Chapter 101 Lightning Operator

Tianzu Liegu emits heat on his back. After a while, hot blood flows from top to bottom of his body. His vigorous movements are extremely fast.

The red flame is burning along the coast, and the surrounding trees are burning. The smoke from the fire slowly floats in the air for tens of kilometers, and the sky seems to be covered by dark clouds.

In the process of fighting with Cheng Yin, Yang Yitian found that those six arms were skillfully able to dissolve his moves and hit back with overwhelming force.

This is Yang Yitian's first battle with this type of beast spirit, and he can't find any solution in the close combat.

The power of Tianzhu is boundless, and Disha is of the same quality, which proves that this kind of Wulin is very special and worth paying attention to in wartime.

The staff in Zhou Di's hand constantly drove the meteorite to fall to the direction of the official beasts, causing casualties. However, the overall running direction of the official beasts did not change.

The galloping herds quickly came to Zhou Di's side like a tide, and rushed to eat crazily. In the face of so many official animals, it was difficult to deal with them.

Cheng Yin and Zhou Di came together. A black sphere enveloped them, and soon hundreds of officials and beasts surrounded them from all directions.

Yang Yitian releases the gas of Yimo, and the blue gas gradually condenses from his palm.

The black sphere is formed by magic spirit. Yang Yitian is not sure whether he can break this layer of defense with his own Yi Mo spirit. With the attitude of trying, Yi Mo spirit has taken the initiative.

Now the spirit of Yi Mo has entered the big picture, which has increased several times compared with the time when I first entered the Spring and Autumn College.

After the blue light came into contact with the black magic gas, Zhou Di inside was really surprised. The black sphere was the highest defense of the Demons, but under the boy's attack, the defense was trembling. If we keep waiting, I'm afraid it will be sooner or later to break through this defense boundary.

"A different day."

Blue light rain came to Yang Yitian in surprise. Seeing the appearance of blue light rain, Yang Yitian finally put down his burden of care.

Accompanied by Lan Weiyu are Jian Wu and Zhou Fangyu.

The three met yesterday, but unfortunately they met a strong team, the Royal Delegation of the Kayin Empire.

Finally, under the strong oppression of Jianwu's swordsmanship, the team saw the gap between them and had to order the team to retreat. Although Jianwu was just a safe guard of the sword gate, his strength was absolutely extremely strong. The retreat of the royal team of the Kayin Empire was a kind of insight. If the two sides held on for a long time, it would be a lose lose lose at most.

The Seven Star Dragon Yuan's martial arts sword points to the sky. That sword made Jian Xiao convinced. It also happened to explain the truth that Jian Wu understood in the sword technique, which is very profound.

Seeing the appearance of six forest lights, the three came together.

"That's the demon!" Zhou Fangyu said pointing to the black ball.

When Jianwu saw it, he was very calm: "It has been six or seven years since he last fought with the Demons. That time, under the leadership of the Sect Head, he supported the Blood Blade Pass. The general who was in charge at that time did not expect to see it again today. Zhou Di, Zhou Di, this time, you will never escape."

"Demon Zhou Di, the legendary killer of the Demon generation?"


Zhou Fangyu remembered the history of the Demons mentioned in the left volume. Ten thousand years ago, the Demons invaded the mainland in an all-round way. Forty nine Demons, led by Zhou Di, entered Miluo City under his leadership and bloodwashed more than 20000 practitioners in Miluo City.

Among the more than 20000 practitioners, the vast majority are practitioners from all sides of the mainland with special martial spirits, and they are children under 15 years old.

Thinking of this, Zhou Fangyu clenched his teeth, full of anger.

Emperor Baitian, the leader of the Demon Church, later occupied Miluo City, the capital of the mainland. It was also because of that that matter that Zhou Di and Emperor Baitian disagreed.

As we all know, there are three forces under the Devil Emperor. The first one is the general god organization headed by the general god Zhou Di; The second is the ten forbidden forces led by the Demon Emperor himself, and the last is the Demon Church led by the Emperor Phantom.

Although there are differences between the two, they do not break the relationship on the bright side.

Later, the Heaven and Earth Society organized to formally declare war on the Demons, and the site was set in the original realm of enlightenment, now the first ancient battlefield of the Amra century - the battlefield of passing demons.

On the day of the war, the two sides arrived as promised. In the fierce battle, the strength of the Heaven and Earth Society gradually weakened. When the victory was decided, a mysterious old man of the Heaven and Earth Society appeared and changed the situation. He mobilized yin and yang to cast a white Sheng Ding with his aura.

The appearance of Baisheng Ding ended the war between the Demons and human beings. The old man set up the way of Yin and Yang, with 27 checkpoints, and members of the Heaven and Earth Society were responsible for guarding.

Zhou Dichengyin broke through the bite of many officials and beasts, got rid of the impact of the spirit of Yimo, and appeared above the sea.

Zhou Di was a little worried about the impact of Yi Mo's strong force, so he decided to find an open place to get rid of this situation.

"Let's go together!" said Jianwu, and he jumped twenty meters high with one vigorous step.

