Chapter 10 College Lin Hu Challenges

Ten days is fleeting

After tiding up his clothes, Yang Yitian set out.

He came to the college alone. This was Yang Yitian's first trip. Today, Yang Sheng didn't come to see him off, perhaps because he didn't want to see the departure!

Xiao Guyan went to the college three days ago, because he was about to enter the fourth grade, so he went earlier than Yang Yitian. Although they didn't have much money at home, Yang Sheng and Xiao Xianxiang decided to let them go to school without any consideration for their future cultivation.

When I walked into the reporting office again, there were more people in the room because of the beginning of school.

"Hello, Uncle, Yang Yitian came to report."

The uncle quickly stood up as if he was familiar with Yang Yitian, walked in front of him, and immediately introduced to the older people around him: "This is the twin Wuling child I often mentioned to you, Yang Yitian. I haven't seen you for a long time, and here are your card and bedding."

The card said: Yang Yitian, Class 5, Grade 1, whose dormitory number is Room 106. After Yang Yitian handed out the heavy tuition fees, the administrator next to him put the money away. Uncle smiled, pointed to a tall building and said, "That direction is the location of the dormitory!"

"Thank you, Uncle!"

"Don't call me uncle in the future, but call me a teacher instead."

Yang Yitian was stunned: "Uncle... are you the head teacher of Class 5?"

"No! No! I'm not a class teacher! Well, two of the students in this class are twin Wuling people, and there are no redundant teachers in the college, so the dean assigned a task to let me be your second teacher. My name is Slondi, and then I will be called Teacher Shi!"

"Well, Mr. Shi, if there is nothing else, I will go first." Yang Yitian raised the quilt after saying that, when he was ready to take the quilt, a hand suddenly appeared in front of him to lift the quilt.

"Let me help you! Lao Wang, please take care of it first, and I'll go back soon." The speaker was not another person, but Shi Lundi, the teacher I just met.

There are many people in the college. Everyone is accompanied by their parents. Only Yang Yitian is alone.

"Strange day, why didn't your father come?" asked Slondi suddenly as he walked aside.

"He... he's busy."

"Don't worry, I don't mean to laugh at you. Sometimes independence is not necessarily a bad thing."

"Hmm! I know the teacher!"

Holding a heavy quilt, plus clothes and food supplies, it was more than 30 kilograms, but Yang Yitian was not a little tired at all. He walked toward the dormitory with light steps. Fortunately, I have practiced Yimo's Qi for nearly two years. If I had changed to an ordinary person, I would have gasped. Yimo's Qi mainly focuses on breathing steadily and pulling out mountains and rivers, so Yang Yitian didn't spend much energy.

Move the quilt twice as big as yourself into the bedroom all the time. When entering the room, there was no one in the room. There were six beds in total. Yang Yitian put the quilt in the lower bed not far from the door.

Yang Yitian is not breathing, and his eyebrows are sweatless. Slondi was surprised. Even he was sweating when he walked so far and carried such heavy things. As a six-year-old boy, he felt like nothing, which made him curious.

"Yitian, your father, what is his occupation?"

"Wine making."

"He's a winemaker! A winemaker!" repeated Slondi in a low voice.

"Is there anything else? Teacher!"

"No! Make your bed first! If you have any difficulty, tell the teacher that I'm leaving." Yang Yitian nodded, and after Slondi said, he left, saying three words about the winemaker all the time.

The bed in the dormitory is much larger than that in the dormitory. There are two cashmere quilts, one silk quilt and one cashmere sheet. There is also a pillow. After finishing the bed, put the clothes in the wardrobe and went downstairs.

At this time, there was a person who was familiar with his figure. "Brother Yan! Brother Yan!" Yang Yi said with a surprised smile.

"Strange day, you are here! Is the right mistress here?" Since they met, the relationship has become more and more harmonious. Xiao Guyan, under Yang Sheng's guidance, also found his shortcomings, so now Xiao Guyan has become much more low-key.

Shi San, a fat man not far from his own age, is the son of Shi Tianyi, the east of the village. His family is very rich. He is a famous local tyrant in the village. People in the village call him Master Shi. He is also the only friend Yang Yitian knew from childhood to adulthood.

"I don't know. Is Brother Yan going to find him?"

"I'll just ask if it's OK. If someone bothers you or bullies you in the future, come to Class 1, Grade 4 or Room 405 of the dormitory to find me, and I'll look after you."

"Don't worry, I still have the ability to protect myself. Besides, the 3000 Feather Dance I practiced has improved more than one."

In the week when school did not start, Yang Yitian and Xiao Guyan practiced their skills all day long, and each other knew the strength of the other party's arrival.

Xiao Guyan is now eleven years old, and he is the seventeenth member of Wuling. After three years of breaking through the ten member school, he is below the fourth grade. Even the fifth grade, almost no one dares to compete. His strength is very high.

After leaving Xiao Guyan, Yang Yitian walks to the class.

Wuling Hall, this is the place for lectures. It is four or five times larger than the dormitory and is a cylindrical building space.

Entering the room, five or six people were talking. Yang Yitian waved his hand: "Hello, is this Class 5, Grade 1?"

