Chapter 142 The Great Wilderness Soul Lake

Yang Yitian stood in front of Liang Chengshan's body and interrupted these old men's thoughts.

"Little friend, it's no use for you to keep his body. It's worth asking me to take it back for a reward." The white haired old man laughed.

"Don't say I don't leave room for you. I will leave my sight for three seconds. Otherwise, Liang Chengshan will be present." Yang Yitian stretched out his finger and looked at the five old men in front of him.


The white haired old man sighed.

It seems that it is impossible to ask for credit this time. This little friend is powerful and profound. In this case, I can't fight, and I can only leave Lingwu Mountain as soon as possible.

"Two one!"

Several old men looked at each other and flew away.

"Strange day, what are you doing with Liang Chengshan's corpse?" Blue light rain came to ask.

"Although I eat three feet of golden crow, I don't eat dead people. This thing is more disgusting than stones." Tianzi Silkworm looked disgusted.

Yang Yitian patted the Tianzi Silkworm, squinted and said, "Who told you to eat it?"

"I think too much, hehe......"

"I left his body because I thought Liang Chengshan was a bit complicated! Weiyu showed you something." Yang Yitian smiled and handed Lan Weiyu the brocade bag that Liang Chengshan had dropped.

The black brocade bag, at the moment of opening, shines brightly.


The Tianzhu in the brocade bag was obtained by Chaoshan in the Seven Illusions Cave, that is, the bones of Tianzu Lie, but now it is in the hands of Liang Chengshan, which is the real reason why Yang Yitian didn't let these old men take his body away.

"Liang Chengshan's identity is not clear to us now, but I think he must have something to do with the namelessness of the Shenyin Emperor North." Yang Yitian speculated.

"After we parted, the seventh brother fought with Beiwuming in order to protect me. Unfortunately, Beiwuming was very powerful. It seems that he hid his strength when he ran into the Seven Illusions before. Finally, the seventh brother was defeated and died in the messy mountain. The Tianzhu naturally fell into the hands of Beiwuming. Now Tianzhu has returned, but the seventh brother is no longer......" Lan Weiyu squatted down in low mood.

The Yin and Yang Rubik's Cube collects Liang Chengshan's body, and Yang Yitian looks at the girl in front of him distressed.

The second prince, Bon Huang Mo, the fourth prince, Arc Su, the sixth prince, Liu Jiang, the seventh prince, Suo Aofeng, the eighth prince, Hao Yuan, the holy dragon king, Long Dixi and the queen of the dragon, left her one by one. How can this girl not make people feel distressed!

Yang Yitian sometimes thinks that if his research and development is not successful, will the world still be like this?

If so, the blue light rain alone in the dark night will also make Yang Yitian feel sad unconsciously.

If not, everything is as before, and the dragon queen is rescued successfully, and the dragon family will live in harmony from then on. Yang Yitian even blames himself for appearing in a world he shouldn't have.

But things have already happened. The past has become the past. People in the past will never sleep and will never start again.

Yang Yitian goes to Blue Light Rain and touches her head.

"The other day, you promised me that you would always be there."

"I will! I will always be there! No matter when the time is chaotic or the stars are changing. No matter at the end of the universe or the end of the world, as long as you remember your name, even in the final life, you will still come to your side."

Two people hug together.

Every word of what Yang Yitian said will be proved by his actions.

Although Blue Light Rain can't travel through time and space like Yang Yitian, she can wait, even when the land is old and the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, even if she has not waited for her whole life, she will continue to wait for Yang Yitian's arrival in the next life.

Lingwu Mountain, the great wilderness in Nanzhou, became much quieter after the war. Although there was still fighting at night, Yang Yi's location was still safe.

In the morning, the two continued to move forward into the desert.

When I was on the same boat, I overheard several sailors discussing the history of the Great Wilderness.

It is said that there is a very strange lake in this wilderness, but different from other lakes, this is a moving lake, like a ghost.

This lake is known as the "Great Wild Spirit Lake".

Having heard of the story of the Great Wilderness Spirit Lake, many martial artists are willing to go there. It is not because of the weirdness of the lake, but because they used to get some useful treasures to quickly improve their own strength.

There are many strong men in Nanzhou, most of whom will choose to fight in the Great Wilderness Spirit Lake.

The treasures left by the dead after the war are often abandoned in this lake because the other party can't look up to them or they can't use them, so the Great Wild Spirit Lake looks like a huge treasure house.

Most of the people who often go to the Great Wilderness Linghu Lake are gamblers. If they are lucky, they can pick up natural materials and land treasures. If you are unlucky, you will be robbed by others, or even killed.

Under the temptation of rich treasures, there will always be a second time after the first time, but I can't bear to walk by the river.

Yang Yitian plans to try his luck in this place to see if he can pick up useful things.

In order to prevent some of the followers of the Shinto dynasty or the Demon family from recognizing them, they changed their black clothes and put on masks.

Since Liang Chengshan holds the Tianzhu in his hand, it almost confirms that Bei Wuming is very concerned about the different Tianbang this time. It is not clear whether he will appear in this place, but it is necessary to keep an eye on it.

