Chapter 78 One Horse Tours the River, Ten Thousand Horses gallop!

Yishan's killing moves succeeded in attracting the attention of all the monsters on the surrounding Huangquan Road similar to the "hand eye monster".

Feeling full of malice from these monsters, Reggie felt a horrible pressure on himself.

Panic, like Tianwei.

His forehead was sweating. Even though he knew that Yishan and Batian would protect himself, Reggie still felt creepy and jumped constantly.

Yishan's behavior is no different from that of the surrounding Huangquan Road, which is like a "poisonous insect" monster population fighting.

However, Yishan obviously doesn't care about this.

Feeling the hostility of these monsters to themselves and others, Yishan not only doesn't have any panic, but also sees strange light, as if he has a little interest.

When this hostile mood at a certain time, to maximize. All the monsters moved at the same time and rushed towards Reggie and Yishan crazily.

Not just physical, physical impact. There are thousands of changes, and all kinds of killing moves and supernatural powers that Reggie has never heard of or seen have burst out from these countless monsters.

All Shentong spells are condensed, shocking the sky and earth, and colorful.

Seeing Reggie three, they were almost drowned by the storm composed of this gorgeous but powerful magic with a strong threat of death.

But just then, Yishan finally moved.

He raised his hand and slowly raised the second finger.

"Ten thousand horses gallop!"

With Yishan's soft drink, although the horse shadow collapsed earlier, it permeated around, and the unreal river water that had yet to be dissipated quickly in the future.

Suddenly, there was a surge.

Seen earlier, the still calm river suddenly showed its ferocious side!

In the roar, every wave on the surging river turned into a heavily armored horse!

Countless waves, that is, countless ferocious horses, galloping ferociously, leaping out of the river tide with the supreme power of destroying heaven and earth!

Looking around, ten thousand horses gallop, connecting heaven and earth!