Chapter 155 Two Legends of War

Yang Yitian makes a move. With the help of Longjing's floating light, Yang Yitian quickly approaches the two legends with Zhan Xiaobai in his hand.

The Wulin of Hanshan Mountain is called "Fierce Sun Mirror", which is an extremely rare Wulin, while the Wulin of Zhou Ling is "pubic lice", which is an extremely horrible existence among the Wulin of beasts.

The two legendary realms quickly opened the Wulin. It was originally said that Yang Yitian was just a sneak attack to kill Shangteng League. But when Yang Yitian attacked, they acted in a strange way and reacted at the same time.

Although the combination of Yin and Yang twins has not appeared on the different sky list before, it has many years of fighting and cooperation.

The two men had no frivolity at all. It can be seen that they still attached great importance to Yang Yitian, an unknown opponent.

Although Zhou Ling was over seventy, his movements were extremely sensitive after the beast spirit possessed him, which did not give Yang Yitian any chance to attack.

Third martial skill of pubic lice: lice poison!

The highly toxic gas quickly spread to the air. Within two minutes, the surrounding area was covered by green toxic gas.

Yang Yitian's strange magic armor and Wulin were opened, and the sixth martial art magic armor broke out. The supernatural armor and Wulin can not only defend against huge physical damage, but also have a certain degree of restraint against deadly poisons.

At this time, no one could be seen on the battlefield. Yang Yitian, who was inside the tick poison, stood there, holding his breath and quietly listening to the movement around.

"Strange day, be careful behind!"

Hearing the sound of Blue Light Rain, Yang Yitian quickly dodged, and the burning sun mirror suddenly appeared behind him. A firelight burst out. If not for Blue Light Rain's prompt warning, the Wulin of Hanshan Mountain had attacked Yang Yitian.

Although Yang Yitian has the protection of the sixth martial art magic armor of the crafty magic armor and Wulin, the other side is a legendary realm, and its power is unstoppable.

If the battle is against Haiyue in Hailing Mountain, Yang Yitian doesn't have to avoid it, but the blow of the legendary realm is different. That huge force is enough to kill people.

It seems that the difference between the Dark Lord and the legend of Thousand Feathers is just one border, but there is a distance of 108 thousand miles, which is also a ravine that most of the Dark Lord cannot cross in his life.

Lan Weiyu reminded Yang Yitian, but at the same time, Zhou Ling also found the girl's uniqueness. Suddenly, Zhou Ling's face was full of evil smiles and looked at Lan Weiyu fiercely.

You can clearly see the surrounding scene in the lice poison. How can you not let the legendary realm hate such a special skill of the eye of dragon crystal!

Zhou Ling attacks and rushes towards the blue light rain. When Yang Yitian wants to stop him, Hanshan quickly comes to him.

"Your opponent is me!"

After Hanshan said, the sun mirror in his hand shone on Yang Yitian.

Yang Yitian points at the old man Han Mountain, and then the seventh martial arts skill is released. The infinite force drives the wind around. Suddenly, the surrounding leaves are suspended by the powerful force.

"Solve you first!"

Yang Yitian was entangled by Hanshan at this time, and could not intercept Zhou Ling's attack on Lan Weiyu.

Lan Weiyu is still in Wudouluo realm at present, and he lacks a lot of strength to deal with the legendary realm. Yang Yitian can only help Lan Weiyu by solving the Han Mountain constraint in front of him as soon as possible.

This is a battle of time. If it is slow, not only the blue light rain is dangerous, but even Yang Yitian is no exception.

The limitless force came out suddenly, and the wild Lingshan Mountain burst with a loud sound, and the attack released by the burning sun mirror in Hanshan's hand was completely destroyed.

"Incredible! This blow can reach such a high level..." Hanshan muttered to himself.

It was the first time for Hanshan to see an attack by a Dark Lord empire. At this time, Hanshan could not help but look at Yang Yitian with a new look.

On the other side, Zhou Lingwuling's pubic lice covered his whole body.

The fifth martial skill of pubic lice: burn ten thousand poisonous lice

When the two men fought, Zhou Ling's louse swarm quickly moved closer to the blue light rain, and the huge louse swarm gathered in the surrounding woods.

"Little girl, you can see the attack of Hanshan Mountain in lice, but no one has ever survived after my fifth martial art, ten thousand lice burned down. Today, I can either open my eyes or become the lunch of these ten thousand lice."

"You old lady are really cruel and merciless. Although I admit that Wuling is very powerful, and has a high position among the poisonous Wuling. But my Dragon Crystal Flower auxiliary Wuling may make you look at it with new eyes. Oh, yes! Have you ever heard of the Nine Dragon Holy Bottle Wuling?"

"Kowloon Sacred Cup?"

Zhou Ling's face suddenly became tense, because she knew that Wuling in the Kowloon Holy Cup was specially used to fight against brutes like pubic lice Wuling.

Zhou Ling was a little weird when she was nervous.

Jiulong Shengzun Wuling, as the exclusive property of the dragon race, rarely appears among the human race, and Zhou Ling only met one in her life.

Zhou Ling still clearly remembered that when he was in the Shenli Mountains at the northern end of the Kayin Empire, he had just entered the realm of the Dark Lord, when he met the Jiulong Saint Zun Wu.