The Great Wilderness Linghu Lake is as big as the middle ground. Although the Linghu Lake will move, it is actually easy to find it deliberately.

"Light rain, can you tell me about the role of the celestial beads? I want to know why the seven celestial beads play such a big role in the rise of the dragon family?"

"The eldest brother asked us to go to Chaotoushan Mountain to get Tianzhu. In fact, I can understand his meaning. Do you still remember the Wu Lingyitian of the Black Night Organization Brunhilde?"

"Of course, the king of the deep sea!"

"Yes! It is Wuling, the king of the deep sea. In fact, you can understand from the name that this Wuling is absolutely invincible in the sea, and we, the dragon's nine dragon holy cup Wuling, can't compete with it. The reason for taking the Tianzhu is that the eldest brother's idea is to integrate the Tianzhu into the dragon print."

"Dragon print? What is that?"

"The seven treasures of the dragon palace are: the strong shining jade, the magic ring, the dragon killing sword, the strong thundering whip, the gun of the dragon pattern, the divine dragon staff, and the chain of the dragon. The reason why the seven treasures of the dragon family are defined as these seven kinds is actually related to the dragon pattern seal. The patterns of these seven treasures can be clearly seen on the dragon pattern seal, so many people of the dragon family approved them and chose them as the seven treasures of the dragon palace. The dragon print has always been the heritage of the dragon family, and it is the only way to fight against the king of the deep sea. When I was young, I heard my father tell me about the legend of dragon prints. It is said that if someone can integrate the dragon print into his body, his strength will not only increase greatly, but also he can have the ability of parasitic print. Although the parasitic print is not enough to fight against the mother, his strength is not bad, which is what Big Brother thinks. In this way, the dragon clan will rise up and fight against the dark night organization! " Blue light rain explained.

"You mean that these seven heavenly beads are similar to the heart of the strong Zhao Yu when they are merged into the strong Zhao Yu, and they can trigger a special ability through integration."

"Yes! That's true! The other day, now that you have killed Bren Hilde, we dragon family need not fear the dominion of the king of the deep sea any more. Thank you for that. The dragon print is the power inherited by the dragon family, and it is very powerful! Now, as the pearl is found today, I hope you can absorb it after this trip to the great wilderness in South China."

"The power passed down by the dragon family, no! I can't absorb it." Yang Yitian refused to absorb this power, after all, it has been passed down by the dragon family.

"Even the eldest brother will support you to absorb." Lan Weiyu looked at Yang Yitian's eyes, and seemed very firm.


"We are a family!"

In a word, Yang Yitian was silent.

The three words "family" have never appeared in his world. When Blue Light Rain shouted out from his mouth, it touched Yang Yitian's heart.

"Well, I will protect you and also protect the dragon family!"

Holding Lan Weiyu's hand tightly, Yang Yitian suddenly felt that he was the happiest person in the world. It is a miracle and the highest happiness to meet the other half in such a distant time and space.


"Look! Look! What a big lake ahead." The Son of Heaven lay on the head of Huanuo Cat and shouted.

Yang Yitian looks away, and a blue water appears in the desert, which is very unreal.

The Great Wilderness Spirit Lake is moving slowly from the side, but if you stand at the front and back of the moving direction, you will be surprised to find that the speed is incredible.


A sky thunder rolled from a distance. The emperor was frightened and grabbed the cat's ear and fled behind Yang Yitian.

"Meow meow --"

Huanuo Cat and Tianzi Silkworm are pinched together. It is absolutely unbearable to let a worm drag the cat's ear to drive away with such a proud character as Huanuo Cat.

"Be careful!"

Yang Yitian lightly steps into the air to meet the thunder.

"Ha ha ha! No need! Xiaoyu, have you forgotten the Chen Shilei finger I taught you?"

When Chen Shilei pointed to the familiar name, Lan Weiyu's worried look suddenly became more bland.

When they were in Spring and Autumn College, they often looked for some abandoned Julei Pagodas in Longdu to introduce thunder into the body, so as to cultivate Chenshilei Fingers.

This sky thunder struck Yang Yitian with great speed.

At present, as the second chapter of Siyou Treasure, Chenshilei Finger has stepped into the realm of the great world. How many times more power has been released than before? As for the Tianlei in front of Yang Yitian, it was like drizzle.

Tianlei was absorbed quickly. When Yang Yitian absorbed it, it fell to the ground.

A group of women in blue in the distance came quickly, but when they saw Yang Yitian who was undamaged, they were stunned.

"Who are you?" Out of the group of women in blue came a petite and beautiful woman.

"Don't I ask you this question? We don't know each other, and we have no enmity. Why are you so generous? Who are you?" Yang Yitian asked with a frown.

"You deserve to know?"

After saying that, the woman had one more tower in her hand. The tower had five floors in total. At the moment when it appeared, the light around the tower was shining and the lightning was jagged.

"Tuntian Tower? Are you from Hailing Mountain?"