Chapter 166 The War of Divine Force

The black field is the endless night.

Yang Yitian's body was suspended, and there was an endless abyss under his feet. There was dead silence around him, and there was no sound at all.

Yang looks at the sky in the night.

The power from the gobbling up of the divine and powerful heavenly villain is aggressive.

The seventh Holy stripe of the Heavenly Zhu is the condensation of the red 100000 year Holy stripe, and its power is self-evident.

Yeze held the Tianzhu to hack, and the whole black area shook violently. Yang Yitian was forced to fight against Yeze. Last time, Yang Yitian fought with Yeze in the extremely cold place. Although he knew that Yeze did not use all his strength at that time, Yang Yitian found that Yeze's strength was far beyond his expectations.

As one of the nine most powerful weapons, the Immortal Heavenly Zhu has a very high status, even the spear of the god of fire of the night organization Van Gogh is inferior. Although they are both one of the most powerful weapons, the gap between them is undoubtedly very large.

The power of swallowing envelops the whole black area. Yang Yitian's uncanny magic armour martial arts have been started. In the face of such a magnificent attack, Yang Yitian is serious and dare not be careless.

In the battle with Yeze, Yang Yitian can actually use the power of soul grabbing to forcibly suppress Yeze. However, considering the instant separation of Yeze, it is difficult to use the power of Yimo to capture the spirit for a long time, and Yang Yitian is not clear whether the instant separation of Yeze is short or continuous.

The ability to move instantaneously is undoubtedly very difficult in the battle. Now Yang Yitian doesn't plan to defeat Yeze by taking the spirit away. There are many ways to defeat the enemy. If he takes only one kind of spirit away at a time, the other party will find the disadvantage of spirit away sooner or later, or even threaten himself.

The spirit of Yi Mo has always been used as Yang Yitian's hidden power. Today, in the battle with the Demon's Yeze, this power has successfully broken through, but also exposed to the vision of the Demon's god.


The power of swallowing comes together with the attack of the Heaven Zhu. Yang Yitian looks up. The whole black area seems to be covered by a mysterious gas. The breathing of the oppressed world becomes particularly heavy.

Zhan Xiaobai's fifth martial art "spooky shadow" was released. At the moment when the martial art was launched, Yang Yitian's avatar was everywhere in the black world.

"Any resistance will not help! It is said that your strength is not comparable to that of a Dark Lord! Even if you have the spirit to suppress it, you can't escape being swallowed up by the god." Yeze's eyes are deep, staring at Yang Yitian.

"Oh? I'd like to see it!"

Each shadow rushed up to the sky, and kept attacking the Heaven Zhu.

Bang, bang, bang——

When Yang Yitian's avatar came into contact with the Tianzhu, he was devoured one by one, turned into a spirit, and disappeared without trace.

At this moment, Yang Yitian seemed to understand why Yeze dared to make such a clamour. It seemed that any contact with the swallow was doomed to be unable to escape the powerful squeeze.

Yang Yitian's split bodies all have magic armor protection. Although they are not as good as the body, their strength and effect are not different at all. It is amazing that so many split bodies cannot escape the end of being swallowed, crushed and destroyed.

The eighth martial art of Weishenjia, "Phoenix Armor", was quickly attached to the body. At this time, Yang Yitian really appreciated the power of the Shenwu Tianzhu. Without hesitation, he immediately changed the defense of Weishenjia, and released the eighth martial art.

Phoenix armour is the Holy stripe skill of the divine phoenix, the golden phoenix, and Xiaobai. Its defense effect is naturally not simple. After all, Zhan Xiaobai used to ride the Holy Ancestor Moxuan.

Phoenix armour is undoubtedly the top defense among many defense skills, and it is also Yang Yitian's most confident martial art at present. This release is to face the legendary attack, which also shows the strength of Yeze.

"Shuangsheng Zhuan - Hao Demon God's Seal and Release"

"The extremely cold place has appreciated its power since last time. Today, I want to see how it was swallowed up by the devil! Destroy it for me -" Yeze shouted loudly.

A blue ray of light in the black field swayed behind Yang Yitian, and an aurora approached quickly. With a loud noise, the whole black field was broken.

This release is different from the last one. The last one did not bless the white gold staff and Xiaobai, but this release of Hao Demon God is the power of the fusion of two martial spirits, and also the real strength of the sixth fusion of twins.

With Yang Yitian's strike, the black area collapsed. In the face of being swallowed up by the god and the devil, Yang Yitian's strike instantly collapsed the space and closed the crack.

The two returned to the heart of the wilderness. When they came back, there were flames and smoke around them.

"Brother Tian, how are you? You are not hurt!" Shisan shouted.

"I'm fine. What happened just now? Where's the old man?"

"The huge crack just now has been devouring the surrounding area. The earth is cracking and the ground fire is sweeping. Grandfather asked us to stay here for fear that something might happen to you. At this time, he is fighting with the demon rain and Qi Ling," Karen said.

"How is he?"

"In the nether world pattern array, the old Zun broke through the restriction of the demon rain, and his strength was greatly improved. At this time, his status was completely better than that of the demon rain and the energy spirit. Different days, we should deal with the night sky together," Lan Weiyu said.

"No! Light rain, please join us to deal with the night marsh. I have a chance to win."


