Chapter 386 The Emperor of the Back Garden

From that day on, Zhu Wenying and his party in Houhu found that he was actually not happy at all. What fun is it to come to this world without love and affection! Is she a greedy woman?

Shortly after Zhu Wenying was conferred the title of Imperial Daughter, Zhu Wenping was also officially conferred the title of Emperor by a group of warriors from Andong Province.

The name of the emperor is a bit strange. It's called the emperor of the back garden. Why is it called the emperor of the back garden? There is a reason.

Zhu Wenping likes flowers best, so even three daughter-in-law in Xiayi Island are called Plum Blossom, Cherry Blossom and Pear Blossom.

Later, under Huizi's plan, if Zhu Wenping had a foothold in Japan

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