Chapter 49 - Crisis

"It's Rongmu's fault, which irritates Ji Tenghai. Otherwise, Ji Tenghai would not have done this to my Rong family!" Rong Jingshui slapped the table angrily.

"That's true. If Rong Mu hadn't been reckless, I'm afraid our Rong family would not have suffered this disaster just as they got better." Rong Hao gnashed his teeth. "It's really out of the knife mountain and into the fire!"

"These 60000 copper coins are almost the surplus of a year. If they are all handed over to Ji Tenghai, how can we live in the future?" Tao Yanqing, Rong Jingshui's wife, sobbed, and her eyes even shed a few tears.

"My mother also promised to buy me a new skirt!" Rong Yue also sighed. Suddenly, she thought of Lu Cheng, the youngest son of Lu Shounian, a medicine merchant in Shanlu Town. She couldn't help feeling sad. "Young Master Lu disliked my Rong family for being poor, and now I'm afraid he doesn't like Rong family!"

Jing Zheng and Tang Yong quickly bowed their heads and said nothing. For the Rong family, except Rong Jingshan, who was able to listen to the advice, the rest of them were just ordinary people. They never thought about how to solve the problem, but they would just fan the flames and pour oil on the fire. They were never afraid of making things big.

"But Rongmu, who built houses and hired people in Big Green Hill, won't get support from his family?" Rong Hao turned his eyes and said, "Yin and Yang are strange.".

"That still need to say?" Rongyue hurriedly followed suit. "Rongmu has been pampered since childhood. He has never earned even a copper coin for his family, and he has been spending money to study. He was admitted to Tanhua in Shanlu Town when he was 13 years old. Although he is now a clerk, the clerk's salary is only 220 copper coins a year, not all of which is family money!"

"Brother, Rongmu is just used to it when he was young, but now his family is in decline, when will he be charged?" Rongjing asked.

"Yes, uncle, is this Rongmu's money my Rong family's financial aid?" Rong Hao stood up excitedly.

"Ji Tenghai has been dissatisfied with our Rong family for a long time. Everyone knows that how can we tell the truth?" A childish voice of dissatisfaction came out, and the youngest Rong Feier, playing with a wisp of green silk in his hand, showed his disdainful eyes. "Don't forget, cousin Rongmu bought 80 jun of timber from Rong's warehouse at the price of 300 copper coins per jun, and also bought 15000 copper coins of furniture from Hao Craftsman's Wood Shop, bringing a total of 39000 copper coins to Rong's family. He also hired 150 Rong's labor after the sale of timber to lighten the family's burden Are you all blind? "

"Rong Feier, you little traitor, how can you speak freely in the conference room?" Rong Hao roared. He was very clear that what Rong Feier said was true, but he had to keep silent for the sake of face. After all, most of the income of Hao Craftsman's Shop usually goes to Ji Tenghai and Gao Tianyan, and the rest goes to Da Yuechi. Only a few can really be put into his pocket. Rongmu earned 5000 copper coins from the 15000 copper coins business.

"Believe it or not, I will keep you in prison for three days!" Rong Jingshui frowned. For this little daughter, who is only eleven years old, he loves and hates her because she is intelligent and can see through things that many people don't understand. He even gives way to his elder brother Rong Jingshan. He hates that although she is smart, she always speaks frankly, and always hits the nail on the head, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

"Hum!" Rong Feier pursed her small mouth, apparently without any fear, but rolled her big eyes and continued. "At the beginning of human life, people were naturally good, but it is written in the book that you are not afraid of being struck by thunder if you distort the facts like this?"

"Shut up and see if I don't tear your mouth!" Rongyue said with shame and anger, and was about to get up.

"Well, don't make any noise!" Rong Jingshan sighed and waved his hand. I think you are not as good as an eleven year old girl. You really wasted so many years of your life. But because of everyone's face, you have to swallow your words. "Jing Zheng, how much money do we have left this year?"

"Home owner, there are 75300 copper coins." Jingzheng replied.

"Well, I will go to the Chamber of Commerce to check this matter with Le Wanli first. Wait for my news first!" Rong Jingshan said with a fixed face. "In addition, before the beginning of winter, the water in the alder forest should be poured, which should not affect the benefits of next year. As for the plan for next year, I think it is still the same!"

Everyone had no choice but to nod. Although Rong Jingshui and others knew that Rong's family was declining, they could not help Rongmu build a house in Big Green Hill to hire people, but they still wanted to vent their anger with Rongmu. After all, these years, the harmony has been their vent.

When Rongmu was studying, they would say that Rongmu did not participate in family affairs, but made money for his family. They would also spend money to study. After exploring flowers in Shanlu Town during Rongmu's exam, they would say that Rongmu was just a slave in the secondary city of Mori City to comfort Yuan Kui. Now Rongmu is fighting for his life in Big Green Hill, but they say that Rong Jingshan secretly funded Rongmu.

