Chapter 512 Party

Ren'an Hospital is one of the best private hospitals in Xiangjiang. At this time, Huang Guoqiang stood outside the delivery room with a serious face, and Xiang Shuyi walked around uneasily. Huang Rongsheng was not much better, and he was more worried. After all, his wife was lying inside.

Because the sister-in-law's due date was up, not only did Huang Ying ask for leave, but she didn't go to school. Even the second son Huang Ronghua, the eldest daughter Huang Yun, and the second daughter Huang Yi, who were studying abroad, returned early.

"Mom!" Huang Yun grabbed Xiang Shuyi, who was walking back and forth, and let her sit beside him. "It made me dizzy. Sit down and have a rest. It's OK."

Xiang Shuyi said

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