the college!" said Jianzhou, covering his wound.

"The reputation of the college is important. When brothers are beaten and bullied, revenge is even more important! Jianzhou, you were injured. Now the wound is salted, and I can't swallow it!"

"I'm all right now. I'll deal with the third stone in person! Let the Sheng Xiao stop!" said Jianzhou again.

As the leader of the Spring and Autumn College, Qingshan represents the whole college in every word and deed. As the leader of the college, he should stand up for the beaten students.

However, Qingshan is a smart man who understands the consequences.

Yang Yitian's powerful attack made the orange flute have no room to turn around. Three seconds would not be close to Yang Yitian. Even if he could, he might not defeat Yang Yitian 100%.

Although Wuling is at a different stage, the orange sheng xiao can't take the upper hand.

"Sheng Xiao, stop!"

Hearing what Qingshan said, both sides stopped. As the head of the Spring and Autumn Festival, he still has the right to speak.

"If you have the strength, you should use it where you need it! Let's not say that I am bullied by Chunqiu University, but just want to let the people present see the strength of my Chunqiu University! You are all the strong men in all sides of the world, and meeting is a fate!" Qingshan said.

Everyone sighed!

"It's a good time to save the scene! I like it!"

"If it hadn't been for the black coat, I wouldn't have known what the man came from. He could have fought with the Spring and Autumn Monster for so many rounds!"

Hu Luobai rushed from the crowd and stood beside the green shirt, laughing happily: "All the strong students from all over the world! Our Spring and Autumn College, because of the harsh admissions in previous years, hereby enrolls students this year. The test questions are also extremely simple. I hope you can grasp the opportunity and use the most authentic results to successfully enter the college!"

"Why does the leader look so bad? An unknown person can still make a living in this college!"

"Don't underestimate him! He is the acting head teacher" Hu Luobai "in the college. Although he is happy and silly, he is a master! It is said that it is in the realm of martial arts and is extremely overbearing. "

"Hu Luo white? Carrots?" Blue Light Rain not only smiled when he heard the comments.

"Everyone, please move - strange god way!"

The illusory mirror, like a black hole, is unpredictable inside. The strange Shinto is just this illusory mirror.

"Tell me, this is the weird Shinto of my Spring and Autumn College! It is also the test question of this year's exam. The test question is 70 points, there are seven streets in it, and one street is ten points! The pass line is confidential, and you can count on yourself!" Hu Luo said.

"Seven streets?"

Isn't that? Is it the evil thing of the Spring and Autumn College to suppress ancient beasts? Let thousands of people go in and die?

"Old man Hu, we are here to apply for the college entrance examination, not to kill ourselves! The examination questions set by your college are somewhat excessive."

Thousands of people talked about it.

"Brother Yitian, you are not afraid!"

"Don't be afraid! Don't worry about the light rain! In my opinion, it's a fairyland, not a place of evil things at all! Junior, why haven't Gu Yan and Yao Yao come yet?"

"Brother Yan accompanied Yao Yao to hunt her fourth Holy stripe! Otherwise, we would go first! They would certainly follow." Shi Sanmo wiped his palm with fists.

"All right!"

"Those who dare not participate in the examination, you can go! I don't want to raise counseling bags in Chunqiu College!" Qingshan shouted.

Everyone glares at me. They look at each other and are at a loss. However, there were still a few brave people who went in. Having learned from the past, those who followed the trend entered with the wind.

Before the exam, more than 200 people voluntarily gave up, and Hu did not blink at this number. Even if your Wuling is no higher and you don't have a tiger's courage, how can the abnormal college accommodate you?