Chapter 44 Fantasy (IV)

"I always feel a bad foreboding." The young man said this sentence to Mikhin Osaka quietly.

"It's all right, Ounai. Let's go."

Two days later, they walked slowly into the dark alley with the bad teenagers.

"It's almost there."

"If there were people here, they would not be in the way."

"Well, hey hey!" A young man fell down with a loud crash.

"Ounai sauce! What have you done? It's a good deal."

"Of course you can't let this guy get in the way. Come on, hand over your cash."

"Don't forget your ATM card and password."

"By the way, credit card is a must for the eldest daughter of Changpantai Middle School."

"Well, where is Fantasy Mikado?" Mikasaka Meiqin exclaimed.

"If you want, just hand it over, otherwise you will be like your poor brother. Ha ha ha!"

There are already some bad clothes. I want to find out the clothes of teenagers.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," said Mikasaka Meiqin helplessly. "Hey, you guys, get up quickly."

With the sound of Yusaka Meiqin falling, the teenager stood up miraculously under the surprised eyes of the bad guys. "How, how could it be?"

"Alas, it seems that I can't ask. It's a waste of time. Use force directly."

"Yes." Mikasaka Meiqin responded helplessly.

"Let's guess. Whoever loses will solve the problem. After all, our fire is still very big, right?" The boy showed a cruel expression.


"Scissors, stone and cloth!" they shouted at the same time, winning with Yusaka Meiqin's scissors.

"Ah, I won."

"It's up to you."

"Stop joking, you think we are so easy to solve!" The bad side finally realized a little wrong.

"Solve these two little bastards."

With the attack of several people. Mikasaka Meiqin didn't pay any attention. A strong blue light emerged from her, and then hit her at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

The hit bads made a continuous noise like killing pigs. Then the whole body smokes, the eyes are dull, and he falls down with convulsions.

"It's rare for us to be so humble. Please hand over the information quickly."

"Are you kidding me? Let me show you how powerful we are after our ability has been upgraded." After listening to this bad remark, other people were no longer afraid, but also shook their fists to prepare for the battle, and then gradually surrounded the two people.

"Do these guys really use Fantasy Regal? There are so many people who have been promoted."

"Yes, I'm also surprised. Is it really so easy to upgrade?"

Two days, even if surrounded, he talked calmly.

"Let's go together and let them taste our upgraded power!" A group of bad teenagers attacked the two together.

However, even if the number of people increases, the fate of these bad people still remains unchanged.

The same blue arc, the same smoke, the same convulsive fall.

"Oh, there are so many people. It's hard to stay."

"If only you could give it to me." The young man could not help blaming Yusaka Meiqin.

And then a voice sounded.

"It's really a big trouble." A bad girl came over.

"Elder sister..." one of them shouted weakly with some consciousness.

"I said," How can you hit me casually? "

Hearing this, the two people could not help blushing.

"Hey, we are not little lovers. Don't misread us."

"Hug, sorry."

"The attention of hitting women's wallets."

"Yes, but."

Bad was about to explain when the bad girl interrupted the bad reply with a slap.

"Dare to talk back. I'm tired of living."


"I'm not the one you want to apologize to, and so are you."

Hearing this, all the bad people on the ground stood up weakly, lined up and apologized. "I'm really sorry!"

"That's all right. Go around them," said the girl. I don't know how to respond when I see them.

"Go back, little ones!"

"Yes." The undesirable people responded in unison, and then scattered away.

"Are you their boss?" Mikasaka Meiqin asked. "In that case, you know the things of Fantasy Yu Shou best."

"Compared with these, you have repaired my little brother well. I think you must have done a good job of enlightenment, you two." The girl said angrily.

"What about enlightenment..." Mikasaka Meiqin was puzzled. The boy felt that this guy was hostile.

"What about the apology just now?"

"That is that, this is this."

"Oh! Is that so? Let me meet you." The boy patted Yusaka Meiqin on the shoulder. He didn't want anyone to get stun by her again.