"Don't worry! You can watch the battle."

After Yang Yitian's words, his body levitated and quickly came to Yeze with a smile on his face.

Above the heart of the wilderness, the two stood face to face.

"Yang Yitian, I'm surprised at your strength. However, you can't escape my next attack! Suffer it! Between the gods, everything goes up and down -"

All the Holy stripe of Yezawa, the god of martial arts, spiraled up. This time, Yang Yitian did not expect that Yezawa directly used the technique of the ninth Holy stripe.

You should know that the technique of the ninth Holy stripe is the strongest and most powerful blow in the legend. At this time, it is enough to see that Yeze's seriousness towards Yang Yitian has been raised to the highest level.

"The devil!"

A cry of remorse reverberated in the heart of the wilderness.

This huge power makes Blue Light Rain worried.

Yang Yitian's strength Lan Weiyu is clear, and he also understands the strength of the legendary realm of the evil emperor Yeze. After all, there is a stage gap between the two. At this level, the gap is only one tenth, one mile.

With such a gap, we can imagine what kind of confrontation this is.

Lan Weiyu is worried about not only Yang Yitian's spiritual power, but also the details of the evil emperor of Yeze.

As the Demon King, he must have the power to frighten all demons. Otherwise, he could not become the leader of the Demon family, so that all the people of the Demon family would be obedient.

The sky was covered by deep clouds, and the sky over the whole heart of the wilderness was full of wind and clouds, forming a huge cloud like vortex. At one time, lightning flashed, thunder roared, and rainstorm hit.

"This is the devil..." Yang Yitian frowned and whispered to himself.

Although Yang Yitian has killed many powerful people, this battle with Yeze has made Yang Yitian realize the real strength of the legendary realm again.

Yeze is different from other legendary strongmen. He has one of the nine magic weapons, Tianzhu, and also has the blood lineage of the old evil emperor Yexingmu. Whether strength or blood lineage, it is absolutely the most unique among all the Demon groups, and it is also the remote existence of the Demon group.

Shenfeng Golden Phoenix Seal——

Twin turn, the eighth fusion skill is released.

Yang Yitian also took out the countermeasures against the golden seal to deal with Yeze's attack on the gods. Yang Yitian also clearly remembered that when he first released the seal of the god Phoenix Golden Phoenix, he killed three powerful Dark Lord lords of the Demons in front of Shang Tengmeng in less than ten seconds.

Today, the key to resist the strong power is whether the skills released by the powerful Tianzhu can resist.

In the face of the devil, Yang Yitian prepared the first defensive attack skill is the seal of the divine phoenix and the golden phoenix, and the second full defensive skill is the eighth martial skill, the phoenix armour.

Yang Yitian keeps his eyes fixed on the arrival of the strike of the god. When the wave of the god strikes the seal of the god phoenix and the golden phoenix, the light of the seal is strongly counteracted.


The mountains and rivers are overturned, and the flames are soaring.

From a distance, the collision of those two powerful forces made the whole cloud layer and the earth begin to peel off.

In just five minutes, a grand canyon hundreds of meters long has been formed at the edge of the heart of the wilderness. The canyon is deep and dark.

"Who on earth is strong enough to fight?"

"It must be a legendary battle. It's time to lose it. Don't miss it. Let's go and have a look!"

At that time, many powerful people gathered and hurried to the edge of the heart of the wilderness to see what was going on.

The night marsh with the powerful Tianzhu was surrounded by evil gas. After the dark gas was released, the whole Tianzhu changed from silver to red.

"Yang Yitian! You and I will win today! Kill the devil!" Yeze's red eyes are deep and sharp, as graceful as a sword blade.

The divine phoenix and golden phoenix seal kept shaking. In order to control it firmly, Yang Yitian's phoenix armor was separated from it and integrated with the divine phoenix and golden phoenix seal.

In the process of integration, the seal of the divine phoenix and the golden phoenix was effectively and obviously stable, but it didn't take long. Soon, under the strong influence of the gods, the seal of the divine phoenix and the golden phoenix appeared cracks.

"Strange day! Be careful -"

His arms kept shaking, and his body was sweating heavily. At this time, Yang Yitian's veins burst out and his eyes were covered with blood.

At this moment, Yang Yitian seemed to understand the gap between their strengths. Although they also used the red Holy stripe, the gap between the realms also led to a world of difference in strength.

"Is it over now?" Yang Yitian's vision gradually blurred, a little white.

There is a huge gap in intelligence between the two sides. In addition to the continuous attack of martial arts, Yang Yitianzu lasted nearly 20 minutes, relying on his extraordinary perseverance to support his heavy body.

"He is wrong! He is always wrong! Salvation is just a joke -" Yeze's voice echoed in Yang Yitian's ears.

At this time, Yang Yitian felt that his body was as graceful as the sea. When he woke up, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

In front of Yang Yitian's eyes, a thousand drops of carefree rain formed a huge pattern, which was interconnected by nine spheres.

When Yang Yitian raised his hand to touch it, the thousand drops of Xiaoyao Rain began to rotate at the speed of light. When he regained consciousness, the seal of the divine phoenix and the phoenix armor disappeared.

Even... the attack of the God Zhu disappeared into the Xiaoyao Rain.