Chapter 13 Qujiang Feast

The past 15 years have passed. Compared with wandering the streets and looking for relatives and friends in the past, this life is more about the New Year in the Ningrong Mansion. When people gathered together, Jia Yu could not help thinking of his relatives in the past. These things would never be told to others. Maybe it's because he has been living together day by day these days, or because he is connected by blood, Xiao Xichun occasionally noticed that his brother, who has always been unrestrained and unrestrained, was a little worried about the beautiful corners of his eyes when warm wine came into his throat.

The military system followed the Han system, and the literature followed the Song system. Therefore, there was no military examination in the Qi Dynasty. The only way for the military men to succeed was to behead their heads and inherit the title of nobility. With the stability of the border situation in the Qi Dynasty year by year, the first road was completely blocked, and the marquis who was originally granted could hardly make achievements again. With the ascendance of Emperor Yongcheng, the decline of the power of the military men was also a trend.

As a result, more and more people began to pour into the imperial examination road. It is not uncommon for people to "become a farmhand in the morning and a prince in the evening". Although this road is difficult to reach the sky now, everyone is still willing to take it.

Therefore, the annual spring tribute list has become a national concern. Although Jia Yu's father is a Jinshi, Jia Yu obviously does not intend to follow his example. Now it is more difficult to get a Jinshi than to go to Tsinghua University and Peking University. Although he has the information knowledge that will explode in the future, he does not believe that he has the ability or the idea. But looking at the Qujiang banquet, he is interested in singing the name of Donghuamen.

"In the spring, the horse's hoof is fast, and you can see all the flowers in Chang'an every day." A poem by Meng Jiao reveals the aspiration of countless students who have been suffering for ten years.

During the banquet, there were white haired old people with tears streaming down their eyes, middle-aged men pinching their beards and sighing, and young boys and girls looking up to the sky and laughing. This picture of mixed feelings naturally changed in the eyes of a group of dandies.

"Look, look at that. I don't know how many days this bastard will live. What's the use of being admitted as a Jinshi?" A short, fat boy with a purple gold crown and a cloud brocade beard held the railing and laughed.

"Look at the ball and blow. I really think that if I pass the entrance exam, I can become an official in the imperial court. What's the name of the champion in the ninth year of Wen'an?" On the other side, a young man in military uniform, with a long sword hanging from his waist and a face full of zits, asked with a pat on his head.

Naturally, someone helped to answer the question: "It seems to be called Xu Moling."

"Yes, this man has a strange name, which is hard to remember. Hey, I'm afraid that's why he was sent to Hetao within half a year. I guess he is eating sand now."

Jia Yu was a little speechless. These Yamen may have been stimulated badly. In their opinion, it was these people who blocked their future. Moreover, as descendants of martial arts, they naturally put martial arts first in their families, and there are few literary talents.

Looking at Jia Yu's face, he felt uncomfortable. A tall, handsome young man coughed.

The people followed his eyes, and then remembered Wensheng who had been scolding for a long time. One of them had a father who was also a Jinshi, so they couldn't help but feel embarrassed. If someone else scolded, they would scold. It would be OK if they couldn't fight with each other, but this man was the second master of Ning Guofu, and the Jia family's name still had to be considered.

Seeing the atmosphere cooling down, the young man who had just reminded everyone smiled heartily, "Hey, these brothers were angry for a while. Unexpectedly, I made amends for them to Brother Jia."

Jia Yu didn't care about that at all. Seeing the other person was so polite, he waved his hand freely

The boy's family name was Feng Ziying, and his father was the Shenwu General Feng Tang. He walked all over the officials, and the princes had capital everywhere. Throwing a stone could hit three people wearing Fei clothes (above the fourth grade). As a Shenwu General's yamen, Feng Ziying really didn't look good enough.

But as the saying goes, there are seven officials in front of the prime minister's gate, not to mention the emperor's gate. Feng Tang, who is in charge of Jin Wuwei, is now a popular person around the emperor. In addition, Feng Ziying is free and easy, straightforward, and friendly. Therefore, the government officials who are used to making threats are willing to recognize him as their brother.

However, Jia Yu didn't have such a mind. Such a scene made him think of his junior high school life. A hot blooded young man of 12 or 13 years old, when someone invited him to have a barbecue, he wanted to worship his son on the spot and set up a gang. As a result, he was killed by the grade director within four or five days. He couldn't help laughing.

Feng Ziying did not feel embarrassed when she looked at Jia Yu's face. Instead, she had a faint smile. She could not help admiring her. She said that Jia Yu's generation was inferior to that of his generation. However, she looked at Jia Yu as a number one person, but he was too cold tempered.

On the one hand, the coldness of temper is on the other hand that the Yamen in Feng Ziying's circle don't have a good impression on Jia Yu. Wu Xun's descendants are beautiful with their burly and heroic appearance, and Jia Yu's good looks in the eyes of all the sisters and servant girls are just like ladies, just like little husbands outside.

Jia Yu also understood this, but he was too lazy to do these thank-you things. In order to get the latest political information, he had to be invited to sit here, spend one or two hours listening to these people's nonsense, and extract useful information from them. It was really a pain for him.

Feng Ziying looked at Jia Yu's interest in the Qujiang banquet on the other side of the river. She couldn't help laughing and said, "In early spring, it's boring for us to sit in tall buildings instead of sightseeing. Why don't we go to the opposite side of the river?"

Before he finished speaking, someone there complained: "If we go there, we will not be disgusted by that group of literati. How can we make ourselves unhappy? It's better to drink than all the brothers." Some people echoed.

Feng Ziying was slightly ashamed and angry at the refutation. She was thinking about going alone, but she heard Jia Yu, who was always reticent, say to herself: "I heard that this Qujiang banquet has brought 18 flower leaders from the south of the Yangtze River to help with the banquet. I wonder if it can compare with those in the capital."

Feng Ziying heard the words and looked. It was the young man who had just refuted him. Suddenly, he was speechless. Looking at the jubilant Yamen, he could not wait to rush to the other side of the river, and Jia Yu was still indifferent, lazy and tired, In his heart, he could not help sighing: The Jia family is going to have another good horse.