Chapter 37 Five Thousand Liang Da Ming Treasure Bank Note

When Mo Ran rolled all the noodles, Empress Dowager Lu and Jingxian also finished the dumplings.

Mo Ran ran to get the pan back not far away, sat the pan on the charcoal fire, brushed the pan, put some oil and water, then covered the pan cover and waited patiently by the side, observing while smelling the smell coming out of the pan, judging the extent of the fried dumplings in the pan.

When I felt that I could get out of the pot soon, let Jingxian cut some scallions, the more broken the better. Mo Ran opened the pot and saw that it was still a little early and stuffy for another two minutes.

Then sprinkle the green onion, take out the pot and bring it to Empress Dowager Lu: "My mother comes to eat."

The Empress Dowager Lv saw that there was no difference between the above and ordinary dumplings. She picked up one with chopsticks and then saw that the bottom of the dumplings was slightly different. The golden yellow mark was really cute. She had never tasted the crispy surface after biting it. After biting it, it was crispy celery and tender five flower meat, which seriously provoked the taste buds of the long anorexic old lady Lv. She had a big appetite, After eating two plates at a time, Mo Ran stopped him from eating again.

Mo Ran said, "Mother, if you eat too much oily food, you will feel uncomfortable. I will eat here today, and there will be a long time to come. My son will often come to see you when he is free. If you want to eat my son, I will make it for you."

Empress Dowager Lv nodded: "To tell you the truth, it's the first time for me to eat such delicious food. But oil is very expensive. Usually few people can afford it. Ordinary officials just add some fried vegetables. Is it too wasteful for us to do so?"

Mo Ran: "Don't waste it. I have fried three pots of oil before I have a spoonful of oil."

Empress Dowager Lv: "That's great. Although we Zhu Family are emperors, we can't waste people's wealth and cream. Remember that our ancestors were all poor people."

Mo Ran nods to show that he knows

Empress Dowager Lv asked Mo Ran to give the rest of the fried dumplings to the maids, eunuchs and guards. The luckiest thing was that Jing Xian and Zhou Chang shared the most of the seven dumplings. The others are two dumplings for one person.

After eating the dumplings, it had been dark for a long time. Mo Ran wanted to go back. Empress Dowager Lv refused to let Mo Ran go. She said that tomorrow would be the first day of the lunar new year. She would take the three sons and two daughters from outside the palace to get together. As for your eldest sister who married outside, let her spend the New Year in her own home.

Mo Ran could not refuse Empress Dowager Lv's intention, so she had to take Jingxian to find a room to rest.

At noon on New Year's Day, three younger brothers and two younger sisters came. They clamoured to eat the fried dumplings made by the emperor. Mo Ran made them, and they were very happy to eat.

By the time of the formal lunch at noon, they could not eat any more. While chatting, the three younger brothers were all talking about the latest and most interesting things in Beijing. The daughter of that mansion is the most beautiful.

The two younger sisters are even more powerful. As small as that, rouge powder is the best. Who is the winner of the new academic title the year before last. The official's mistress was caught by his wife, and the powerful wife raped her husband and disabled him. There was also an old official who lived next door and turned several streets. Now that old official has taken several concubines.

Mo Ran admired his two younger sisters. If it hadn't been for the grandfather Zhu Yuanzhang who picked them up, he would have abolished the Royal Guards a few years before his death. He wants her two sisters to join the Royal Guards. It is not because they are royalty, and there is no way to arrange other positions. It's the most sincere invitation from the heart. The Royal Guards need talents like you.

When Empress Dowager Lu saw that the three sons and two daughters were like this, they were also the first two.

Mo Ran quietly comforted Empress Dowager Lv. Don't be sad. As a brother, he would surely find a good home for his two younger sisters and a good title for his three younger brothers. As for the title, it will not be as big as the vassal in the early Ming Dynasty, but it will not be too small.

The Empress Dowager Lv was gratified to hear that it was the eldest son.

After a quick meal, they all had to leave. Empress Dowager Lu asked them to wait, and soon came out with five red envelopes. Mo Ran's younger brothers and sisters were very happy to receive the lucky money.

When I got it, I immediately opened it. It was all one thousand taels of Daming treasure. The three younger brothers looked OK, but the two younger sisters were not happy. "Mother, now this one thousand taels of Daming treasure is worth six or seven hundred taels at most. Can't you give me a piece of gold?"

Empress Dowager Lv: "Now you don't know that all the money in the palace is in deficit, and the money in the palace treasury is not enough for you to spend. There will be no New Year's money next year. This is my last confidence. If you want more money, let your royal brother find a good husband for you two."

When hearing about looking for her husband's family, Mo Ran and her younger sister rubbed oil on the soles of their shoes, and quickly disappeared. Then the three younger brothers also said goodbye to Empress Dowager Lu

It seems that there is only Mo Ran left. Empress Dowager Lv conjures up another red envelope and gives it to Mo Ran.

Mo Ran doesn't want to live or die. Anyway, he is also an emperor. How can he show that he loves money so much

The Empress Dowager Lv said, "Here is a five thousand Daming treasure note. Now the maximum discount is three thousand five hundred taels. It can't help you much. It can't make 100000 military rations and fill the empty warehouse.

I thought about something. The fried dumplings you made here are so delicious. When we have time to open a restaurant in the suburbs of Beijing, we often go there to sit down and entertain civil and military officials. As long as the restaurant is famous, good service, good quality and low price. Generally, restaurants can earn dozens of taels of silver a day, and we can certainly earn it, which can solve the urgent need for money in the Imperial Palace. "

Mo Ran heard the excitement. Fifty liang a day can earn nearly 20000 liang a year. There is no need to worry about the shortage of internal funds. Besides, the 5000 liang a year spent on entertaining officials eleven times can also save a lot of money. There is also pomp in luxury restaurants, and it seems like the emperor is generous

In this different dimension, it seems that people do not over develop food. So many delicious and simple snacks in their minds can be used for this purpose. It is not a problem to open a chain store for the whole country.

No wonder the ancients liked to recruit so many advisers. The knowledge of the masses was undoubtedly great, and all happiness came too suddenly.

Mo Ran was willing to follow the arrangement of Empress Dowager Lv, took five thousand taels of Ming Dynasty treasure, bid farewell to her dear mother, Empress Dowager Lv, and took Jingxian back to her bedroom happily.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the dormitory, Douping came quickly and shouted, "Your Majesty, it's not good. There's big news coming from Bashu. I've brought the letter here."

Mo Ran opened the envelope and took out the letter. It was really a big thing