Chapter 214 Fighting

In this place, there is no computer, no smart phone, and the train can not run 100 kilometers at a speed. In addition to the stopping time on the road, it is staggering all the way. Nearly 10 hours is really boring.

Shen Chuan looked back and said to Zhou Pei on the other side, "Did you buy a newspaper?"

Zhou Peizheng turned the pages in boredom, and casually took out a piece and threw it to Shen Chuan: "Look at it first!"

Shen Chuan took it over and looked at the financial newspaper, which was all about the stock market: "How can you sell financial newspapers? Don't you have evening papers or daily newspapers?"

Zhou Pei said, "I didn't buy it. I think it will be sold on the car. Wait, it will be sold later..."

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