Rong Jingshan sees it, but he never goes to argue with it too much. He always smiles at those who make trouble without reason. After all, the most important thing is how to make Rong Family earn more money.


Big Green Hill is the official residence.

"A-choo, A-choo!" Rongmu was about to open his mouth to speak when he sneezed twice and smiled. "Who on earth is cursing me?"

"Rong Wenshu is joking. I'm afraid it's the high and cold air of Big Green Hill!" Zha Mingjian smiles faintly, and then his face gradually becomes dignified. "Rong Wenshu, according to my observation these days, the output of this year's Big Green Tea is probably lower than I expected."

"Oh, how much can it be lowered?" Rongmu was shocked and couldn't help frowning when he heard the words. Since the team has just been integrated and the work has been divided, it is time for all things to be done, and the output of Daqing tea is related to the layout of the entire Daqing Mountain, which can be said to affect the whole body.

"Last year, Daqing tea produced 500 jin of fresh tea per mu, and can produce 100 jin of dry tea. At first, I estimated that in any case, this year's output of fresh tea per mu would be about 400 jin, and that of dry tea would be about 80 jin. But from my observations these days, it turns out that the output of fresh tea per mu is only about 320 jin, and because of the excessive water content of fresh tea, it is only 60 jin after being made into dry ginseng At the end of the year, the total output of 300 mu will only be 18000 jin of dry tea! Find out that Jian sighed. "It's all Gao Tong's debts, but we have to pay them back. How unreasonable!"

"That's really a bit troublesome!" Rongmu frowned. Although he had already prepared for the reduction of the production of Daqing tea in his heart, it was obvious that this result was much more than he expected. "So last year I sold 600000 copper coins per kilogram of 20 copper coins, and this year I only received 270000 copper coins per kilogram of 15 copper coins?"

"Maybe it is less than 270000 copper coins. At the beginning of the period, I thought that because the tea quality this year is poor and the taste is not as good as before, who knows if one kilogram can still sell for 15 copper coins, It will also make the newly arrived clerk suffer. If so, Big Green Hill will never turn over!

"Master Zha doesn't need to worry, let alone feel sad. There will be a way when the car gets to the front of the mountain. There are always more ways than difficulties." Rongmu comforted. "Now the people of Big Green Hill have no worries about food and drink. Without this worry, the output of Big Green Tea is no longer important, is it?"

"I accept the idea of Rong Wenshu, but as a document, you have the obligation to increase Big Green Hill's taxes. Besides, you have made a military order in front of Zhao Jiangrui, and I can't help you to complete the task of increasing taxes by 10% now, I'm afraid that you will lose your official position and go to prison!" Finding out Jianai sighed. "Although you are young, it is not too much to say that you are the only hope of Big Green Hill for more than ten years from the measures you have taken to establish the South District of Big Green Hill, build a public kitchen inn, and remove the obstacles in the team. We are just incompetent and can't keep you!"

"Master Zha spoke highly of you!" Rongmu felt warm when he heard the words. After all, it is really good to let others praise him. Therefore, everyone hopes that what he has done can be remembered by others. If possible, it's OK to be grateful. But Rongmu doesn't take it for granted. It is the duty of civil servants to adhere to indifference to fame and wealth and benefit the people, As for the special status of businessman, whose interests are paramount, we can leave it aside. "What I have done is not worth mentioning. Now our top priority is how to solve the problem instead of sighing."

"Alas!" Zha Mingjian sighed again. He also listened to Rongmu's words and warmed his heart, but the truth was in front of him and he had to admit it. Moreover, he is 63 years old and has seen too many ups and downs, so he always feels powerless when facing difficulties. He is not as young as Rongmu, and always feels confident when facing things.

"Since Rong Wenshu said that there must be a way when the car gets to the front of the mountain, the way is always more difficult than the way, so no matter what, we must listen to his ideas, right?" Mr. Mo slowly said after listening for a long time.

"Then please Rong Shu to teach me." Zha Mingjian adjusted his mood and hugged Rongmu.

"First of all, I have learned a little about the benefits of Daqingcha before, but these only represent the past, and will not count in the future." Rongmu paused. "Secondly, as far as the tax of 132000 copper coins is concerned, even if this year's income is only 27000 copper coins, it will be enough to pay. The only deficiency is that it may cause dissatisfaction among the people of Big Green Hill."

"How dare you, how dare you? Although our people in Daqingshan are poor, they are not short of ambition. Besides, they are all reasonable people. Rongwenshu is kind to Daqingshan. Even if all the 270000 copper coins are taken away, I will have no complaints." Find out and think about it. "In addition, the tax is charged at 20% of the total value. If Ji Tenghai knew this, wouldn't he be guilty of collecting taxes indiscriminately?"

"Hahaha... Elder Zha was worried too much." Rongmu couldn't help laughing, and his face darkened instantly. "In the Wanshan Dynasty, many people were writing a set of words, doing a set of words, and another set of words. Although I wanted to be fair and aboveboard, I would never be merciful to others for such things as I was in the first place!"