Chapter 144 Kill

Long Jingzhi can increase Yang Yitian's speed by 60% for one minute.

Yang Yi's spirit of Yi Mo enveloped his whole body. The fourth martial art of Zhan Xiaobai Wuling, Lei Sha, was affected by the dragon crystal flower, and the evil spirit quickly approached Cheng Yin.

Di Kui, although he has a huge body, his speed is very slow, so it is difficult to intercept Yang Yitian.

"Son of Heaven, breakfast is coming. What are you waiting for?"

"..." The Tianzi Silkworm was stunned and looked a little haggard. After Yang Yitian knew that the worm liked to eat stones, he was very polite before coming to the great famine in Nanzhou. There were five mountains in the Yinyang Rubik's Cube to feed the Tianzi Silkworm.

Now, looking at these Dikui, I always feel that Yang Yitian is abusing small animals. The Tianzi Silkworm sighs helplessly.

The body of the Son of Heaven gradually recovered to its original state. The giant golden silkworm, like a dragon, kept devouring the Dikui on the ground.

Such a scene left Cheng Yin stunned for a long time.

If a small golden silkworm, which was not impressive at first, suddenly became a giant and devoured Dikui, anyone would be very surprised.

Wherever Yang Yitian went, Dikui was solved by Zhan Xiaobai. Cheng Yin could clearly feel the power of Lei Sha.

When Cheng Yin and Yang Yitian fought, she was surprised to find that the boy's strength could compete with her without losing the battle.

I remember when we were in Tianmu Forest, Yang Yitian's strength was no better than that. But we could fight again. Cheng Yin, who was at the peak of the Dark Lord, obviously felt very hard.

Cheng Yin now regrets that if he had killed the boy, it would not have been so difficult to deal with him. Now Yang Yitian has grown up, just like a fire burning out, and there has been a threat.

Disha controlled Dikui's action, and thousands of Dikui began to kill Yang Yitian and Tianzi silkworm crazily.

The dragon crystal flower Wuling in Lan Weiyu's hand did not hesitate for a moment, and the fourth skill was dragon crystal floating light.

According to the skills released by Long Jinghua, we can attack accordingly, which is the tacit cooperation between Yang Yitian and Lan Weiyu.

Long Jing's own strength has increased by 25%, and the time is five seconds. For others, five seconds does not play a very good auxiliary role, but in Yang Yitian's opinion, five seconds can even crush strength.

Zhan Xiaobai makes a move. He doesn't choose to attack the surrounding Dikui, but challenges Chengyin's Disha.

Disha is a god of martial arts. Yang Yitian holds Zhan Xiaobai in his hand, but he doesn't pay any attention to it. After all, the title of super god of martial arts and Xiaobai was told to Yang Yitian by the sage of Moxuan. This is not only an extreme recognition of Wu Lingzhan Xiaobai, but also a praise of his strength.

"Spirit of the Earth --" Disha's eighth martial arts release, different from Dikui, this time's martial arts interact in Disha's six arms. When the light blue spirit of the earth appeared, several cracks appeared on the ground, and the water of the Great Wilderness Spirit Lake quickly poured in.

"Yang Yitian, today is your deadline!"

Kill everything with the power of the earth.

Cheng Yinwu's powerful Lingdishai skill is indescribable. After the release of the spirit of the earth, the whole world seems to have lost its color and become dim and silent.

"Zhan Xiaobai's seventh martial art - Wuji!"

Yang Yitian and Xiaobai hit the ground with force, and faced Cheng Yin's eighth martial arts skill with solemn eyes, they did not dare to slack off.

When infinite force touches the earth, mountains and rivers surge. Everything around began to shake.

The seventh martial art is inferior to Cheng Yin's eighth martial art in stage, but its strength can crush it.

Wuji, the red Holy stripe of Yang Yitian is actually more than a little bit stronger than the black Holy stripe. Yang Yitian is cautious because he doesn't know what effect this skill can trigger, not because of his strength.

The blue gas vortex rotates counterclockwise, and Yang Yitian is at the center of the vortex. The powerful attraction seems to drag Yang Yitian into its interior.

There are twelve patterns around the giant vortex, blocking the outside world.

"Breaking --"

A roar is like a thunderbolt.

At that moment, the limitless power exerted a great momentum, breaking Chengyin's eighth martial art, the Spirit of the Earth, with a single blow. When Yang Yitian stepped out of the Spirit of the Earth, Chengyin looked strange.

"Are you sure it's my death? Not yours?" Yang Yitian smiled quietly.

"How could it be..." Cheng Yin looked down at her Wulin Disha. She didn't understand why she had to work so hard in the battle with Yang Yitian. She also didn't know how strong Yang Yitian is now?

Unexpectedly, Cheng Yin has never thought that Yang Yitian's progress should be improved so fast.

"Enclose that smelly woman for me!"

Suddenly, hundreds of martial artists gathered around quickly, and people from Yingtan Ravine were everywhere, whether in the sky or underground.