In the war with Zhou Ling, although the other side was just a warrior, Zhou Ling also deeply realized the powerful restraint of the Kowloon Holy Cup.

That time, Zhou Ling almost died in the hands of the man. Fortunately, Hanshan took the initiative in time, so he was lucky to get out of Shenli Mountain alive.

The blue light rain just smiled a little.

The Wuling of the dragon crystal flower on the left hand slowly turns around, suddenly several rays of light appear from the dragon crystal flower, and the cherry red light spreads around wantonly.

The group of poisonous lice looked very angry in the light. When they attacked Blue Light Rain, an ancient wine bottle appeared in Blue Light Rain's hand, which was full of nine carved dragons.

When he saw the nine dragon bottle, Zhou Ling looked solemn, and then took a look at Hanshan Mountain in the distance.

As Zhou Ling's longtime friend, Hanshan naturally understood what she was worried about.

"Old lady, it's just a little girl. Although you can restrain your Wulin, everything is crushing in front of absolute strength. You can rest assured that you can fight! I will deal with this boy and help you again." Hanshan shouted to Yang Yitian across the way.

Zhou Ling never had such a tangle, and the war with Kowloon Holy Bottle was also a huge gap, still unable to crush, or even nearly died.

Now, even if it has achieved the legendary realm, I still feel a little uneasy when I think of the war that year.

"Hmm! I see. You should pay attention to Yang Yitian. After all, it is Shang Tengmeng who killed the 33rd place on the Yitian List. If you are not the opponent of a 47th place, you and I will exchange." Zhou Ling shouted.

Hanshan nodded, and the Holy Power gathered on his fist to fight Yang Yitian hand to hand.

It seems that an ordinary old man has the strength of legend.

Hanshan is very strong in the close combat. Every punch of Yang Yitian can be easily resolved by Hanshan and he can fight back with powerful force.

Under the close battle between the two people, the spirit of the Great Wilderness Spirit Mountain is constantly fluctuating around. The disciples of Yin and Yang Sect and the people of Hailing Mountain look at both of them at the same time. Every fight and collision between forces seems to have a huge deterrent force.

"Boy, you should understand that standing on the opposite side of Yin Yang double religion is to accept death! You should think clearly." Hanshan reminded.

"What nonsense! Since I dare to fight with you, why am I afraid of death?" Yang Yitian said impatiently.

Then his arms clenched, and the blue veins swelled. The dark blue dragon arm appeared in Yang Yitian's hand.

Hanshan was also very shocked. A young child suddenly grew a dragon arm, which made everyone feel surprised.

Under the control of Yang Yitian, the arms of the evil dragon madly attacked the old Hanshan Mountain. Each stroke was like an unprecedented trend, which made the legendary Hanshan Mountain deeply afraid.

During the half hour of fighting with Yang Yitian, Hanshan seemed to know why Shang Tengmeng was defeated by this boy.

Whether it's a long-distance killing weapon, the Taiyin Kirin Stab, or a powerful Wulin platinum stick, and finally the horrible melee dragon arm, it can be said that Yang Yitian has taken all the battle scopes into consideration.

The eighth martial arts skill of the Sun Mirror - Shining Light

The burning sun mirror suspended in the sky, the moment when the eighth martial art was released, the whole wilderness Holy Mountain was covered by this light.

The blazing light absorbs the surrounding spiritual power bit by bit. Five minutes later, twelve flames are burning behind the Shrew Mountain.

The flame hovers behind, just like the five element pattern behind Beiwuming.

Under the control of Hanshan Mountain, a golden flame condensed from the eighth martial art incandescent light launched an attack on Yang Yitian.


There was a loud noise between heaven and earth. It was just the attack of the first flame, which made the forest around 500 meters into a scorched place in an instant.

With such a strike, if it wasn't for the mysterious armor and spirit defense, Yang Yitian might end up in the same way as this forest.

Hanshan was also surprised to find that Yang Yitian's armor was his second Wulin.

Originally, Hanshan thought that it was just a piece of armor with high defensive power.

Unexpectedly, Hanshan did not expect that Yang Yitian was possessed by twin Wulin.

"I see. No wonder Shang Tengmeng can die in this boy's hands." Han Shan didn't hesitate for a moment, and the flame behind him shot again, and this time it was two flames.

The two flames are white flame and black flame.

Hanshan knew the damage of this attack, and even the powerful legendary realm might not be able to resist the second attack of the eighth martial art.

When the flames merged and attacked Yang Yitian at the same time, Han Shan was disappointed.

At that moment, Yang Yitian's fourth martial art, Golden Armor, broke out. The golden armor did not fade after the explosion, but still looked very dazzling.

In the face of the eighth martial art of Wulin in the Sun Mirror of Hanshan Mountain, Yang Yitian had no chance to escape. He had to rely on the powerful defense of magic armor to resist.

Seeing Yang Yitian standing in front of him unscathed, Hanshan was very surprised, but then the third attack started quickly.

The remaining nine flames are suspended above the mountain.

"Yang Yitian! This time, you will surely die!"

Nine flames are lingering around, and the sky and the earth are turning pale. At this moment, all the people are paying attention to it. At this moment, the Holy Mountain in the wilderness is as quiet as death.

Suddenly, a huge pit hundreds of meters deep appeared in front of everyone.