At the same time, Zhou Fangyu, Yang Yitian and Blue Light Rain released their auras, and their bodies suddenly rose.

"Human beings are always inferior creatures."

The air begins to squeeze up and down with the power of the staff.

When this force started, Yang Yitian suddenly felt his body was out of control, and his upright body seemed to bear a thousand pounds.

Cheng Yin takes this opportunity to give a heavy blow to Zhou Fangyu and Lan Weiyu respectively. Under the double pressure, they have no room to resist.

The thunder was released, and a thunderbolt flashed, pointing directly at Zhou Di's staff. At the moment when the thunder appeared, the surrounding squeeze strengthened again.


Yang Yitian found that the lightning released by Chenshilei formed a white static line in the sky, and the white line in the night sky did not dissipate for a long time. All this seems so unreal, but it has become a reality.

The Chenshilei finger released by Yang Yitian is extremely fast, but even so, it can't escape being promoted by the stationary point of the staff.

In the squeezed world, the air flow becomes slow and the time becomes slow. Jian Wu wants to use the sword behind the drive to support the extrusion, but soon he gave up the idea. Now the pressure has made him use all his strength to meet. Greeting with the sword will easily cause brain damage, even because of a small idea, Inadvertently, he put his life on the scale of death. In addition to the heavy blow just by Cheng Yin, he had to give up.

What should I do?

Yang Yitian kept asking himself that his brain was blank at this time. Under pressure, his body began to swell.

Unexpectedly, the power generated by this staff was so powerful. Yang Yitian despised this god as well as the devil.

Do you want to... open Wulin?

Apart from opening Wuling, Yang Yitian can't think of a way. But if he does, the recorder's instrument can quickly sense and locate the violations of the contestants. If it is detected, the competition of the Forest Light means the end.


I saw that Huanuo cat crawled over the piles of many officials and beasts, jumped up and bit the staff. The sudden cry made Zhou Di tremble.

"Heavenly staff! Pay attention to God adults, they are thinking about your heavenly staff." Cheng Yin said.

Zhou Di gave a cold snort, and the staff spun in the air, swishing, to get rid of the bite of Huanuo Cat and enter the clouds.

"Die for me! In the field of mass burial."

The golden light is released on the surface of the heavenly staff, and a strange pattern slowly drops. The pressure suddenly comes like the sea, and the sabre light and sword shadow shuttle back and forth under the pattern.

Zhou Fangyu was unable to stand at this moment, and the squeezing force became very terrible. His spiritual power was the lowest among the four people.

"Light rain, help me."

The two men looked at each other and nodded. Yang Yitian sat in the air.

"What does the boy want to do?" Cheng Yin is puzzled. As time goes by, the inexplicable thunder keeps ringing around.

The thunder and lightning over the Sea of Death gradually gathered over the coastline, and Yang Yitian still sat there without panic.


"No! He is drawing thunder into the body and absorbing thunder. Is he crazy? The size of these thunder, let alone absorption, even those who have the legendary realm of thunder, dare not mess about."

To tell the truth, Chengyin's most admired person on the scene is this child. His fearless and firm will makes people admire him.

The process in the field of mass burial began to accelerate, and Lan Weiyu had more blood in her eyes, but she was still supporting the huge pressure.

After five minutes of gathering, Yang Yitian's movements began to change. His fingers pointed to the sky, and hundreds of thunderbolts converged into one.

When thunder and lightning enter the body's thunder field, it seems like rain for a long time.

"Squeeze... disappear..."

Blue light rain looked up at the starry sky. The patterns in the field of mass burial disappeared, and the sword light and shadow also disappeared mysteriously.

When this scene appeared, Zhou Di seemed a little nervous. The night sky suddenly became dark and he could see nothing.

Yang Yitian gathered thunder and lightning very quickly. In just 23 seconds, the thunder and lightning of the whole Sea of Death had been completely absorbed.

"Chen Shi Lei means --"

An aurora came out, and the thunder and lightning moved up and down from Yang Yitian's fingers. The huge sound of electric current was sizzling.

The thunder and lightning hit Zhou Di's chest. When the armor touched, a huge explosion sounded in the sky.

Zhou Di didn't have any way to escape. The disappearance of the heavenly staff and the speed of the staff returned to the original state made this hit work very well.

"Strange sky, killed the evil ancestor general Zhou Di -" Zhou Fangyu stared at the black gas after the explosion and gradually dissipated.

Yang Yitian couldn't believe this attack. He originally thought that the thunder and lightning gathering in the sea of death could speed up the attack, but the disappearance of the Tianzhang gave Yang Yitian a very smooth release.

Cheng Yin has escaped. When he saw thunder and lightning strike, he had already guessed the end of the battle. Although Zhou Di was strong, he was proud of himself, and no one paid attention to anything. This is a big taboo in the battle.

Although the opponent is only a teenager, his mind is more mature, and he appears calm and calm when facing the squeeze. Zhou Di will never learn these advantages.

"It seems that you have figured it out!"

"I hope you can live up to your promise