Chapter 43 - Simple Rules

Time went by in a hurry. On the third day, when the ringing of copper bells on mountain horses' necks came from outside Big Green Hill, the first floor of Harmony Inn had already been completed, while the second floor was only about one tenth completed due to insufficient wood.

But this did not affect, because the basement that Rongmu wanted to build was successfully completed with the efforts of everyone.

Under the guidance of Li Wei, Mr. Rongmu and Mo visited this secret room.

"Sir, I have transformed the ventilation facilities of the secret room according to your idea," Li Wei said, pointing to a thick bamboo pole in the corner.

In order to ensure that people can stay comfortably in the secret room for a long time, Rongmu asked Li Wei to cut many bamboo poles from the mountain, hollowed them out, and made many holes at the top and end, and then cleverly hid them beside all the pillars of the inn for ventilation.

"Hmm... Well done!" Rongmu took a deep breath of fresh air and nodded with satisfaction. "In addition, I also considered whether to add some culverts in the secret chamber in the future to introduce external light, but this is more difficult, and I will talk about it later."

"Rong Wenshu is really fantastic!" Mr. Mo was in this spacious and ventilated secret room and couldn't help praising.

"Thank you for your praise!" Rongmu arched his hand at Mr. Mo and looked at Li Wei again. "Tell me in detail what troubles you encounter during the construction process, so that you can make adjustments in the future."

"During the construction of this secret room, I found that the difference between carpenters and stonemasons was not very big, but the tools were slightly different. In addition, the stone houses, especially the underground secret room, were very solid." Li Wei said, pounding hard on the wall, and heard a few soft muffled sounds. "The only inconvenience is that the stone handling and assembly process is relatively troublesome."

"No problem, when we get the income from tea, we can buy some cattle and horses for hard labor." Rongmusi cableway. "In addition, have you explained the building of the secret room to everyone according to my requirements?"

"Don't worry, my lord, I have told you the reason for using the secret room as the foundation and reserving the third or even the fourth floor of the hotel for future expansion. In addition, during the construction process, all male slaves are used." Li Wei said quietly.

"Good!" Rongmu nodded. "Gao Tong and Chao Yun's underlings may have several spies that we have to guard against. After all, we are weak. If there are a few more internal demons, it will be even more difficult."

"By the way, there are two escape exits in different directions. Have you finished building them?" Rongmu frowned.

"The stone slab has been paved, but the exit needs to be roughly arranged to avoid being found." Li Weilian hurried.

"Well, after the big pot for making tea arrives, we will build more stoves here to clean the tea. In addition, because the thick bamboo poles can only be used for ventilation, we will use them to smoke first." Rongmu thought a little. "Try to connect with the kitchen of the chef at the end of the escape way. We were originally watched by people, but now there are many people with mixed eyes, so we should be careful."


"How long will it take for the inn to finish after the alder wood is transported?" Rongmu asked.

"If we don't pick tea today, now we have 28 people, and we can finish it that night," Li Wei replied.

"Well, it's better to live in tonight. You can take your time with furniture and other things. After all, the bed board is wood and the floor is wood, so it should be OK for a few days." Rongmu said, patting Li Wei on the shoulder with concern. "I will give you a few days off after finishing this period of work. In addition, we should hurry up to find stonemasons and carpenters. After all, there are still many houses to be built in the future. I can't bear to let you work on your own."

"Yes!" Li Wei held his hand and said that Rongmu's words were like a warm current in his heart, which made him feel warm after working overtime for many days to build a house. He inadvertently paid more respect to Rongmu.

"Qi Hong and Dai Rui are almost there!" Rongmu smacks his lips. "I heard the copper bell on the pony's neck when I was about to come in. Let's go up and have a look first!"

"Hmm..." Mr. Mo nodded.

So Rongmu and others left the secret room and came to Hemu Kitchen, where they just met Qi Hong Dairui and others who had just arrived.

"Second Young Master, I haven't seen you for a few days. I've grown a lot taller and stronger." Qi Hong patted Rongmu on the shoulder excitedly.

"What you said is so exaggerated, but it's a lot thinner." Rongmu smiled happily. For the man who grew up with him since childhood, although his identity was just a servant, Rongmu didn't care about it, and there was no bad blood between them, almost like a brother.

"All the way hard!" Rongmu smiled at Dai Rui, revealing a kind look that regarded him as his own and brother, and whispered. "This time I have recruited some of Gao Tong and Chao Yun's thugs, and I will give them all to you for training in the future. From now on, you will be the gate guard of Big Green Hill, although you are not appointed by the army house in Shanlu Town."

In the Wanshan Dynasty, the appointment of military officers was generally handed over to the higher level. For example, the military house in Shanlu Town had the right to appoint the gate guard at the Big Green Mountain level, and the military office in Morimu City had the right to appoint the colonel at the level of Shanlu Town. If you want to appoint the position of City Sima in Morimu City, you need the military office in Shichuan County to be qualified.

