Chapter 261 Beauty is also a Crime

Glasses raised his glass and said, "Lao Zhao, let's give you a toast, brother!"

"Good!" Lao Zhao raised his glass. "Dry!"

Glasses raised his head and drank all the wine from the glass, put down the glass, picked up the bag beside it, smiled and said, "Lao Zhao, brother, you should go ahead a bit to accuse President Zhang for me."

"Alas!" Lao Zhao was a little overwhelmed. "I said Lao Qian, didn't you always ask Zhang to approve the steel?"

Old Qian said, "I really have something urgent. I'll talk about the steel in a few days."

Lao Zhao was a little dissatisfied: "Lao Qian, I had a lot of favor to make an appointment with President Zhang. If you say go

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