Chapter 162 Politics in the Imperial Court

"The emperor, in fact, it's very simple. You can send someone to pick up the Daming people there. That's all right! Anyway, we Daming have a lot of ships. We send 300 sea boats, each with a thousand people. It's easy to transport them all back."

Mo Ran listened carefully to Qi Tai's answer. After a long time, he said one thing: "Our annual taxes in Daming depend on the people's grain harvest. When I came from Sulu, I had asked King Xu where to plant a lot of rice.

Now if people withdraw, the grain will be abandoned helplessly. It is a waste of people's wealth and cream to let the grain rot in the geography. "

After hearing Mo Ran's narration, Qi Tai naturally went on to say, "Let's wait until the grain harvest is finished and then take these people back to Daming. If we have both people and grain, wouldn't it be a good policy to have both."

Mo Ran nodded and praised Qi Tai's idea. He just sighed: "The Nanyang Song Dynasty Luhang Province is huge, and King Xu himself is a military officer. He must have managed badly. If I could send some civilian officials to guard, I would be more relieved."

"Your Majesty, how big is the area of Luxing Province in Song Dynasty? Is it as big as Zhejiang Province?"

Mo Ran shook his head and replied to Qi Tai, "It is not smaller than Zhejiang Province, but almost as big as Zhili Province."

After hearing this, Qi Tai kept thinking for a long time, and then said to Mo Ran, "This is a large area, and it is also a place rich in rice. I think your majesty should send at least a dozen civil servants, who must be experienced in civil affairs."

Mo Ran smiled. As Huizi saw, everything was also in his plan.

Mo Ran said, "Qi Shoufu is thoughtful, and I think so too. After careful consideration, I decided to let you preside over all the political affairs of Song Luxing Province. Then Huang Zicheng and Lian Zining are responsible for assisting you. You three must do these things well."

Qi Tai always felt something was wrong. How could there be so many great Ming people and so much rice waiting for harvest in Luhang Province of Song Dynasty, but he had never been there before and had no right to comment.

However, Song Luxing Province is far away from the mainland of the Ming Dynasty. It is estimated that there is not even a decent city wall there, and other conditions must be worse. Three people look at me and I look at you, and they really don't want to go.

But Mo Ran, sitting on the dragon chair, said again: "You three are the pillars of our Ming Dynasty. Although the work of collecting food is small, it is clear that these grains are the foundation of our Ming Dynasty. Only by giving you these pillars can I rest assured!

I won't treat you badly. During your tenure in Songluhang Province, your salary will be doubled, which is the first special subsidy of Daming. "

Under the praise of Emperor Mo Ran and the words of special subsidies, Huang Zicheng and Lian Zining were deeply stirred. Moreover, officials would starve to death if they counted on those dead wages in the Ming Dynasty.

Local officials have a lot of extra income, which is the guarantee of life. The income of Beijing officials mainly depends on the filial piety of local officials. Qi Tai is good at managing national materials, and has always been sitting in the position of head and assistant of the cabinet. With a little brainpower, he can pick something from the national treasury, and is also comfortable with food and clothing.

But Huang Zicheng is different from Lian Zining. He is a Beijing official. He still doesn't know how to get extra money. He often needs Qi Tai to help him.

Just after Mo Ran's words, they gladly accepted the appointment. Qi Tai saw that neither of them had any problem, so he had to listen to the training with his head down.

Later, officials reported the war situation of Annan.

Then officials came to inquire about how to settle and deal with these prisoners of war.

Another minister reported that there was a severe drought in the Jingxiang area of Huguang, and asked the emperor to allocate food for disaster relief.

Another minister reported that the Jiaodong area of Taihu Lake had a bumper harvest for the first time in decades.


How happy and how worried. When all the memorials were collected, they were piled up in thick stacks, held by three bodyguards. Nobody would tell them anything again. Mo Ran promised many officials below the stage that I would deal with everything you told me at the first time. You have worked hard for the sake of Daming these days

After you answered that it was not hard, Mo Ran also announced that the court meeting was over. The ministers lamented for a while. They thought whether Emperor Mo Ran would invite them to dinner, or give them some prizes. But Emperor Mo Ran did not have this awareness at all. He just gave verbal encouragement. One by one, he had to shake his head, go back to his home, and find his mother

Decades later, the ministers left, leaving only Mo Ran and Qi Tai in the Jinluan Hall, as well as hundreds of palace guards with various weapons.

Qi Tai slowly walked to the stage where Mo Ran was. Mo Ran was reading the memorial carefully. When he saw Qi Tai slowly walking up the steps, he knew that Qi Tai was not so easy to cheat. So Mo Ran asked Qi Tai what he was doing.

Qi Tai quietly leaned over to Mo Ran's ear, his face turned red and his voice sped up, saying to Mo Ran, "Your Majesty, it has been half a year since I lost the official ship last time, and now I have become an official. When will you restore my position as the chief aide of the cabinet? You see I am heartbroken for Daming."

Mo Ran understood everything in an instant. Why Qi Tai was so active in getting himself back? It turned out that he was thinking about his position as the first assistant.

If we didn't have this black dragon incident, Mo Ran would still be able to talk, but this black dragon incident made Mo Ran physically and mentally exhausted. If it wasn't for Huizi's clever plan, Mo Ran was really worried that he would suffer from entanglement.

After a few moments of reflection, Mo Ran said to Qi Tai, "After all, you were once a martyr. Now you have not made any achievements, so you will be promoted as the first assistant of the cabinet. I'm afraid some people will say that we are stupid monarchs and mediocre ministers, and you must do something to achieve some political achievements."

Qi Tai nodded as if he understood something. He walked back down the hall while nodding. He turned to Mo Ran and said, "I will surely send back the Ming people in the Song Lu Islands safely. I will send someone to pick up all the people from Taizhou and Ryukyu. I will never let any of the Ming people go abroad."

After saying that, Qi Tai withdrew from the Golden Palace without waiting for Mo Ran to respond. Mo Ran's face was filled with anger, and he muttered, "I worked hard to emigrate. It's good of you to always try to bring people back."

Mo Ran complained about Huizi again. He thought it was a good plan. After these people were transferred to Nanyang, they always wanted to lead all the people back to China. Isn't it causing more trouble

Song Luxing Province can be discarded, but Ryukyu Prefecture and Taizhou Prefecture must have it. This is the shield that Mo Ran made for Daming Yan.

Mo Ran became more and more angry, so he left the memorial in his hand and asked the guards to move it to his bedroom first. He wanted to go to Jingxian first