Chapter 62

After looking around and making sure there was no one around, Equation crept out of the house.

The equation stopped before leaving the room.

Because he heard someone talking outside, it seemed not far away.

"What will you eat later?"?


"... Don't you have anything else? For example, cans and biscuits are all good! I eat mushy every day, and that stuff is just like the Baba I pulled out! I'm tired of it"!


What do you mean?

You can eat when you go to the toilet.


On such topics without nutrition, I shook my head when listening to the equation.

These people are more boring than themselves.

It is impossible to go out in a swagger. Although the equation is a bit crazy, it is not stupid! Those who want to pit him are already dead and can't die again.

And you can imagine with your buttocks that when you wake up, you will kill yourself. After all, that foot is really cruel

Oh, no, it's time to let him break his eggs

After thinking about it, the equation can only come up with one way.

A moment later, he began to take off his clothes completely.

[Transparent eye drops]



[Drop it on your eyes, and others will not be able to see you, nor can they perceive your breath, location, and existence]

*This is the masterpiece of magic medicine master Heigl. Please don't use it for dirty things

Dirty! What is a dirty job!!

That's a dream!!

One day long ago, when Equat first saw a bear boy named Nobi Daxiong, he was very envious, because he had an omnipotent good friend, staring at crotch cat. Once the bear met with difficulties, his good friend, staring at crotch cat, would always take out all kinds of magical props from his crotch to help him tide over the difficulties

At that time, the equation was wondering if it would be better if it had a cat staring at the crotch. It could depend on him if there were any problems, and if many things that had been wanted to do but could not be done could be solved satisfactorily

For example, he once dreamed of going into the women's bathhouse one day!

However, we didn't wait for the arrival of the staring crotch cat, but we were very close to our dream.

The current equation is only one bathhouse away from the women's bathhouse!!

The regretful equation smacked his lips. Now he is a transparent person.


The door suddenly opened, and the two people outside stopped communicating and stood up straight.

However, it is strange that no one came out after the door was opened.

They could not help but look at each other.

"... What's the matter?"?

"I don't know".

"Go and have a look"?



Equation swaggered through the two, and no one could detect his existence.

Not long after the equation left! A cry of surprise came out of the room.

"Bad! Dante has been attacked"!


A few minutes later, a circle of people surrounded the room.

"What the hell is going on?"? Veronica's voice, repressing her anger, sounded.


"I... I don't know! When we came in, Dante had already laid down, but the man could not even see his shadow".

"What you mean is that the man disappeared alive out of thin air!"!

Veronica was full of anger. She didn't think that her eldest brother would be brought down by an ordinary man who seemed to have no strength in hand in less than half an hour.

Damn it, she was cheated!!

That is not an ordinary person at all! How can an ordinary person quietly put his elder brother as a special soldier.

At the thought of this, her anger grew even higher, especially when she saw her relatives who were still convulsed in a coma.

Veronica made up her mind to find that damned bastard to avenge her brother!


Equation strolled in the survivors' camp and became an invisible person, which made him feel very strange.

Because no matter what you have done, or what you have done, there will never be anyone you find that you did it.

After leaving the house, he did not rush to leave, but continued to wander in the camp.


Because he is going to complete the long cherished wish that he wants to accomplish after a long time! Achieve your dreams.

Goal 1: Women's Bathroom!!

Goal 2: Women's toilet!!

Goal 3: Female dormitory!!

After the target is determined, the equation begins to wander.

The dark night seems to be long and strange, as if it has not passed yet, but the available sky has become hazy, like the last moment before dawn.

At this moment, a prompt pops up.

[Regional Task 1: Dawn, live through the night, reward 10 general points (completed)]

[Content: The dawn is fleeting. Before the final disaster, you can still find a ray of life. What you need to do is to live as far as possible. Today's climate has become extremely chaotic, the four seasons are out of balance, and the growth of vegetation is out of control. This is the result of the out of control law of order. The proliferation of mutant organisms must not be found by those dead people, although they are lost The sense of smell and hearing become more acute]