When two people came, one of them said, "Yes! This is Class Five. My name is Lin Hu. You can call me Brother Hu!"

"Hello! My name is Yang Yitian, please take care of me." Yang Yitian said.

Lin Hu glanced at Yang Yitian's shoulder and said, "Don't worry. You must take care of him. By the way, are you rich now? I'm a little short of money recently."

Yang Yitian was stunned.

Are you trying to bully honest people when you first come to the college? Lin Hu's thoughts can be seen at a glance. Unexpectedly, when he just came to the college, he encountered extortion. Yang Yitian was speechless.

"Lin Hu, the money my father gave me is just right. If I give it to you, I'm afraid it will not be enough. In this way, when I have money, I can lend you some more."

Yang Yitian did not shout with Lin Hu.

Because he is not the kind of person who you give me a fist and I give you an axe. Try not to be provocative if you can talk harmoniously, but if you annoy him, Yang Yitian doesn't suggest giving him an axe.

"It's really tiresome. You can give me as much as you have now. Go to Ma Feng and find me." Ma Feng went to Yang Yitian and made a big search. Yang Yitian stepped back a few steps, but was pressed by Ma Feng step by step and pulled the money bag down his waist.

"Wow! With so many Ling coins, Brother Hu has made us rich."

"That's not enough for me to spend in a few days! Don't make a fuss about it in the future, just spend so much money to make you happy. I think this money is not enough for you, boy. Ask your parents for more!"

After Lin Hu won the money, he immediately changed his tone and even called Hu Yang Yitian a boy.

"Give me the money back," Yang Yitian said angrily.

The students in the class also hurriedly came up to watch the excitement. Now people are just like this. They are not afraid of big things when watching the excitement.

"Yo! Yo! You are angry. You know what? I will tell you solemnly that the leader of Class 5, Grade 1 is me now. I let you hit me. How dare you? Ha ha ha!"

Yang Yitian was afraid of locking his face and clenched his fists tightly. Suddenly, a quick left hook hit Lin Hu's head. For Yang Yitian, as long as he doesn't respect himself in front of him, he will be beaten.


A mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth, and Lin Hu was stunned.

This is the first time that someone dares to beat himself. "Boy! Do you know who I am? I am the son of the Lord of the Dragon City. Do you want to die?"

"Once again, my name is Yang Yitian, not a boy. I'm older than you. If you call me a boy, you will disrespect me. If you insult me, you will disrespect me."

Yang Yitian, who cares about the son of the city master of the Dragon City, will he admit it.

At this time, a line of tall, bad teenagers came to the room, and the momentum was closing in step by step. "Brother Tiger, what's the matter?"

"Xing Yun, you come at the right time. Go and help me teach this bastard a lesson. I'm worried about something." Lin Hu said angrily.

"Who dares to bully my brother Hu? I'm impatient! Brothers, let me go!" I saw people surrounded Yang Yitian and beat him up without saying a word.

Yang Yitian was very angry. Yi Mo's qi was transferred all over his body. From inside to outside, he absorbed the magic qi of the sky and stored it in the palm of his hand. Vast power, easy ink——


A huge wave shook everyone three meters away. Lin Hu didn't support it and hit the wall with his head. The hard wall was badly hit by a groove. Lin Hu had nothing to do with it. It was really tough.

Yi... Yi ink seems to have become stronger!

"Give me back the money quickly." Yang Yitian said again. Lin Hu felt lost in face, pulled out the knife behind his waist, and quickly put it on Yang Yitian's neck.

"Yang Yitian, isn't TMD just spending some of your money? It made me lose face. Believe it or not, I killed you. " Forest tiger airway.

At this juncture, a ray of light shines!


A knife flew past Yang Yitian's eyes and stabbed Lin Hu's arm. The short knife fell down with it. Yang Yitian took advantage of this moment to grab the money bag and retreat to the door. The flying knife didn't hit the target, but it just scratched a little skin injury. Although it was only skin injury, the blood was still flowing.

"Who is it? Who created the hidden weapon? Stand out for me." Lin Hu angrily said, with a little timidity in his anger.

At this time, a fat man came from the door. He was even fatter than Lin Hu. The momentum directly crushed Lin Hu. His two legs were trembling with such great boldness.

"What's your ability to bully my brother Tian? If you have the ability, you can fight with me." The fat man laughed.


"Brother Tian, you are too unkind! I didn't know when I came to the college. Fortunately, Aunt Xiao told me that you came to the college, and I came right away!" Shisan said.


At this time, a tall middle-aged man came in and looked at the whole room with serious eyes. Lin Hu immediately changed his face.

"(Coughing)~What are you doing? Do you want to fight? In the future, I will be the head teacher of Class 5, Grade 1. You'd better not let me see the fight, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude! You know?" said the middle-aged man.

"Yes," said the fifth class in the room.

"Yang Yitian, and the little fat man, wait for me. I will take revenge sooner or later. Let's go, Xing Yun." Lin Hu's arms were sweating with pain at this time, and ran to the clinic under the guidance of everyone.

Yang Yitianshi smiled at three corners of his mouth.