Wu Lingqing Xuanying is the standard configuration of every martial artist. With such a unified picture, no matter who sees the force of Yingtan Ravine, he will leave a deep impression in his heart.

"Chu Jin! I am the leader of the branch hall of the Shenchao Sect in Nanyang Mainland. Do you dare to move me? Qianyu Huiyan will not let you go! The Shenchao Sect will also let you go!"

Under the brown robe, a middle-aged fat man with a beard looked down at Cheng Yin. The fat man's tall physique was covered with fallen meat.

Most fat people have a sense of joy, but this one in Yingtanjian is different from other fat people. He has a cold face, sharp eyes, and sits in the empty dragon colt car. His arrogant face is contempt and contempt for the branch leader Cheng Yin.

"These are our elders in Yingtan Ravine. Their lives are much more precious than yours. Cheng Yin, you are a small branch master, and you still want to ban Qianyu Huiyan? It's a fool's dream!" Chu Jin smiled coldly.

"You all look down on me! Yes, I really want to be the leader of the temple of the God Dynasty. I even want to unify the cultivation world and kill you mediocres who always look down on people. I grew up in the God Dynasty. Compared with you, I know more about power and status. All these years, I have achieved my strength today, step by step in blood. What I have experienced is that you can never imagine. " Cheng Yin roared, and the blood in her eyes was full of pupils.

"No matter how much experience you have, no matter how excellent you think you are, failure and death are the only way to pursue desire, and the result of everything you do is actually doomed from the starting point." Yang Yitian said.

"It's still this little friend, with deep insight!" Chu Jin glanced at Yang Yitian.

"Failure? Death? Absolutely ridiculous!" Cheng Yin's body floated up and her six golden arms were shining brightly.

"The epiphyseal emperor, still not?"

Out of the crowd came an old lame man with a prominent face, two rows of yellow teeth, shabby clothes, dark skin and sweat.

When this person appeared in front of Cheng Yin, she couldn't help laughing.

The lame old man stared blankly at the woman for a long time. Although Cheng Yin had a very enchanting figure, the old man was totally unattractive.

"Are you finished laughing?" A hoarse voice echoed in the Great Wilderness Linghu Lake.

"Chu Jin, isn't Yingtan Ravine deserted? Send such an old man to fight me!"

"More than enough for you!"

The seventh martial arts skill bursts out——

A huge illusion is formed behind the six arms, which is imposing.

"You haven't answered my question, have you finished laughing?"

The old man asked repeatedly because of a question, which made Cheng Yin a little impatient.

"Yes! Prepare to die!"

When Cheng Yin was ready to attack the old man, a clear sound came from her. At this moment, Yang Yitian could not help being surprised.

The bloody arm was thrown out of the old man's hand. It was thought that when Yin perceived that the arm was broken, a blood axe slipped on the other side of Cheng Yin.

"Ah --"

Cheng Yin's painful voice began to tremble.

"It's the blood axe! The nightmare of all Wulins." Lan Weiyu whispered in Yang Yitian's body.

When the name sounded in his ears, Yang Yitian felt cold on his back. Slondi made a special statement about the Wulin, saying that the blood axe Wulin was born to kill, and its speed was too fast to react.

"Leave it useless, kill it!" Chu Jin just waved his robe, and it fell like a dead tree trunk.

After falling into the Great Wilderness Spirit Lake, the blood color soon dissipated. Looking at Cheng Yin floating on the lake, Yang Yitian was a bit shocked.

"Epiphysis Emperor.

Compared with Yang Yitian, he really feels like a little witch sees a big witch. He has profound strength and is also very mysterious.

Cheng Yin is dead, and the leader of the branch hall of the Nanyang God Dynasty is dead. Cheng Yin is powerful and can be killed by a lame old man, which surprised many people.

"Little friend! But are you waiting for the different sky list?"


"It's better to go together. Tomorrow is the beginning of the battle for ranking the different heaven lists. Across the Great Wilderness Linghu Lake, people from the Heaven and Earth Society will take charge of the compilation task."

Seeing Chu Jin's invitation, Yang Yitian did not refuse. He happened to get to know the opponent he was going to face with the help of the people in Yingtanjian.

When compiling the Different Heaven List, ranking is a symbol of status.

The Different Heaven List is a list for judging the strong, which has attracted various forces and legendary states in the past.

I wonder if this session will make Yang Yitian's eyes shine.

With Yang Yitian's current strength, it is very easy to enter the Top 100 of the Yitian List. However, if you want to continue to climb the peak, you need to cross several mountains, across rivers and through a series of tests.

"Oh! By the way, thank you for helping to bury all the elders. Let's get to know each other. I'm Chu Jin, the leader of Yingtan Ravine. And this old man is the epiphyseal emperor who was famous at that time. Now he has been closed in my Yingtan Ravine for several years, and nobody knows."

"Nice to meet you! I... Xiaoyao Pavilion Yang Yitian!"