Rongmu, as a civil servant, has no right to appoint military officers. The reason for doing so is that Big Green Hill is now in his power, Dai Rui has extraordinary skills and can be entrusted with important tasks, and Dai Rui, as the bodyguard of Rong's family, cannot treat him unfairly.

"I will not abuse my life!" Dai Ruixin, who was less talkative, led the meeting with a kind look.

Rong nods. I thought it was time to build a Big Green Hill army room again, otherwise these soldiers would not be able to be placed, and there was no place to train them. As the saying goes, if we can't even raise them for a thousand days, how can we use them. But the truth that building a house costs money also makes Rongmu's flesh ache for a while.

Wait until the big green tea is harvested. After all, there are still many places to spend money.

"Li Wei, go and check the wood." Rongmu greeted, then shouted to the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Big Green Hill Clerk Rongmu. Welcome!"

Because of the large number of people, we talked to each other and talked about their own topics. It was obvious that the voice of honor could not arouse everyone's idea.

Rongmu could not help shaking his head, and did not blame everyone. Because he was new here, he did not have an overall awareness and rules. Rongmu was very clear. He had a lot of soldiers and would like to work as a clerk and employer. He was very clear that if he could not control even a few hundred people, let alone want to control thousands, thousands or even 100000 people in the future, therefore, He must be able to stay in town.

Thinking of this, Rongmu had a brainwave and climbed to the roof of Hemu Kitchen skillfully, looking down at the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please listen to me first, OK?" Rongmu asked.

It's good that all the people from Rong's family know Rongmu, so they are quiet. However, these people employed by the Chamber of Commerce do not know Rongmu at all.

"Where do you come from?"

"I actually climbed to the roof!"

"It's really three days without going to the house to uncover the tiles!"


"I'm Rongmu, Big Green Hill's secretary and your employer," Rongmu said loudly with a solemn face and a restrained smile.

When people heard the news, they were surprised. Unexpectedly, this young man, who was only 13 or 14 years old, would be the employer. In addition, many of them also knew that Rong's family was in a poor financial situation, so they began to whisper.

"It is agreed that three copper coins a day can be cashed."

"Yes, I came all the way here. It's not enough for food!"

"Yes, we can't trust him!"


"Can you listen to me Rongmu, not only to answer questions, but also to eat and drink enough?" Rongmu politely clasped his fists and waited for the response from the crowd. He stood aloof, carefully observed these people, and immediately lost the idea of criticizing these people who did not understand the rules. Because many people were called young laborers, but most of them were sallow and skinny. Although clothes could cover the body, most of them were broken patches, and even some others were barefoot.

The chatter in the crowd gradually subsided, and everyone was curious to see what the teenager could do to make everyone eat and drink enough.

"This afternoon, Daqingcha has entered the harvest season. From today on, everyone's salary is three copper coins every day, but I can have free meals in the Harmony Kitchen where I stand. Three meals a day, and I can manage my fill. In addition, because of the current shortage of housing, I can only wronged everyone to stay at No. 10 in the East." Rongmulang said. "I hope you can do your best to harvest more than 40 jin of tea every day with quality and quantity guaranteed, and pay an extra copper coin for each jin!"

"You heard me right, three meals a day

"If the weight exceeds 40 jin, one jin will earn one more copper coin."

"Then I can pour out the chef and finish picking the tea. Believe it or not."

"Ha ha ha, don't brag!"

"Please ask if you have any questions. Of course, if you have any problems in the future, you can also call me at any time. I live at No. 7, East District." Rongmu looked at the people quietly.

"When will the wages be paid?" shouted a young man of Rongmu's age.

"There are two ways to pay, one is to pay every day, and the other is to pay all the money after picking. As for the choice, it depends on everyone. But I want to remind you that it is inevitable to lose wages because of the heavy workload at ordinary times. It is convenient to take it home directly after final settlement because food is free!" Rongmu replied. "Do you have any questions?"

"You are sure you can manage enough, and we can all eat very well!" shouted a middle-aged man with dark skin and low height, drawing laughter from everyone.

"If anyone doesn't have enough to eat, he can come to me at any time. In addition, managing enough doesn't mean wasting. I hope everyone can save food!" Rongmu smiled faintly. "But what's the problem?"

In the crowd, no one asked any questions, and everyone looked expectant, because few employers would provide sufficient conditions, and it was not easy to provide food. In addition, it was rarely heard that more work could earn extra wages.

"If there is no problem, you should go to No. 10 in the east area to place your luggage first. A quarter of an hour later, you will gather here. I will have Master Zha of Laoda Qingshan who will be responsible for telling you the way to pick tea and the rules of how to check the quantity of tea." Rong Chong wanted to find out Jiangong's hand. He wanted to say that he wanted you to work hard. If you do well, you can follow him in the future, But if you say so, it may be counterproductive. It not only encourages evil practices, but also makes honest people have a rebellious mentality. Those who have deep ideas are eager for quick success and instant benefits, and eventually leave people who are not available.